My Fiance Ran Away

C604 It Was Unexpected Right!?

C604 It Was Unexpected Right!?

0This completely subverted human consciousness made Shaang Lige's pupils shrink. She immediately looked up and shouted at Sunn Bin, who had already rushed over, in a low voice, "Sunn Bin, stop!"    


Sunn Bin, who was about to raise the shovel and kill in all directions, was stunned when he heard Shaang Lige's order. His body shook and he asked with a puzzled face, "What?"    


Although Sunn Bin had seen Shaang Lige swinging the Flying Dagger when he was running over, because he was in a hurry to help, he did not see the situation behind the three men in black suits.    


Now, when he heard Shaang Lige ask him to stop, although he was very confused, he did not dare to ask anything. He just raised the shovel and looked at the three men in black suits with a murderous look on his face.    


Shaang Lige's feet slowly changed direction as she stared at the three men in black suits in a semicircle. She slowly walked to Sunn Bin's side and said in a low voice without looking at him, "Go, take your people to the factory to protect the Japanese guests."    


If it were not for the strange behavior of the black suits in front of her, Shaang Lige would have to pay full attention to them. She definitely would not let Sunn Bin protect Yeh Cuicann and her daughter. Instead, she took out her phone and called Monkey and the others. She had them withdraw.    


Sunn Bin was very confused about Shaang Lige's instructions. There were only four people on the other side, and we have a lot of people on our side. Was there a need to go to the factory to protect the Japanese guests?    


Sunn Bin did not understand, but he could tell from her cold voice that the situation was not good. He did not dare to speak anymore nonsense. He agreed and turned around to run.    


"Keke!" Sunn Bin had just run fifteen or sixteen meters when he suddenly heard the laughter of a night cat not far behind him. He turned his head abruptly and saw seven or eight meters behind him. A black suit with a knife in both hands was slightly leaning to the side. His feet did not seem to have left the ground at all. Instead, he was sliding on the ice as he chased after him!    


"Ah! F * ck, you still dare to chase me?" While Sunn Bin cried out in shock, he also saw that Shaang Lige was already fighting with the other two black suited men.    


He had already said that Mr. Binzi once said in front of Chu Yang, Mr. Chu, that he was very capable.    


One. How could a person who was self-confident and capable be a person who was afraid of trouble? More importantly, his boss was fighting with the enemy. He couldn't back off no matter what, could he?    


Therefore, even though he was very shocked by the running posture of this black suited man, and was even more scared of the shining knife in his hand, Sunn Bin still roared loudly and raised the shovel high and threw it at him!    


Do you know what Mount Tai Pressure is?    


Just look at the iron shovel that Mr. Binzi threw out at this moment and you will understand.    


After Sunn Bin threw out the shovel, he suddenly had a very hot-blooded heroic spirit. A real man should hold his saber and attack immediately!    


When dealing with the Taishan Pressure, other than dodging, the most common thing to do was to use the things in his hands to copy the first hero of the Sui Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanba, and use his hand to 'cross the purple-gold beam'.    


"Hehehehe!" After Sunn Bin's iron shovel force slashed down, the black suited man made a sound as if he was having sex. He raised his samurai with both hands and fiercely swung it outwards!    


Kacha! With a sound, the sharp blade borrowed the force of the collision between it and the iron wooden handle and directly cut the wooden handle into two!    


The cut off iron wood fork was like a thorn.    


"Watch my move!" The broken branch of the tree was cut off. Although Sunn Bin was very frightened, he gritted his teeth and lowered his body. The half of the shovel in his hand stabbed towards the black suit's lower abdomen!    


As the saying goes, every inch is short and every inch is dangerous. Although Sunn Bin's iron shovel was cut off, This also made him move the half wooden handle more agilely. He used the wooden handle as a sword. In an instant, he achieved his goal as he wished. With a nudge, he pierced through the black suit's clothes.    


Although Mr. Binzi had always had the 'I will only use my fist and size to scare you a little, I will at most let you bleed.' However, he would never take your life, but in front of a shining knife, he still treated all of this as bullsh * t. This stab had absolutely no intention of showing any mercy. It had completely pierced into the black suited man's abdomen.    


Will I stab him to death... After truly feeling the wooden thorn piercing into the black suited uncle's abdomen, Mr. Binzi suddenly became very afraid.    


Sunn Bin was very afraid that he would stab someone to death like this. Although he did it in self-defense, there was still a limit to his defense, right?    


Therefore, after the thought of very afraid arose, Sunn Bin immediately pulled back the wooden thorn with a pale face and was stunned on the spot.    


Sunn Bin was stunned on the spot. It was definitely not because of the blood that flowed out from the area where the black suit was stabbed in the abdomen or intestines. It was because he saw that the tip of the wooden thorn did not have the red color that should have been there. It was a small green sticky liquid!    


The green sticky liquid was like a naughty child who had pierced a caterpillar with a bamboo stick. It flowed out of the caterpillar's body.    


"Urgh..." Sunn Bin stared blankly at the tiny thing on the tip of the wooden thorn. His stomach suddenly shrank, and then he squatted on the ground and started to vomit.    


"Kaka!" After Sunn Bin stabbed him, the black suited man was stunned. He did not take this opportunity to chop his head off with a knife. Instead, he let out a laugh. He said in awkward Mandarin, "I didn't chase after you to kill you, I just wanted to let you know that I can't kill you! If you people are smart, you'd better not get entangled with me. Otherwise, I'll kill you!"    


After saying that, the black suited man coldly glanced at Wang Xiaosan and the others who had already surrounded them. Then, he turned around and swaggered towards the north, passing through the crowd.    


On the road to the north, a gray and blue taxi drove over.    


The black suited uncle didn't know if the person sitting in the taxi was the reinforcement that Shaang Lige arranged to be in charge of the safety of the outer perimeter.    


If not, when the driver saw him standing in the middle of the road, he would either dodge or stop.    


If it was, he would definitely drive over and hit him... Then he could start a massacre!    


The black suited man could disdain to kill Sunn Bin and the other country bumpkins, but he definitely did not mind killing Shaang Lige's reinforcements!    


When Sunn Bin stabbed into the black suited uncle's abdomen just now, Wang Xiaosan and the others were able to see clearly that Sunn Bin was running very fast.    


At that time, they were just as afraid as Sunn Bin.    


After all, piercing a person's stomach with a wooden thorn was much more serious than slapping him twice with a piece of hair.    


But now, they were no longer afraid. Instead, they foolishly looked at the green sticky tip of the wooden thorn.    


Someone suddenly said with a trembling voice, "Are... are they the zombies in Resident Evil?"    




When Shaang Lige's Army Thorn stabbed into the left side of the black suit's right ribs for the third time, and he was still energetically attacking her, Shaang Jiuer, who didn't know what fear was, now her snow-white face became even whiter.    


Glancing at Koo Mingchuang on the other side, he also kept retreating while fighting. His once handsome little white face began to distort from fear.    


Regardless of whether it was Koo Mingchuang or Shaang Lige, they were not afraid of death.    


But they were afraid of people who could not be killed.    


Shaang Lige knew very well that no matter how fast her knife was and how skillful she was, There could only be one result of pinching each other. That was, sooner or later, she would let those who could not be killed be killed!    


They were zombies... Shaang Lige quickly retreated to avoid the black suit's knife on her left. This thought popped up in her mind.    


Zombies existed in many sci-fi movies. Among them, the most famous one was none other than the Resident Evil series.    


Shaang Lige had seen this kind of movie during the year she settled in the Double Happiness Club. That was why she thought that these black suits might be zombies.    


Zombies were only an unknown object in the legends. How could they appear in reality alive?    



Shaang Lige did not understand, so she began to be afraid.    


With Shaang Jiuer's skills, she could completely force these black suits back and fly away.    


But if that was the case, not only would she not be able to complete her original intention of luring the snake out of the hole, but she would also harm those beautiful Japanese friends.    


Ms Jiuer indeed did not like Yeh Cuicann and her daughter very much, but this did not mean that she was afraid of leaving them behind and running away!    


So, she could only concentrate all of her attention and clench her teeth as she pounced again!    




"Mr. Binzi, what should we do!? "    


Wang Xiaosan looked to the north with a pale face and asked Sunn Bin who was kneeling on the ground.    


"Everyone, go to the new pharmaceutical factory and close the door!" Sunn Bin wiped his mouth and stood up from the ground. He also looked to the north.    


After leaving Sunn Bin and the others in the black suit, he walked more than ten meters north. He stood straight in the middle of the road, his eyes devoid of any anger. He stared coldly at the taxi that had arrived a dozen meters away in the blink of an eye.    


It was getting closer and closer!    


Not only did the taxi have no intention of stopping, it even increased the throttle and charged straight at the black suit!    


"Kaka, you're courting death!" After the black suited man hoarsely spat out these words, his body slightly lowered. With a stamp of his feet, he flew up for the rest of his life!    


According to the black suited uncle's estimation of the taxi's speed, when he jumped up, the taxi should be able to 'fly' to where he was standing.    


At this time, he had already jumped up, and when he landed, he should be standing on the top of the taxi.    


Then, he could immediately lie on the roof of the car and use the knife in his hand to smash the windshield in front of him, killing the driver inside!    


The black suited uncle stomped his feet and flew up like a giant night cat. In the air, he made an exceptionally cool forward somersault and then landed...    


The black suited uncle landed.    


However, he did not land on the roof of the taxi, but on the spot where he originally stood... Because the taxi that was speeding more than 100 miles per hour, when he had just jumped up... The car came to a sudden stop, and the rear of the car shook as it stopped there with a squeak. It immediately disrupted the plan of the man in the black suit.    


It felt very unpleasant to have his plan disrupted by someone.    


The man in the black suit was angry. He waved the steel knife in his hand and his nostrils rose and fell rapidly. He angrily strode towards the car door of the driver's seat.    


He decided that regardless of whether the person driving this car was Shaang Lige's peripheral security personnel, he must die. Daring to tease me, damn it!    


The person driving this taxi was a young man in a branded suit. He seemed to have only seen a person in front of the car after he had stopped the car. There was a lingering fear on his face. He foolishly sat in his seat and stared blankly at the black suit that was quickly walking to the front of the car door.    


"Come out!" The black suited man opened the car door and reached out his left hand to grab the young man's shoulder, pulling him out!    


The black suited uncle, who had been 'teased', was now extremely ferocious. He was prepared to pull the young man out of the car, then use his hand to pick up the knife and swing it. Once it was over, everything would be over!    


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