My Fiance Ran Away

C1614 Guests from the New City!

C1614 Guests from the New City!

0Struggle is everywhere as long as there are people.    


People often say that the mall is like a battlefield, it is very miserable and cool, just that there is no smoke.    


Actually, when comparing the competition between the business world and the official world, it was completely not on the same level.    


If the business world failed, at most they would lose everything, and then some big boss would jump off a building alone... But if they failed in the competition of the official world, then the one who fell would definitely not be a single person. It would be in batches and they would never be able to turn the tables in their entire lives.    


In fact, political struggles were the most miserable and cool, so when officials made a decision in certain situations, or even said something, everyone had to think twice before they could express it.    


Just like what happened in Mayan New City this time. Before Chief No. 2 decided to use forceful means to seize control of the new city, He had already secretly communicated with the other permanent commissions before the meeting. After they had unanimously agreed, they started to make trouble for Chu Yong in the meeting.    


According to Chief No. 2's previous judgment, because of the relationship between Chu Yong and the new city, he would definitely not agree to use forceful means. Even if he reluctantly agreed, he would still fight for some favorable conditions for Chu Yang.    


It couldn't be helped. Who asked him to be his uncle and nephew?    


However, when more than half of the regulators agreed with Chief No. 2's opinion, Chu Yong would fall into a disadvantageous situation. Not only would he be forced to adopt everyone's opinion in the end. And his personal reputation will suffer an invisible blow, too. This would be very unfavorable for him to take control of the regulatory committee in the future.    


If the truth was formed, even if Chu Yong's position as secretary was still unshakable, some things would change, and it would affect the huge benefits of the various factions in the future.    


Therefore, when Chief No. 2 forcefully took back the new city and passed his opinion, he knew that he had achieved his goal this time, and that it would be a good start for his future work.    


However, he never would have thought that after Chu Yong heard Secretary Tang say a few words, He actually regained his original confidence very quickly and had a calm expression on his face. Sitting there drinking tea, he had no choice but to stand out and say with a smile, "Secretary Chu, what good news did Old Master Chu send over?"    




Chu Yong smiled gently and finally put down his teacup. He looked around at everyone. He said lightly, "My father sent someone to tell me that he received a call from Mayan New City half an hour ago. Yes, that means he received a call from Chu Yang. He said on the phone that under the current circumstances, He would hand over the new city to the government unconditionally, and he hoped that the government would send someone there as soon as possible. This was because some countries in Europe and America had already made simple phone calls to him. They want to 'visit' the new city and offer some tempting conditions. "    


"What? Chu Yang wants to take the initiative to hand over the Mayan New City?!"    


Even though the second chief was a wise man, after hearing Chu Yong say that Chu Yang wanted to hand over the Mayan New City, he couldn't help but ask. He had a surprised look on his face. Did I hear it wrong? Chu Yang wanted to hand over the new city on his own accord. ? Would he be so generous? What kind of plot was this?!    


When the decision was to seize control of Mayan New City by force, Chief No. 2 had already guessed the possible reactions of Chu Yong, such as helplessness, anger, and so on.    


If that was the case, Chu Yong would force himself to a very awkward position. That way, Chief No. 2, who had the support of some factions, would be able to use the problem of the new city as a catalyst. He would calmly make arrangements for himself and the factions that supported him. He would be able to obtain even greater benefits from it.    


However, he would never have thought that Chu Yang, who was thousands of miles away, would take the initiative to say that he would hand over the new city to the country when his plan was about to be realized.    


Chief No. 2 narrowed his eyes slightly. The surprise on his face was immediately replaced by surprise. However, he was thinking quickly in his heart: How could this be tender? Why should he hand over the new city that he had painstakingly built?    


Chu Yang's action of handing over the Mayan New City had instantly broken the overall plan of Chief No. 2. It even made him suspect whether the uncle and nephew of the Chu family had agreed to do this from the beginning. The goal was to increase Chu Yong's prestige and obtain the greatest control of the regulatory committee!    


After seeing the momentary shock on Chief No. 2's face, Chu Yong was in a very good mood. However, he looked more calm on the surface. "Yes, that's what my father said. I don't think it will be wrong. Mm, if that's the case, the problem with the new city will be easily solved. However, since Chu Yang took the initiative to make the biggest concession that would benefit the country, Should we also return the favor? We can't just take the fruits of their labor for free, right? After all, he was the one who built the new city. He has put in a lot of effort that ordinary people can't afford to put in."    


Chief No. 2, who felt the bitterness in his mouth, nodded in time. He smiled faintly and said, "Haha, that's right. Secretary, you are right. Since the new city is cooperating like this, the government will give Chu Yang some preferential treatment. It's human nature. "    


Chief Number Two really didn't want to say these words, but he had to say it. Because he never thought that Chu Yang would have such great charisma. When the new city was pushed to an unimaginable height, He had actually given up on the control of the new city, causing Chu Yong to fall into a passive position. He had regained control of the overall situation, and had become even more reliable.    


Looking at the regulators who had supported using forceful methods to take back the new city, their eyes started to flicker with unease. The corners of Chu Yong's mouth slowly curled up.    




The first to 'visit' the new city was the king of Saudi, Habdura, from West Asia.    


The reason Habdura was able to become the first foreign head of state to arrive at the new city was because he had received a sincere invitation from the Secretary of China. The king was very happy about this. On the 19th of 2012, at nine o'clock in the morning. With Chu Yong's personal company, he took a special carriage to Mayan New City.    


To be honest, on the way to the new city, the road conditions were not very good. Many places on the road were full of bumps and hollows. It could not be compared to the flat and wide roads in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, when the wind blew, it would cause sand to fill the sky.    


However, President Habdura ignored it because he was here to take refuge and not to admire the scenery in the north.    


As a foreign head of state, he was the first to enter the new city. And... Habdura was already very satisfied that he would be able to stay for three to five days during this period of time. At the same time, he was secretly pleased with himself. Luckily, when I called the Secretary of China yesterday, I sincerely invited China to send out technical forces. If not, we could develop the latest oil fields in Saudi. I can't be the first head of state to appear here.    


When this convoy of thirty luxury cars appeared in front of the 14th checkpoint of the new city, Sir Habdura, who was sitting in the car, lifted the curtains on the window and looked outside.    


On the land before the 14th checkpoint, there was a reinforced mechanical army.    


Not far behind the various new tanks and helicopters, there was a white flagpole. On the flagpole, there was a bright five-star red flag. It was blown straight by the west wind, making a rustling sound that could not be heard.    


The sky was filled with sand, the bright five-star red flag, the well-equipped war chariots, and the valiant soldiers. At this moment, they formed a beautiful scene, solemn and murderous!    


The young, the so-called world's number one army, the China Liberation Army's professional soldier. All of them stood upright in front of armored vehicles, tanks, and armed helicopters, holding the microcharge that China had developed with both hands. Under the dim sunlight, the Bayonet on the microcharge... They were emitting a dazzling cold light!    


Seeing the convoy approaching, the captain at the front shouted, "Salute!!"    


Although he was sitting in a well-soundproof car, Habdura still heard the roar. He tore open the west wind and went through the window, making his eardrums ring. He couldn't help but open his eyes wide and drop down the window.    


Outside the window, along with the sonorous and powerful roar, Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers of the Republic simultaneously stabbed their weapons in front of them. The silver cold light emitted by the hundreds of Bayonets was like a bolt of lightning that pierced through the night sky. It made everyone shiver in fear!    


The wind blew in the west, the red flags fluttered, and the sandstorm filled the sky. However, those young warriors still stood as tall as a mountain!    


Looking at the scene before him, Habdura slowly raised his right hand and gave a military salute to the rows of soldiers outside.    


When he put down his hand, he muttered, "If we have to find a troop with the demeanor of a king in the world... Then besides this troop in front of us... There shouldn't be any other army from any other country that could possess such a powerful killing aura. To be able to obtain their protection, even if the world were to undergo a tremendous change at this moment... I think I'll be able to safely get through all the dangers."    


Very quickly, the motorcade stopped at the fourteenth checkpoint for a while before smoothly passing the checkpoint and heading to the next checkpoint.    


Starting from the fourteenth checkpoint at the outermost area of the new city, after Habdura reached each checkpoint, The same bright red five-star flag, the same spear-straight soldier... All kinds of war chariots and fighter planes that emitted the same domineering aura.    


After the fourteenth checkpoint, King Habdura did not say anything else. He did not even raise his hand to salute again, because the various military officials who came with him to 'visit and inspect' him. Including his' imperial 'driver, when the car drove to the checkpoint... He had done what he had done in the past.    


After the motorcade slowly drove past the final checkpoint, the fierce and iron-blooded feeling that made Habdura's heart palpitate slowly disappeared.    


He could not help but let out a long sigh of relief, and his mood gradually calmed down. He knew: In the next few days, if he could make sure that he could return to his magnificent palace... I'll see if I can make it to the 22nd in these few days.    


Habdura's eyelids twitched when he thought of the abnormal phenomenon of three oil fields drying up at the same time before he flew to China.    


However, now was not the time to consider this matter. The most important thing for King Habdura right now was to find a guy with the surname Chu. With the excuse that everyone was an Arab brother (His Majesty was very clear about the fact that Chu had once joined the Uae), He wanted to have a good chat with him to improve their friendship.    


When necessary, he could sacrifice some benefits.    


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