Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C338 The Sapling be Freeze to Death

C338 The Sapling be Freeze to Death

0"I say, Liu Xuemei, your parents are so honest, how did they give birth to a shameless daughter like you, who stole men behind her husband's back, and let the villagers know, but they didn't even let the villagers say anything! If you really want face, then don't do it!"    


"That's right, you made yourself look like a fairy all day long, and you only know how to seduce other people's men. I'm guessing that the owner of Lingquan Villiage is most likely you seduce him and have him do his homework."    




The villagers' evil words scolded Liu Xuemei until she had no way to retaliate. Her emotions fluctuated greatly and her breast cancer started to recur, causing him to faint on the spot. The villagers saw this scene and were scared, and kept on retreating.    


Zhang Xiaofann went over to support Liu Xuemei.    


"Are you satisfied now? Liu Xuemei has breast cancer, the bastard is afraid of spending money, so she will not come back for a year, and will not treat Liu Xuemei either. Now that the breast cancer has recurred, all of you are the main culprits, I will call the police to come over and capture all of you women who love to talk nonsense. "    


The villagers were all afraid of those people who would get involved in this mess. One by one, they started to criticize Niu Shunzhi, calling him an inhumane person.    


Niu Shunzhi came to look for trouble today because someone in the village called him to tell him that Liu Xuemei had found a big boss, so he had decided to divorce him and ask for compensation. Now that Liu Xuemei had fainted, she quickly ran away in fright.    


Zhang Xiaofann ran into the room with Liu Xuemei. Liu Xi Ming was blocked outside the room by Zhang Xiaofann and felt like the sky was falling apart, his daughter had breast cancer and his wife had brain thrombosis.    


Zhang Xiaofann placed Liu Xuemei on the kang and started to save him. This time, he couldn't care so much.    


Following the burning of the blue colored flames, Liu Xuemei's body slowly recovered. At this time, Zhang Xiaofann clenched his teeth and spat out three mouthfuls of Green Energy into Liu Xuemei's mouth. Then, he scattered those Green Energy s into Beauty Liu's body.    


"Liu Xuemei, your illness is being controlled now. Quickly get dressed, we need to go check on your parents. I'm worried that they will see that you are sick and won't be able to get up again." After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he took the lead to walk out of the room.    


Liu Xuemei put on her clothes and followed behind Zhang Xiaofann. Thankfully, Liu Xuemei's parents were fine after they came out, so they could relax.    


The only thing I can help you with right now is to find a job for Liu Xuemei so that you can get rich and settle the matter of Liu Xuemei's divorce. Then, your family will be very happy. "    


Hearing this, Liu Ximing kneeled in front of Zhang Xiaofann, saying that Zhang Xiaofann was his great benefactor, that in the future, he would repay Zhang Xiaofann no matter what.    


If you want to repay me, then wait for your wife to recover from her sickness. Go to the Lingquan Villiage to find Wang Changgui and have him arrange a job for you.    


Liu Xi Ming was extremely excited. Never would he have thought that at his age, Zhang Xiaofann would even arrange work for him, he was such a good person!    


"Really? I can go to work too. "    


"Of course it's true."    


After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he brought Liu Xuemei to report to Beauty Liu. Today, Beauty Liu received a call from a boss in the county, saying that due to heavy snow falling in succession, the whole house collapsed, causing all the sprouts to freeze to death. It would be very troublesome in her heart for her to go over and take the deposit.    


Now that she had signed a contract with the villagers, even if she couldn't get the saplings, she still had to pay the villagers. Since she had already signed a contract with the villagers, even if she couldn't get the saplings, she still had to pay the villagers.    


"Beauty Liu, what happened? Why do you look so worried?" After Zhang Xiaofann arrived, he asked the Beauty Liu.    


After the Beauty Liu told them the truth, Zhang Xiaofann looked at the Beauty Liu and said, "This matter can't be blamed on you. In the face of a natural disaster, no one can do anything about it.    


After the Beauty Liu heard this, she looked at Zhang Xiaofann.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, do you have a way to save those grapes?"    


The Beauty Liu asked this question but she also found it funny. Those vines had just sprouted when they encountered the heavy snow and were all frozen to death.    


"Let's take a look first!" Maybe those grapes could be saved. "    


Zhang Xiaofann was just casually saying that if the human part of his body was broken, he could use the Green Energy to help him recover. But the tree was dried up, he had never tried it before, and did not know if the green gas was effective.    


"Alright! Let's go and see for ourselves. Even if there's no way to save those saplings, we can at least do our best to save them. "    


After Beauty Liu said that, she went to drive the tricycle. Zhang Xiaofann told Liu Xuemei to go back first and wait for them to come back before making any specific arrangements.    


Liu Xuemei had many matters she had yet to settle, so she agreed to Zhang Xiaofann's request and returned to the Earth Dragon Village first.    


When Zhang Xiaofann and Beauty Liu arrived at Qingshui County City, the sky was already dark. They found a hotel to settle down, were bored and went to a nearby pub to pass the time.    


"Boss, give us two bottles of beer and a plate of melon seeds."    


When Zhang Xiaofann was in university, he went to bars with his classmates. At that time, this was their standard for poor students.    


Beauty Liu had never played in bars before, so when she saw the ladies on the dance floor thrashing around, she felt that it was really eye-catching.    


If it was in the past, she would definitely not come to this kind of place, but now that she was the branch general manager, in order to deal with all kinds of people, she came along with Zhang Xiaofann, hoping to adapt to the illusion. In the future, if anyone chose to do business in a bar, she could deal with them too.    


"Miss, your boyfriend looks like a pauper, and even brought you to this place to drink beer. Follow me, I'll treat you to the best red wine in the world." Just as Beauty Liu sat down, a fat guy came over with a glass of red wine and flirted with him.    


Zhang Xiaofann looked at the fatty and stood up with a smile.    


"Hehe, he's my son. If you want to invite her, then drink two beers with me."    


Beauty Liu rolled her eyes at Zhang Xiaofann. Clearly, she was unwilling for Zhang Xiaofann to let that fatty drink with him.    


That fat guy was suffering from severe hepatitis B virus disease, and doctors didn't allow him to drink alcohol. Drinking red wine was just a feint, so when Zhang Xiaofann suggested to drink two glasses of beer, he was scared out of his wits.    


"What? You don't even dare to drink two beers and you still dare to be a man in front of me? Hurry up and get lost!"    


The fat guy put down his wine cup and also raised it up for Zhang Xiaofann.    


"So what if you can f * cking drink two beers? I have money, I'll give you one thousand yuan to find a forty year old woman. A beautiful girl like you, a stinky farmer like you, is not worthy of his."    


The fat guy said and threw a thousand yuan to Zhang Xiaofann. Zhang Xiaofann smiled as he put the money away.    


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