Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



0Chu He's home was not in Anyang City, but in a small village not far away from Anping City. The village was called Eucalyptus and the villagers that lived there were simple and honest.    


Along the way, many kind villagers greeted Chu He, who politely returned the greetings.    


"Brother, why did you come back so early?"    


Chu He had yet to enter the door, but he could hear Chu Yu's voice from inside the house. His heart felt warm, the feeling of having someone at home waiting for him to return home was really good.    


He was an orphan. His parents had left them forever when he was very young, and from then on, Chu He and the sixteen year old Chu Yu started living a life of mutual reliance in the Eucalyptus.    


"Yu Er, guess what I brought you!"    


Chu He hid the roast duck behind him on purpose and slowly walked towards Chu Yu who was embroidering.    


At the moment, Chu Yu was seated quietly, the embroidery needle was moving around on the silk handkerchief in his hand, his movements extremely proficient.    


"Don't hide it, I can smell it already. It's a roast duck, right?"    


Chu Yu put down the embroidery in his hand and smiled slightly.    


"Sigh ?" "I can't hide anything from you. Hurry up and eat while it's hot. If it's cold, it won't taste good anymore."    


Chu He explained as he placed the wrapped roast duck into Chu Yu's hands.    


"Speak, have you committed another mistake? Why did you suddenly come back so early and even bought a roast duck? How strange ?"    


After Chu Yu received the roast duck, his face couldn't help but reveal a happy expression. But after that, he calmly put the roast duck down, crossed his arms, and pretended to be serious.    


"I have nothing to do, so I can't go home early to see my cute little sister. Don't think too much about it, it's nothing serious. I just fired my boss."    


Chu He smiled as he comforted his sister. However, it was obvious that he was a little weak in his heart, and did not dare to look her in the eye.    


"You scared me to death. I thought you were fired by the boss ?" Chu Yu carelessly opened up the roast duck, but as if he had suddenly realized something, he exclaimed: "What! You fired the boss? "    


"Resentment from Chu Yu + 66"    


"That's right. I don't like the boss, so I won't work for him. I didn't fire him, but don't worry. Take a look at what this is about."    


After that, Chu He took out the money pouch that was hidden on his back and placed it in his hands.    


"Where did you get so much money from? Don't tell me you ?"    


Chu Yu immediately opened the money bag and looked at the white silver in his eyes. He was filled with joy, but when he calmed down, he was somewhat afraid.    


"You guessed it right. I'm off to the bank to rob money!" Chu He asked.    


"Fear Value from Chu Yu + 99."    


's fear level had soared extremely quickly, it was the fastest that Chu He had ever seen, and he could tell that Chu Yu was truly worried about him.    


"Are you crazy? "Then why aren't you running? Don't worry about me. I'm just a disabled little girl, they won't do anything to me!"    


As Chu Yu spoke, he wanted to stand up quickly and keep pushing Chu He out of the room. The worry in his eyes was obvious.    


In a panic, he fell down from his seat, and without caring if he was injured or not, he continued to drive Chu He out.    


"Yu Er, don't get so worked up, this big bro lied to you. These are all my salary for half a year, I didn't steal any money from the bank."    


Chu He had wanted to joke around with his sister, but he didn't expect that Chu Yu would think for his own sake and not only did he not believe it, he also had a bad taste in his heart.    


Chu Yu stopped struggling and asked slowly: "Are you speaking the truth?"    


"Why would I lie to you? Even if I want to rob a bank, I still have to have the ability to do so."    


Chu He hurriedly helped Chu Yu who had quietened down to stand up, allowing him to once again sit on the chair.    


Looking at the Chu Yu whose face was not well, Chu He who had always felt that he was heartless, suddenly felt a heartache, and felt a little guilty.    


In Chu He's memories, he had been working in the Anping City all these years, but he couldn't earn that much money.    


The originally white and delicate hands had become calluses due to the long years of needling. On her fingers, there were still many wounds that had yet to heal.    


"That's true, I doubt you would dare ?"    


Chu Yu calmed himself down right away and thought about it carefully. With his understanding of Chu He's personality and strength, he would definitely not dare to do such a thing.    


"Am I that bad in your heart?"    


Chu He was unhappy to see Chu Yu believe it so quickly.    


"What else do you think!" Chu Yu replied indifferently.    


"Ai!" With my bad temper, I'm going to the bank to take a walk now! "    


Seeing that, Chu He assumed the stance of going to the bank to snatch the money, and got up to walk out the door.    


"Stop messing around, I still have some work to do."    


Chu Yu smiled and pulled Chu He who had gotten up, and then continued to pick up the unfinished embroidery.    


"Now we have a rich family with a hundred silver taels. You don't have to work so hard every day."    


Chu He saw that there were still wounds on Chu Yu's hand that had yet to heal, and spoke with a pained heart.    


"Brother, I notice that you seem to have changed a lot."    


Chu Yu suddenly stopped embroidering and raised his head to look at Chu He.    


Ah!" Is there?     


Chu He's heart was at his throat, thinking, could it be that she saw through something?    



"Yes, you've never cared about me that much before. You're usually very quiet. Even though you care about me a lot, you never said it out loud."    


After Chu Yu finished speaking, he lowered his head and started to embroider again, but he still could not hide the smile that was on his face.    


"Then do you like the me of the past, or the me of the present?"    


Chu He pretended to ask, but he was extremely anxious for Chu Yu's reply.    


"What's the difference? It's all because of you! " Chu Yu answered without thinking, then thought about it carefully: "Right now, you feel a little better ?"    


"Oh ?"    


Chu He pretended to be calm and composed, as happiness blossomed in his heart.    


"Then I'll go take a bath first. Remember to eat all the roast duck. See how thin you are now."    


He personally opened up the roast duck wrapped in lotus leaves and handed it over to Chu Yu.    


He clearly saw a gratified smile appear on Chu Yu's face when he saw the duck that did not have the skin of a duck, and he immediately headed towards the bathroom.    


"Is this the feeling of having a sister? "That's great!"    


Before Chu He had transcended over, he had always been an only child. What he desired the most was a younger brother and sister.    


He hadn't thought that he would be able to fulfill his wish here. Having such a sensible and cute little sister was the happiest thing that happened to him after he transmigrated.    


It was even more enjoyable than getting the Demon King's System.    


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