The Military King Is Back

C2 My Name Is Ye Fei Fei

C2 My Name Is Ye Fei Fei

0Huhai City Police Station.    


Inside the interrogation room, Mu Rong was biting a pencil. She looked at the smiling big boy in front of her and frowned.    


She also did not believe that this brave hijacker, the young man who saved the entire plane, was a wanted terrorist.    


However, the arrest warrant issued by the Interpol clearly stated that it was impossible to make a mistake.    


Was it because his disguise was too good?    


Mu Rong smiled coldly and prepared to tear open Ye Fei's fake mask.    




"Ye Fei, Leaf's Leaf, Flying Dagger."    




"Twenty-one years old."    


" Profession. "    




Mu Rong asked very quickly, and Ye Fei answered very quickly. He narrowed his eyes and had a calm smile on his face. It did not look like he was in the interrogation room, but like he was sunbathing on the beach in Hawaii.    


"No job?"    


Mu Rong sneered and tapped Ye Fei's information with the back of her hand. "I don't think so. Ye Fei, the sniper of the terrorist organization Falcon, codenamed Eagle Eye. Expert in using Barrett XM109 anti-equipment sniper rifle and throwing knives?"    


When Mu Rong read the word 'throwing knives', she was also slightly stunned. What era was this? There was actually someone who was good at throwing knives? Furthermore, Ye Fei was a world's top sniper. Using a gun was enough. What was the point of practicing throwing knives? However, Mu Rong remembered the testimony of the eyewitnesses on the plane. Ye Fei used three plastic knives. He had subdued three armed hijackers.    


Ye Fei, who had been smiling all this time, suddenly turned livid and stood up.    


"Ye Fei, what do you want? Attack the police?" Mu Rong was shocked. She pulled out her gun and pointed at Ye Fei.    


"Falcon is not a terrorist organization! You can insult me, Ye Fei! But you cannot insult Falcon! " Ye Fei clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes burning with anger.    


"How did I insult the falcon? Falcon plotted terrorism in the United States and attempted to murder the governor of the United States. Interpol is classified as a terrorist organization, and you still want to quibble?"    


Mu Rong saw that Ye Fei had taken the bait and deliberately spoke loudly.    


" I said, Falcon is not a terrorist organization! "    


Ye Fei's eyes turned cold. He grabbed the pencil on the table and threw it at Mu Rong.    




The pencil turned into a ray of light and flew over Mu Rong's head.    


The next moment, Mu Rong's ponytail suddenly fell down and her long hair covered her face. She looked like a female ghost and was in a very sorry state.    




On the wall of the interrogation room, a pencil nailed Mu Rong's purple hair to the wall!    


"Hiss! This kid actually dared to assault the police!"    


Two tall police officers immediately walked over and gave Ye Fei a heart-wrenching kick, then punched and kicked. Ye Fei did not resist and was quickly beaten until he spat out blood.    


Mu Rong looked like she was in a sorry state. One hand grabbed her hair and the other hand pulled out a pencil. She wanted to take off her hair but found that she could not pull it off.    


The pencil was already deeply nailed into the wall!    


Mu Rong's heart was filled with shock. This young man in front of her was really too dangerous. Anything in his hands became a hidden weapon that hurt people!    


Too terrifying!    




At this time, the door to the interrogation room was pushed open and a tall figure stood in front of the door. It was an old man in military uniform with white hair and beard. He had a strong spirit and his voice was as loud as a bell.    


Mu Rong saw that behind the old man in military uniform was actually the director of the municipal bureau, Zhou Hongtao. She hurriedly saluted and said, "Director Zhou!"    


"Little girl, let me tell you! Falcon is not a terrorist organization, but a hero! You are still young, there are a lot of things you do not understand, go out! I have something to say to Ye Fei. "    


The old man's expression was serious, especially when he said the word "hero." His voice became heavier.    


Mu Rong saw Director Zhou giving her a fierce look and hurriedly walked out with the other policemen.    


"Director Liu, who is this old man?" Just as she closed the door, Mu Rong impatiently asked. She could see that Director Zhou respected the old man.    


Chief Zhou Hongtao moved his lips and said in a dry voice, "Central Chief."    


In the interrogation room, Ye Fei stood up and said with tears in his eyes, "Chief."    


The chief waved his hand and gestured for Ye Fei to sit down. "Fei, you have been wronged. Open it yourself."    


Ye Fei nodded and walked to the wall. He pulled the pencil down, bit the pencil in his mouth, and fiddled with the handcuffs with the tip of the pencil.    




The handcuffs were unlocked.    


Ye Fei stood at attention and gave the old man a military salute. "Falcon Ye Fei, report to the chief!"    


"Fei, Falcon Team is indeed the most outstanding special forces team in Hua Country. Even the youngest you is also capable. All of you are good."    


The chief nodded with a solemn expression. "The failure of this mission was not your Falcon. There was a traitor among us. In the end, we let you take the blame! Everyone in Falcon was framed as terrorists. Sigh, the country has let you down!"    


" Chief... With your evaluation, the other six people from the Falcon Team, even if you know about it in the spring, will be able to rest in peace! " Tears rolled down Ye Fei's face.    



"Fei, let me ask you, why did you violate the order of the organization? The organization has arranged for you to take refuge in South America. Why did you take the risk to return to the country? Aren't you afraid of being caught by the international police?" The old man suddenly put on a stern face.    


"Rio de Janeiro Airport is in chaos. Even armed hijackers can get on the plane. How can the Interpol catch me!? Furthermore, I have a reason to return to China! Chief, Falcon Team, death pension for six comrades. It has not been sent out yet. "Ironhead's father has a cerebral thrombosis, and Huzi's son has just reached the age of three and is going to kindergarten... Everyone needs money!" Ye Fei stood at attention and said loudly.    


" The pension hasn't been paid yet? " The old man was stunned. "Wait a moment, I'll make a call."    


As a sniper, Ye Fei not only had extraordinary eyesight, but he also had extremely sharp observation skills.    


On the plane, he only took a glance and found that the waists of the three hijackers were bulging, and they were behaving sneakily. Clearly, they were carrying guns.    


Now, Ye Fei noticed that the old man's military uniform did not have a general's epaulet. Moreover, the pension was not issued. The chief should have known about it and did not need to call to ask.    


Ye Fei frowned. Could it be that something had happened?    


A few minutes later, the chief returned with an ashen face. "Fei, the pension for the Falcon members has been approved. However, there is a traitor in the organization and the news has been leaked. The account for this money has been frozen by the Interpol."    


"Then what should we do?" Ye Fei's face changed.    


" The current method... We can only wait! The organization can't arrange another sum of money. However, the freezing of the Interpol is only temporary. It will be defrosted after a period of time. At that time, the pension will be issued! " The old man frowned.    


"Chief, that won't do! The family members of their comrades were in a hurry to use money. They would need to pay at least fifty thousand per month for their living expenses. They can't wait! I even sold my sniper rifle and throwing knives, but it's still not enough. Chief, can you think of a way, in your personal name..." Ye Fei said anxiously.    


"Personal name?"    


The old man smiled bitterly. "If it was in the past, not to mention fifty thousand, it would be one hundred thousand. One million, I have my ways too! But... because of the Falcon incident, I was also implicated. Now that I have retired early, I only have a monthly pension of 8,000 dollars..."    


"What... Chief, you have retired?" Ye Fei had felt that something was wrong just now, but he did not expect the matter to be so serious.    


The old man frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly, his brows relaxed. "Fei, this time when you return to the country, you will not be able to leave the country for the time being. In the country, you have nothing to do with it. It is not easy to find a job. Although I have retired, my relationship is still there. I have a friend. I am recruiting bodyguards. The treatment is very good. I will discuss with him... I will give you fifty thousand a month's salary. What do you think? "    


"Bodyguard? Fifty thousand a month? Alright, I'll do it!"    


Ye Fei was stunned. As an elite special forces soldier of Hua Country, he originally disdained to do this kind of work, but for the sake of dying comrades, not to mention bodyguards, even kneeling on the street to beg for food, he did not even frown.    


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