The Military King Is Back

C372 Good News

C372 Good News

0"No! Ye Fei's situation right now is very unclear. If anything happens to you when you go in, I cannot bear the responsibility!"    


Zhao Hongshuo looked at the ugly birthmark on Zhong Mei's face. To be honest, in the beginning, he could not bear Zhong Mei's ugliness, but slowly, he was touched by Zhong Mei's pure heart.    


Zhao Hongshuo was not young anymore. He was almost 30 years old. He had seen many girls on blind dates these years. Those girls were all very beautiful, but they were money-minded, and their hearts were dirty.    


In this era, in the prosperous city of Huhai, there were very few good girls like Zhong Mei.    


"Brother Zhao, I beg you! At least let me do my duty."    


Zhong Mei begged.    


"If you say no, then no."    


Zhao Hongshuo said with a stern face.    


"Then... Alright. I'll bring food to Mo and the others."    


Zhong Mei seemed to have given up and said with her head lowered.    


"Oh, okay. Hsu Sande and the others only slept at six in the morning. They haven't woken up yet. Just put the food on the table outside."    


Zhao Hongshuo did not think much and said.    


Zhong Mei carried the food upstairs and did not come down for a long time. Suddenly, Hsu Sande, who was wearing a vest and pants, ran down in a panic. "Brother Zhao, did you and Ah Tang go upstairs just now?"    


"No, Ah Tang was smoking at the door? Oh, right, Zhong Mei just went up. What's wrong?"    


Zhao Hongshuo asked curiously.    


"I... I left my key on the table. I don't know who took it away."    


Hsu Sande said in a panic.    


"What key?"    


Zhao Hongshuo stood up.    


"The key to the vault!"    


Hsu Sande replied.    


"Oh no!"    


Zhao Hongshuo was stunned. He jumped up and ran towards the vault.    


He did not expect Zhong Mei to steal the key to the vault in order to see Ye Fei.    


However, Zhao Hongshuo was still a step too late. When he and Hsu Sande arrived, Zhong Mei had already opened the door of the vault and walked in.    




Zhong Mei had already closed the door.    


Zhao Hongshuo and the other two only had time to see Zhong Mei's back.    


"Quick, use the spare key to open the door!"    


Hsu Sande reminded.    


There were two keys in total at the door of the vault. Hsu Sande had one, and Zhao Hongshuo had another. He was too anxious and confused. He took out the key in a panic, but after opening it for a long time, he found that the door could not be opened.    


"What's going on? Why can't I open the door?"    


Zhao Hongshuo said angrily.    


"I know, there is an internal safety device in the vault door! Zhong Mei opened the safety device! Unless we use a bomb, we can't go in! "    


Hsu Sande was more familiar with machines and said.    


"Then what should we do?"    


Zhao Hongshuo's mind went blank.    


"Go to the computer room quickly. There is a microphone there. Zhong Mei can hear us. Let's talk her out."    


Hsu Sande suggested.    




Zhao Hongshuo and Hsu Sande returned to the computer room in a panic.    


"Brother Zhao, what happened?"    


At this time, Tung Yeh had already returned from smoking outside. He stood at the door with a blank expression. Mao and the others upstairs were also woken up by the noise downstairs. They were all surrounding the door of the computer room.    


"Zhong Mei... want to go in and take care of Ye Fei! He stole the key from Sande and now he has locked the door of the vault from inside! "    


Zhao Hongshuo grabbed his hair, his heart filled with regret.    


"It's fine. Let's take a look at the surveillance camera first."    


Mao turned on the monitor.    


On the monitor, Zhong Mei was holding a basin of hot water and a towel, wiping the blood on Ye Fei's body.    


It was very strange that Ye Fei, who was in a frenzy just now, became quiet when he saw Zhong Mei. He obediently let her take care of him. In the end, Ye Fei still slept on Zhong Mei's thigh.    


Ye Fei spent the whole night and only fell asleep now.    


Everyone looked at each other. It seemed that Ye Fei had not completely lost his mind. At least he could still recognize Zhong Mei.    



Ye Fei fell asleep on Zhong Mei's leg. Zhong Mei made an OK gesture to the monitor and focused on taking care of Ye Fei.    


Seeing that Ye Fei was fine, everyone felt at ease.    


Only in the afternoon did the door of the vault open. Zhong Mei helped Ye Fei out.    


Ye Fei's face was pale, and his face was full of fatigue. His eyes were lifeless, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.    


When they saw Ye Fei come out, everyone put down their work and surrounded him with a look of concern.    


"Director Ye, are you feeling better?"    


"Mr Fei, how are you? Do you want to rest for a while?"    


Ye Fei waved his hand weakly. "I have troubled everyone."    


"Director Ye, what are you talking about?"    


"Yes! Director Ye, it's all our fault for being late and causing you to suffer such a huge crime!"    


Everyone said one after another.    


Zhong Mei helped Ye Fei to the bed and bought glucose from the pharmacy outside. After a long while, Ye Fei slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lee Binn. He said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry! The dojo was burned by Nine Fingered Qiao's people! But I promise you, I will help you rebuild the dojo! "    


" Ye Fei, don't say that! I have already heard about the situation from Wu Da and Xiao Wu. You only provoked Nine Fingered Qiao because you wanted to stand up for them!"    


Lee Binn waved his hand repeatedly. "The house was burned. As long as the person is fine, that is the best."    


"Senior brother, I asked you to help me with something."    


Ye Fei said.    


Lee Binn's face showed joy. "When I come back this time, of course the matter is done! I have found your grandfather's whereabouts!"    


"What!? I have really found the whereabouts of my grandfather!"    


Ye Fei almost fainted from this sudden good news. He did not care about the needle on his wrist and was extremely excited. He grabbed Lee Binn's hand with both hands and thanked him repeatedly, "Senior brother, thank you, thank you so much!"    


Lee Binn smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite to either of us." After that, his face calmed down and said, "Junior brother, don't be happy too early! This matter is very complicated. I'll tell you slowly. There are probably still some twists and turns within it. "    


"Alright! Senior brother, just tell me, as long as there are clues."    


Ye Fei took a few deep breaths before he managed to calm himself down.    


"Your grandfather is indeed in the Hebei Lee family! However, I don't have any status in the Lee family, so I can't access this core secret. Therefore, I don't know exactly where your grandfather is. What I can be sure of is... Because of some matters, he was locked up by the Lee family! "    


Lee Binn said in a deep voice.    


"How dare the Lee family!"    


Ye Fei said angrily, "I will attack the Lee family now and rescue my grandfather!"    


"Junior brother, calm down! As the outstanding disciple of the Thief Sect, the Lee family was not as simple as you think. There are more than a dozen grandmaster-level experts, and there are even experts of a higher realm! Although your martial arts is not bad, it's impossible for you to fight against the Lee family!"    


Lee Binn pressed on Ye Fei's shoulder and tried to persuade him.    


"Then what should we do?"    


Ye Fei calmed down and thought about it. His grandfather, Ye Tianchen, was a grandmaster. Even he was locked up by the Lee family, and it had been more than ten years. It was imaginable how terrifying the Lee family's strength was.    


With Ye Fei's strength alone, it was undoubtedly a pipe dream to rescue his grandfather.    


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