I Am A Billionaire

C125 Money Humiliation

C125 Money Humiliation

0Before Lin Xiao could enter the state of mind, he was so frightened by Zhang Facai's shout that his hands almost trembled.    


"What's going on?" Lin Xiao frowned and looked over. He felt that Zhang Facai's tone was not quite right.    


Zhang Facai's eyes were full of anger. He looked at the character on the computer who was standing next to his game character, whipping the corpse. He gnashed his teeth and said that it was that junior.    


The name of the junior was also very cool. It was only two words, "Ai Tong.    


Zhang Facai was very angry when he saw this name.    


Xia Zitong's character was a little nurse. She stood beside Zhang Facai's character and was at a loss for what to do.    


Zhang Facai felt that he was too useless. He had embarrassed himself in front of his girlfriend.    


"F * ck." Zhang Facai wiped his face. He was extremely annoyed.    


Lin Xiao came over silently and looked at the scene. He bit the soft meat in his mouth and clicked his tongue. He asked Zhang Facai what the game was based on to improve his ability.    


Zhang Facai smiled bitterly. "It's just money. What else can it be used? This junior's family is quite rich. That knife of his can take half of my life with just one strike."    


Lin Xiao relaxed when he heard that.    


"Won't it be fine if you need money? What he didn't need the most was money.    


"Is it money?" Lin Xiao asked. Zhang Facai did not understand what he meant when he saw Lin Xiao open his charging interface. The two-dimensional code showed the payment.    


Zhang Facai was stunned. What was he doing?    


Lin Xiao took out his phone and scanned the two-dimensional code.    


Zhang Facai could not believe that Lin Xiao wanted to charge him.    


"No, Lin Xiao, Mr Xiao, don't." Zhang Facai stood up to stop Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao managed to hold him back with one hand.    


He moved quickly and charged the money.    


Zhang Facai stopped when he heard the sound of the computer and the notification from Lin Xiao's phone.    


Lin Xiao looked at the notification on his phone. One was 80 million yuan that Bai Shuang transferred to him ten minutes ago, and the other was 100 thousand yuan that he charged for Zhang Facai.    


After pressing the phone to death, Lin Xiaowei looked at Zhang Facai with a smile.    


Zhang Facai clicked his tongue and begged Lin Xiao not to charge too much. Otherwise, he would not be able to afford it.    


Zhang Facai walked in front of the computer with a sense of luck and saw that 100,000 gold coins was a million gold coins in the game.    


Zhang Facai's eyes turned black and he froze.    


"Let's talk about it first. Don't give me back this money. If you return the money to me, I'll be worried about you." Lin Xiao said faintly from behind.    


Zhang Facai swallowed his saliva. His hand trembled as he pointed at the computer. He said in disbelief, "Mr Xiao, this is one hundred... one hundred thousand, not ten..."    


Zhang Facai and Xiang Guo were both ordinary families. Their daily living expenses were only about 1,000 yuan. They had never charged so much money in the game.    


Lin Xiao nodded. Seeing that he was still in shock, he sat back in his seat and answered with a frown, "Don't look like that. The money is my father's, not mine."    


Hearing this, Zhang Facai wanted to find a piece of tofu and knock it against the wall to wake himself up.    


Wasn't his father's money?    


Seeing Lin Xiao's expression as if he was trying to hide something, Xiang Guo let out a cry from the side. He came over and pushed Zhang Facai to sit back down.    


"That's enough. Lin Xiao acted like he wanted you to show off. What are you still doing here? Your girlfriend is about to run away with someone." Xiang Guo pointed at his computer screen. Xia Zitong was sending him a message. She asked him why he was not moving. That junior was pulling her to team up.    


Without thinking about anything else, Zhang Facai quickly regrouped Xia Zitong into a team.    


Xiang Guo saw that he was in better shape. He turned around to ask Lin Xiao if he really did not want the 100,000 yuan. This was not a small amount.    


Lin Xiao said firmly that he didn't want it.    


Xiang Guo saw that if he asked again, he would get angry. He said okay, patted Lin Xiao's shoulder and said, "Brother.    


Lin Xiao really did not think much of it.    


It was only 100,000 yuan. Lin Xiao's own logistics company could also earn it in a few days.    


He just didn't want to see Zhang Facai lose face in front of those arrogant kids.    


Zhang Facai was so touched that tears were streaming down his face. He said that he would definitely be a horse for Mr Xiao in the future.    


Lin Xiao was so numb from his flesh. He smiled and pushed him, telling him to hurry up and pretend not to disgust him here.    


Zhang Facai instantly became motivated. He coughed a few times and started shopping.    


The weapons and equipment that usually looked extremely valuable were now only a fraction.    


Thanks to Lin Xiao, Zhang Facai experienced the feeling of being a tycoon.    


When he appeared in front of Xia Zitong again, Zhang Facai had turned into a golden little man.    


Xia Zitong looked at the person beside her who had been reborn. She opened his equipment bar and sighed as she looked at him. Was Zhang Facai that rich?    


The primary school student wanted to come and challenge Zhang Facai to a duel, but when he saw Zhang Facai's equipment, he almost choked on his own saliva.    


"Damn, why is he so godly all of a sudden? I remember that each of these equipment is worth a few thousand." Seeing Zhang Facai's equipment, the roommate next to him couldn't help but open his mouth wide.    


The junior held the mouse in his hand and gritted his teeth as he prepared to charge money into the game.    


The students beside him quickly held his eager hands.    


"Didn't you get banned for this month's allowance? Where did you get the money? Don't be crazy." His classmate knew his junior well. Seeing him go crazy, he immediately stopped him.    



The junior struggled. He could not be compared to the other party. He could not lose this person.    


At this time, Lin Xiao on the public screen seemed to have seen through them. He sent a few messages.    


Dawn: You still want to charge money?    


Daybreak: Stop charging. You can't beat me. I'll give you a chance.    


Dawn: "Get the hell out of here with the others. We won't kill you or else I'll make you lose face in front of Xia Zitong. Think about it yourself.    


A few pieces of news made the primary school brother blush. The students beside him were also a little angry. Seeing the primary school brother continue to charge the money, they did not stop him.    


Lin Xiao looked at the junior brother who had suddenly leveled up and sighed. He shook his head. Why did he not listen to his advice?    


"Zhang Facai, the other side is charging money. What should we do?" Lin Xiao turned his head and asked Zhang Facai meaningfully.    


Zhang Facai saw Lin Xiao's expression and held his computer tightly. Did he want to charge him again?    


"Mr Xiao, Yang, don't charge me anymore. I admit defeat, okay?" Zhang Facai said in a very unambitious manner.    


Lin Xiao was unhappy when he heard this. How could he let Zhang Facai lose?    


A few minutes later, Zhang Facai sat on the ground. He looked at the 300,000 yuan in his computer with a blank expression.    


This time, he really became a tycoon.    


The primary school student opposite him had been watching Zhang Facai's movements. Seeing that he had suddenly become a level 20 noble, he almost couldn't spit out a mouthful of blood.    


Daybreak: Do you still want to come?    


Dawn: Your name is Delicious?    


Dawn: Is your father called Feng Guoqing?    


Lin Xiaogaang had just heard Xiang Guo mention a rich background when he suddenly heard a familiar name.    


Feng Guoqing was a subordinate of Bai Shuang. Bai Shuang had told him this name on the phone before, but he did not want to remember it. He did not expect to use it now.    


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