Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C6 Bounty

C6 Bounty

0With this issue no longer entangled, Chang Sheng once again thought of what Gu Tianmo had said when he reappeared. "Gu Tianmo, if you say that it might not be that child who framed me, then who else could it be other than them?"    


"Of course it's your master Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign." Gu Tianmo answered as if it was a matter of course. He looked at Chang Sheng with a face revealing his thoughts, "You think, as the most important disciple of the Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign, without your permission, the other medicine boys would dare to frame you?"    


"But my teacher gave me quite a few magic treasures before I went to the Wilderness." Chang Sheng definitely did not believe that his teacher, the Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign, wanted to harm him.    


"Stupid!" So what if you have those treasures? Did they protect you? If I were your teacher, even if I wanted to frame you, I would still give you some magic treasures. In any case, with that lousy strength of yours, even if you had treasures, you would still die! "    


"You ?" Chang Sheng was just about to retort that Gu Tianmo was spouting nonsense, was jealous of a nobleman's stomach, but he suddenly hesitated after accepting Gu Tianmo's inherited memories. His heart skipped a beat, and he searched through Gu Tianmo's memories, discovering that Gu Tianmo's words were not wrong.    


Chang Sheng, somewhat suspected that what Gu Tianmo said might actually be true. Just at this moment, Gu Tianmo's voice sounded out once again in his mind.    


"There's one more crucial point, your teacher is the alchemist with the strongest Immortal Realm. If it wasn't for him framing you, according to what you said, you are his most important disciple, he would have definitely investigated properly whether or not you were plotted against. Do you think that with his Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign's ability, a little boy's framing wouldn't be investigated? "    


"This ?"    


Chang Sheng sank into deep thought. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Gu Tianmo's words made sense.    


"Hmph, when I return to the Immortal Realm, of course I'll take revenge on that boy first. After that, I'll secretly investigate if Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign is the real culprit behind all of this."    


Chang Sheng and Gu Tianmo conversed for a while, Gu Tianmo said that he was tired, and wanted to sleep for a while, and then he ignored Chang Sheng, as though he had really gone to sleep. Chang Sheng followed his memories and walked towards his house. After being out for so long, his family members must have gone mad with anxiety, they had to hurry back, but right now, they had to find a river and clean up the blood stains on their fists and sleeves when they killed the Xu brothers.    


After walking for a long time, a clear stream finally appeared in front of his eyes. Chang Sheng hurriedly reached his hand in to wash it, then the bloodstain on his sleeve.    


"Damn, this is so troublesome."    


Realizing that the blood on his sleeves was difficult to clean, Chang Sheng frowned and decided to just remove the sleeve that was stained with blood. In any case, other people would see him as a fool, and if his sleeve was a bit shorter, it wouldn't be a big deal.    


"Dong Dong Dong ?"    


Chang Sheng had just torn off his sleeve, and at the same time, the sound of footsteps came from behind him.    


"Brother Tang, you have always said that your Fengdu City is peaceful. When I came to the Fengdu City, I could finally see how peaceful your words were. Even though I had only gone past the city in a flash, I had discovered that there were men dressed in green everywhere with blades and swords in their hands, and outside the city, you could see men dressed in green everywhere. These are obviously the servants of some large clan.    


"You're wrong, they are all Chang Jia's men, and it's not what you think either. There was a huge conflict, but their patriarch's nephew was lost."    


Brother Tang explained in a slightly regretful manner, "Speaking of which, Chang Jia has always kept a low profile and has never relied on his power to bully others. Just three days ago, this idiot went missing. Clan Leader Chang Jia has always doted on this idiot, this is the first time such a thing has happened since his nephew went missing. "    


"It's as if the sky was pierced, the normally low-key Chang Jia's police station has people searching for their foolish young master, and the Chang Jia Family Patriarch has even issued a bounty, whoever discovers his stupid nephew will become Chang Jia's honorary guest. Enjoy Chang Jia's treatment as a top guest, and Chang Jia would definitely agree to three of his promises, something that he could do. In these few days, Chang Jia and the countless people who had gone crazy from the bounty had already flipped through the entire Fengdu City, but they could not find the fool. I think that fool is dead. "    


Brother Tang had just explained the situation to his friends who were passing by the Fengdu City. Abruptly, he opened his eyes wide.    


As long as you bring him to the Chang Jia Clan Leader, with power, beauties, fame, wealth, status, wouldn't you have whatever you want? "    


Brother Tang looked at Chang Sheng, who was not far away, and could not help but shiver.    


"Dong Dong Dong ?"    


Just as Brother Tang was about to run over to Chang Sheng's side and grab the "money tree", a heavy thumping sound came from the other side.    


Three horses galloped side by side across the green grass. On the horses were three strong men dressed in green, each carrying a large saber on their backs.    


"It's Young Master!"    


The man among the three looked at Chang Sheng who was standing next to the creek and immediately shouted out loud. He turned his head and shouted in the direction that they came from, "Clan leader, we've found young master!"    


The three of them jumped down from the horses and surrounded Chang Sheng in the middle. They had already found the Young Master, so they could not make any more mistakes.    


Brother Tang looked at the three of them with great hatred in his heart. He knew very well that if he had arrived earlier, even if he had only spoken a single word to the fool, he would have brought the fool to receive his reward. But right now, he was still a distance away from being a fool. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that he had just arrived. The bounty had nothing to do with him.    


Just as the three of them stood still, an extremely handsome white horse galloped towards them.    


"Sheng Er!"    


Chang Sheng looked at the middle-aged man who didn't wait for the white horse to stop and jumped down from the horse's back. He was dressed in a scholar's white robe, the hem of his robe had a clear crease to it, all the way down to his waist. He wore a scholar's white robe, the hem of his robe had a clear crease to it, all the way down to the white robe at his waist.    


Listening to the man's voice that was filled with endless love and excitement, Chang Sheng said to himself in his heart. According to the original owner's memories, the person in front of him should be his uncle, the Patriarch of one of the Four Major Clans, Chang Jia.    


From the memories of the previous fool, it was obvious that his uncle Chang Qianyi paid the most attention to his image and that his white robe was always spotless. But now, he actually appeared in front of him like this, and he truly doted on his nephew.    


Chang Sheng was not an idiot now, how could he not guess that Chang Qianyi had personally made a move since the day he disappeared?    


"Uncle." Feeling Chang Qianyi's concern, Chang Sheng forced himself to call him uncle.    


"Haha, it's good that Sheng Er is fine." Chang Qianyi carefully sized Chang Sheng up from head to toe, and noticed that although his nephew's body was dirty and his clothes were tattered, she was not injured in the slightest. Chang Qianyi immediately calmed down.    


"Sheng Er, where have you been hiding these past few days? Uncle has been trying to find you for so long, can you tell me where you have been hiding these past few days?" When Chang Qianyi realized that his nephew was fine, he asked about the past few days. He did not have any intentions of blaming Chang Sheng, but he felt that it was weird, why did Chang Sheng run out when he was still fine.    


"Hehe, Sheng Er is smart, right?" Chang Sheng opened his mouth, looking like an adult trying to flaunt his intelligence, he laughed out loud, then extended his hand out and said: "It's over there, it's far away from here."    


Chang Sheng's fingers had almost circled in the air, so Chang Qianyi was simply unable to determine which mountain Chang Sheng was referring to. He could only continue to change the topic: "Then, Sheng Er, how did you find this place?"    


"It's Eldest Brother and Second Brother Feng." The three of them said that there was a kind of fun double-eyed monkey in that mountain with double eyelids. Senior Sister Piao Miao had two eyelids as well, I wanted to go and see if Senior Sister Piao Miao had a good look at those monkeys with double eyelids, so I followed them. "    


Beside him, a few guards heard Chang Sheng's earnest words, and immediately felt like they were going crazy. Taking the monkey and comparing it to the other men's goddess, only the foolish young master in front of them could say such words. However, two-eyed monkeys, young master should be talking about the northernmost mountains, right? Only there would be double-eyed monkeys, and that place was extremely far from the Fengdu City, and there were many mountain ranges there, no wonder young master couldn't be found.    


Just as the guards were deep in thought, the young master's voice sounded by their ears once more.    


"Those monkeys are not good-looking at all. Senior Sister Piao Miao is the prettiest, and there's even a man-eating tiger." As she spoke, Chang Sheng seemed to have thought of something terrifying and her body began to tremble. She firmly grabbed onto Chang Qianyi's clothes and said with a trembling voice: "What a big tiger, Feng Da San and co. were all eaten by that tiger. Sheng Er ran for a long time, and she couldn't even find her home.    


"Sheng Er is not afraid. With uncle here, no matter how many tigers there are, Sheng Er does not need to be afraid. Uncle can kill them all with one hand." Chang Qianyi rubbed the back of Chang Sheng's head, his expression full of doting as he said: "Even if you lose your money bag, you don't have to be afraid. Uncle will give you more when we get home."    




"It's true!"    


"Great!" Chang Sheng opened his mouth again, revealing his teeth that were pure white from consuming spirit medicine all year round, "I can buy fun people from the quagmire, paper tigers, and bamboo dragonflies again!"    


"Yep, Sheng Er can buy anything she wants." Chang Qianyi smiled and turned his head, his face suddenly changed, his usually refined face revealed a cold expression: "Inform everyone, Young Master has found them, all of you should go home. Also, in the future, the clan rules will add another rule prohibiting anyone from luring Young Master Chang Sheng out.    


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