My Fiance Ran Away

C445 That Would Have to be Chu Yang Alive!

C445 That Would Have to be Chu Yang Alive!

0The furious Ye Chuqing kicked Akino Anzu off the speedboat. She continued to shoot with her gun until all the bullets in the magazine were gone. After the Assault Rifle made an empty sound, she threw the gun into the water. Then, she hugged her head and knelt on the deck, looking at the dark river. She lost her voice and cried.    


Qin Chao watched all of Ye Chuqing's actions from the side. He stared blankly, but his mind kept thinking about her own problems. This time, it was my fault again. Why do I have to insist on finding Instructor Jinghong and the others? If it wasn't for this, everyone wouldn't have delayed for so long. It wouldn't have resulted in such a result.    


There were many women, many very beautiful women. Usually, after something bad happened, they would know what regret was...    


A speedboat that hadn't been started floated along the turbulent river.    


Ye Chuqing had stopped crying at some point in time. She lay on the deck and looked at the dark sky with her eyes wide open.    


Qin Chao, on the other hand, remained in the same position. He looked in the direction where he came from and did not move at all.    


"Instructor Qin." After a long time, Ye Chuqing sat up from the deck. She held her knees with both hands and said in a hoarse voice, "After the explosion, did you notice him?"    


After a long silence, Qin Chao said in a low voice, "I saw him. I saw him fly over our heads with a person in his arms."    


"Do you think he can survive?" Ye Chuqing's eyes lit up. "After all, he was not hit directly by the bomb. He was pushed into the river by the air wave!"    


Qin Chao was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "At first, I did not believe that woman's words... But now, I believe it. When Chu Yang went to save Yeh Cuicann, that woman said that he was hit by some kind of vicious hidden weapon. She also said that if he did not take out the hidden weapon in time, he would freeze to death. And the river was so urgent... This is also why I didn't mention to go back and search for him."    


Ye Chuqing backhanded wiped her face and turned her head to the side. "I know what you mean by saying this. You are saying that even if Chu Yang was not blown into the underground river, He might be frozen to death by that thing, not to mention that he fell into that invisible ghost..." Saying that, she suddenly raised her hand and punched the deck heavily. Ignoring the blood flowing on the back of her hand, she screamed, "Ghost place! This damn damn place!"    


Qin Chao leaned forward and grabbed Ye Chuqing's right hand, which was about to hit the deck again. He said in a hoarse voice, "Ye Chuqing! You have to calm down! Calm down!"    


" I need to calm down!? Can I calm down!? " Ye Chuqing pushed Qin Chao away and immediately turned around and pressed on her body. She grabbed the shirt on her chest and used her bleeding hand. She fiercely smashed it on her chin, "Qin Chao! If it weren't for your arrogance and arrogance, Chu Yang wouldn't have ended up like this! Not at all! "    


Qin Chao let Ye Chuqing's fist hit his face and body as he tilted his head and shouted, "Yes! It was me who harmed Chu Yang! After I bring you back to the base safely, I will give it to you. Give it to his wife, give it to his lover, give it to his family, and give it to everyone! A satisfactory answer! "    


Ye Chuqing's actions stopped. "Are you saying that you want to die for him?"    


He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth. Qin Chao smiled silently." If my death can be exchanged for his life, then I am willing to die. "    


Ye Chuqing stood up from Qin Chao and took two steps forward. She said coldly, "Then why don't you die now?"    


"I cannot die now because I want to bring you back to the base safely." Qin Chao wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand and slowly sat up. "Ye Chuqing, I know you might really like Chu Yang. Because of me, he ended up like this. You must hate me to death in your heart. "    


"Right." In the darkness, Ye Chuqing nodded and her body swayed. Sitting on the deck, her voice no longer had any anger. In its place was sadness like the sobbing of the river. "I am an orphan. I don't remember being born with parents. I've always been very strong-willed since I was a child. In high school before I joined the army, many students privately called me a female hooligan. However, Chu Yang could see my heart and appearance. Actually, it's different."    


" Harder on the outside but soft on the inside? "    


Ye Chuqing smiled silently." He would not say that to you. He often says that I am a shrew with a glass heart. "    


"Maybe it is because of my character."    


"Maybe." Ye Chuqing changed the topic. "I heard Chu Yang mention you before. He said you were born in a rich family. You are a typical heavenly daughter. He had fallen in love with you seven years ago. But you always had someone in your heart and misunderstood him for coming to the base to pursue you. That's why you put him in our group."    


"He's right, my grandfather is in the military commission" Qin Chao replied in a low voice, "Yes, for me, he did not hesitate to divorce his wife. But I have always kept a person in my heart. I have no feelings for him at all. It was only after some unexpected things happened recently that I... "    


"I don't want to know too much about your matters. Because we are not on the same level. I just want to talk about myself, "Ye Chuqing paused and continued," After he used almost ruffian methods and gentlemanly qualities to make all of our female members accept him, I just realized that he is actually a useless person with a perverted heart but no guts. "    


Qin Chao's tone carried a trace of surprise. "A useless person? You could say that he was a hooligan, that he was a pervert, and that he was a wretched person. But why would you say that he was a useless person?"    


"Yeah, there were a few times that I wanted to... but he didn't dare."    


"Maybe, he was afraid that it would affect him badly?"    


"No." Ye Chuqing shook her head. "He was worried that something would happen to us and affect my future."    


"Haha," Ye Chuqing said. Ye Chuqing laughed happily at this point. "Do you know that in order to improve our results, our group pestered him to teach us after the lights were turned off? Not only do we have to help him back and wash his feet every night, but also, I also secretly kissed him..."    


Ye Chuqing's words seemed to come from the bottom of the underground river, carrying a lingering aura of the core. The things that happened between the female members and Chu Yang during this period of time were so big that they hugged each other and kissed. It was so small that in the morning, she stood at his bedside and pointed at the spot where his blanket protruded. She intentionally winked at him and described it in detail.    


Eight trigrams, just like how one loved beauty, were the nature of a girl.    


No matter when or under what circumstances, as long as two or more girls talked about the third person, they would quickly find a common language.    


Ye Chuqing and Qin Chao were like this.    


After Ye Chuqing told him her self-righteous history of love, Qin Chao naturally told her everything she knew about Chu Yang. He told her everything. Not only did he 'show off' her relationship with Chu Yang, he also told her who his wife was. Who was his lover? He had done all those shocking things for his lovers and friends. He also said it to Ye Chuqing as if he was presenting a treasure. In exchange, the two of them laughed at the same time.    


"Ha, haha! I had always thought that this fellow was a loser with a perverted heart but no guts. It turns out that he even gave the younger sister of the number one expert in the inner court... Haha!" Ye Chuqing laughed and suddenly lowered her head and started crying," Qin Chao, do you know? I have lived so long, and this is the first time I truly like a man. But after just a few kisses, he died! Wuwu, he's dead!!"    


Qin Chao put away the smile on his face and reached out to grab Ye Chuqing's hand. He pulled her into his arms and pulled her into his arms. He used his hand to touch her short hair and said softly," In the future, you might meet a man better than him. "    


Ye Chuqing shook her head and whimpered, "No, I won't. To me, Chu Yang. Just like my parents who died in the fire... From the year I became an orphan when I was one year old, there were a few couples who did not have children who adopted me as their own daughter. But, but I could not find that kind of feeling that made me feel at ease from them. I would rather go back to the orphanage than live in my adoptive parents' home..."    


" But he's already dead! I caused his death!" Qin Chao held Ye Chuqing's hand tightly, tears dripping down her neck.    


"No, no." Ye Chuqing sniffed hard and looked up. "Instructor Qin, I did that to you just now because I was too sad. Actually, I know very well that if Chu Yang and I were to stand in your position, We would not leave Instructor Jinghong and the others behind. "    


Sigh, so what if you understand? But his death is already a foregone conclusion. After I bring you back to the base, I will definitely pay for his death... No, it is a martyr. Hehe, can this be considered as a martyr?    


Qin Chao smiled bitterly in his heart and slowly shook his head. Then he stopped. His red and swollen eyes suddenly opened wide. He suddenly pushed Ye Chuqing away and raised his finger to point in front of him and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Look!"    


"You found Chu Yang!?"    


Ye Chuqing suddenly looked up from Qin Chao's arms. She looked in the direction she pointed and saw a ray of light.    


"I didn't find Chu Yang." Qin Chao bit his lips and said in a low voice, "If I am not wrong, we might have drifted out of the ground immediately."    


" Oh." Ye Chuqing gave a faint oh. She did not show any joy. She just stood with Qin Chao, hugging her knees and looking at the ray of light.    


The underground river, also known as the Subduing Flow, pointed to the river below the ground. It was a type of underground rock terrain that was formed by the gathering of underground water. Or the surface water would seep into the ground along the cracks in the rocks, forming an underground river through the erosion, collapse, and transportation of water.    


There were underground rivers under many of the earth's surface. Like China's Yangtze River, the reason why it kept flowing in winter was because of the supply of underground rivers and underground water.    


And the exit of the underground river under the flag tower mountain in the Sanba line was not a river or a river, but a bay in the western bay of K Peninsula - Jianghua Bay.    


In Jianghua Bay, there were islands and chess pieces. There were many uninhabited islands that were seen as paradise by wild birds, and the scenery was very beautiful with its K People. And the important city of North Korea, the sea river, the main port of K Country, Renchuan, was built on the shore of Jianghua Bay.    


The light that Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing saw now was one of the countless exits of this underground river. It was located within the borders of K Country, saving them the trouble of sneaking into the border of South Korea.    



Staring at the light that was getting bigger and bigger, Ye Chuqing suddenly asked, "If Chu Yang is still alive, are you really willing to be his woman?"    


"But he has no hope of surviving." Qin Chao lowered his head and looked at the river flowing under the speedboat. "Not to mention that he was hit by that kind of hidden weapon, even if he is fine. It is impossible for him to survive for more than ten hours under such low water temperature. We have drifted for more than ten hours. During this time, I have tried the temperature of this underground river. The highest temperature is around three to four degrees."    


Ye Chuqing stubbornly asked, "What if he can survive?"    


Looking ahead, Qin Chao softly said, "If he can still live, I will, willingly."    


"I will too." Ye Chuqing smiled dryly. "But I think you will not."    




"Because I am an orphan. "Ye Chuqing lifted her chin and her eyes flashed with the color of distant light. What I have decided on can only affect myself," she said slowly. But you cannot. You are the daughter of heaven, an out-and-out Crown Prince Party. In reality, you can't be a mistress at all. "    


"If others can do it, so can I."    


Speaking up to this point, Qin Chao thought of Hua Mannyu. Hehe, since she could do it, why can't I be a lover of a man who is willing to trade his life for mine? However, if Hua Third Elder Brother sees that both my sister and I are his lovers, What kind of feeling would he have in his heart?    


When he thought of this, the smile on Qin Chao's face froze.    


She did not forget the pain that Hua Canyu had brought her, nor did she forget that even if she cried and shouted that she was going to be a lover for someone, she still needed Chu Yang to be alive.    


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