My Fiance Ran Away

C357 The Mayan Prophecy!

C357 The Mayan Prophecy!

0Koo Mingchuang just stepped on the car and turned around. "Sister-in-law, is there anything else?" This pendant, hehe. " Chai Murong smiled and took out the jewelry box in her pocket and handed it to Koo Mingchuang." Keep it and give it to your real girlfriend. " Mingchuang shook his head and pushed the jewelry box away. "Sister-in-law, I never had the habit of taking back my gifts.    


Although Chu Yang is not a thing, I still cannot take it back." After Mingchuang finished speaking, he did not wait for Chai Murong to decline again. He lifted his foot and got into the car, then started the car.    


Looking at Chai Murong standing at the entrance through the reflective mirror, Koo Mingchuang let out an envious sigh in a low voice. He muttered to himself, "Sigh, what a good girl... Other than her bad temper, she dared to smash someone with a thermos. Whether it was her appearance or temperament, she could be considered perfect.    


How could such a top grade girl be mesmerized by Chu Yang... I hope that the scene that Chu Yang and I played just now will make Sophie back off and obediently return to England.    


Otherwise, I would have been beaten up for nothing.    


Damn it, I don't understand. It was clearly him who caused this. Why should I embarrass myself by staying with him? What a pity for my good image..." After Murong Mu watched Koo Mingchuang drive away from his line of sight, he let out a low sigh. He turned around and walked into the house.    


In the room, Chu Yang was sitting on the sofa and smoking with his head lowered. Sophie was standing in front of him, looking at him with respect.    


Manyu held the fridge with one hand and looked at the couple with a strange look.    


Now, she also recognized this foreign girl who did not hide anything from others and threw flirtatious glances at him. It turned out that she was the executive CEO of the Sun Umbrella Company in England, Sophie.    


She was very puzzled. Why did this Chairman Sophie hook up with someone else? Koo Mingchuang left. " After Chai Murong entered the house, she casually closed the door. She walked to Chu Yang and repeated, "Koo Mingchuang left. He just came to Huaxia today. You should let him feel the warmth between brothers. But now he has left. " You have already let him feel the warmth for me. "Chu Yang looked up and said casually," What else can make people feel warmer than half a bottle of hot water? " If you don't push me, you will hit me..." Chai Murong blushed and touched her butt. She snorted and said, " Humph, shouldn't you explain to me why?" Explain what?" Chairman Sophie's matter. " As soon as Murong finished his sentence, Sophie continued, "Can I explain it for him?" On the way home from the airport, Chai Murong and Sophie were still holding hands, appearing very intimate. But she did not expect that this foreign girl was actually coming for Chu Yang.    


Instantly, the impression of the big official towards her plummeted and very consciously, he included her into Hua Mannyu Zhou Shuhan's Little Brother.    


After giving a cold smile, Chai Murong sat on the sofa opposite Chu Yang. She crossed her legs and looked like she was interrogating a criminal. "I just want to find out what is going on. As for who, tell me clearly. I don't mind." I apologize to everyone first, it was my sudden appearance. This has caused a misunderstanding between Chu Yang, Koo Mingchuang, and you all." Sophie bent down and bowed to the other three people.    


I don't really care if you apologize or not.    


I just hope that after you watch the scene of 'brothers turning against each other' just now, you will feel guilty in your heart. Then, you will obediently return to England and never disturb me again from now on.    


I really have no interest in being your Guardian God... Chu Yang looked at Sophie and took out a cigarette to light it up. He had a leisurely look on his face as if it had nothing to do with him.    


After Fey finished apologizing, she raised her hand and combed her golden hair. She did not sit down and just stood there. Her sea blue eyes looked at the dark night sky outside the window. Her voice carried a trace of mystery from a foreign land. "My name is Sophie, the CEO of the Sun Umbrella Company in England.    


Before I went to the Sun Umbrella Company, I had already been a volunteer at the International Red Cross for four months." Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu knew what Fey said. It belonged to the 'official documents', but what she said next... But began to surprise them and brought them into a very mysterious legend.    


My hometown is the M Country, the origin of the Mayan Civilization. I belong to the descendant of Feathered God in the Mayan Civilization... " Sophie used very clear and fluent Mandarin for more than ten minutes. She talked about how she met Chu Yang (omitted a lot of bloody scenes), as well as her background and the legends of her tribe. She explained in detail, "I am the princess that the Zorchians believe in, and the reason why I exist in this world. I am willing to give up everything for Feathered God. " Fey looked at Chu Yang and walked in front of him. She slowly knelt on the ground, put her hands together, and lowered her head. She murmured, "Great God, please accept the most sincere worship from your people." As she spoke, she spread her hands and lowered her head, touching the ground with her forehead. Then she began to say something that no one could understand. "Aaaaah! Syagule, Mosha!!" Yang spread open his hands and made a helpless gesture. He did not care about Sophie. He said to the stunned Chai Hua Er Niu, "You saw it all, right? This matter really can't be blamed on me." I saw it." Do you have any more questions? " Manyu shook her head. "No more questions. Now I understand why you fought with the person who left just now.    


What you did was actually for Sophie to see. You want her to feel guilty in her heart and be able to leave automatically." In fact, with Chai Murong's intelligence, she should have seen that Chu Yang and Koo Mingchuang went crazy and did it for Sophie to see.    


As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused. Chai Murong was mainly carrying the burden of Chu Yang's wife. The moment she saw a foreign girl hugging a certain person's legs, she was burning with jealousy and lost her mind. That was why she did not see all of this.    


Now, after Hua Mannyu's guidance, she woke up and immediately regretted caring about Koo Mingchuang just now.    


If she did not say it out loud, others would not think that she was a mute.    


Chu Yang smiled embarrassingly and admitted frankly, "That's right. I did this because I don't want to get entangled with Sophie anymore. Sophie, get up. I don't like you kneeling to me like this.    


Also, I will say it once more solemnly. I am a Z People of the Dao. It has nothing to do with you Zoqir people.    


I have no interest or ability to make your Guardian God. " Fey raised her head obediently, but her words still gave Chu Yang a headache." Whether you are our Guardian God or not, it doesn't matter who said it. Including yourself." After Sophie said this, she did not wait for Chu Yang to speak. Chai Murong was the first to be unwilling," Chairman Sophie, I understand that you foreigners all have a firm belief.    


But I want to remind you that Chu Yang is not only a Z People that has nothing to do with the Zorqir people. And he is my legal husband! Do you think that I will let my husband go overseas to make some Guardian God? Furthermore, he is not as magical as you say.    


Other than his two strengths of being shameless and being merciless when hitting women, he really doesn't have any other strengths!" Actually, I still have many strengths... " Chu Yang refuted with dissatisfaction, but then he understood that now was not the time to boast. He quickly changed the topic. "Sophie, why did you say that I am not your Guardian God? Even I did not say it. You get up first and sit down to talk." Because you have the Sun Stone in your hand. " Sophie did not get up, but looked at Chu Yang's left wrist. There was a fanatical look in her eyes. "Only the great Feathered God is qualified to wear this Sun Stone!" It was this Conflicted Bracelet that caused trouble! Yang frowned and grabbed Sophie's wrist. He easily pulled her up from the ground. He made her sit on the sofa beside him and said with a serious face, "Sophie, if I didn't know your character, I would have definitely misunderstood that you like this bracelet! Actually, this bracelet wasn't mine at all. It was given to me by the fox.    


I only wore it for two months.    


According to you, whoever wears this bracelet... Who is your great Snake God, before I put it on, Why didn't you Zoqir find those people to be your Guardian God?" Because none of them appeared in the Mayan Civilization's prophecy! " Sophie said, "I already said that after we parted from Afghanistan, I had the High Priest, Sakku, predict the future.    


Through the divination, we found your precise location. This is also the reason why I went to England to find you.    


However, in the past, I only had a good impression of you in my heart, but I didn't mention this to you.    


Because I never realized that you were wearing Feathered God's Sun Stone.    


But today, I finally discovered it. That's why I'm sure that you're our Guardian God." You're saying that you managed to accurately locate Chu Yang's residence in M Country through divination? " Even though Sophie had told him about it just now, after hearing these words once again, Chai Murong still had a face of disbelief.    


Yes." Sophie nodded affirmatively.    


Manyu also asked at this time, "Chu Yang appeared in your prediction?" Fey nodded again, "Yes!" Then can you tell us what kind of prophecy it is? " Hua Mannyu said," Also, the strange words you said just now... What exactly does it mean? " The meaning of that sentence was, "Sophie once again put her palms together and said with a pious face," Please save us, the great Feathered God, so that the world can be at peace. " When Yang heard that, he laughed foolishly and said, "Heh, hehe.    


When I was young, I did have the great dream of being a superman to save the world and make the world be at peace.    


However, after I stopped squatting and peeing, I no longer took it seriously.    


But now, you actually mentioned my dream... Hehe, how interesting." Fey ignored Chu Yang's words and continued, "According to the Mayan Civilization's prophecy, Earth is not owned by humans. Humans, on the other hand, belong to Earth. The Earth that we are currently living on... This is already the fifth solar cycle.    


Up until now, Earth has already passed four solar cycles, and at the end of each cycle, a soul-stirring plot of destruction will occur." Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu had learned all of the things Fey had said when they were in school.    


According to the prophecy in the Mayan Civilization, humans would have a total of five solar cycles.    


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