Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C47 Graft

C47 Graft

0Chang Sheng muttered to himself in his heart, but just as he was about to leave, in his mind, he heard Gu Tianmo's extremely doubtful voice: "Graft? What do you mean? How come I've never heard of that word? "    


"You haven't even heard of grafting? Gu Tianmo, you really are a bumpkin! Grafting was a mysterious cultivation technique on Earth, which was to fuse two different plants together... Forget it, I won't tell you anymore. You Martians won't understand our Earth people's things anyways. " Chang Sheng replied in his heart as he walked towards a few servants.    


Gu Tianmo was confused and repeated what Chang Sheng had said, "What is Earth? Martian? I am not a Martian, I am someone of Sky Origin Divine Continent! "    


Chang Sheng walked in front of the servants and stood still. He raised his hand and pointed at the medicinal herb garden with an unsatisfied look on his face, "This flower is so ugly, I don't want to see it again!"    


"Huh?" A few servants heaved a sigh of relief. So the young master hadn't come to look for them. He had said that the medicinal herb garden wasn't looking good. But in the medicinal herb garden, as long as he could grow the medicinal herbs well, there was no need to make it look good.    


A few servants looked at Chang Sheng who was standing in front of them, and for a moment, they did not know what to do. They did not dare to tell Chang Sheng that this was a medicinal herb garden, not a garden. If Chang Sheng thought that they were scolding him after provoking him, they would have died unjustly from the pain after one blow.    


Chang Sheng saw that the few of them were not moving, and his face revealed a look of anger: Why are you not moving? "Hurry up and break these annoying flowers, I want something nice to look at!"    


How could the servants listen to Chang Sheng's words? Even if they had a hundred guts, they would still not dare to eradicate all the medicinal ingredients in the medicinal garden. This was the medicinal garden that the clan valued the most, let alone a courtyard, even if there was one less medicinal ingredient, the clan leader would still be able to skin them alive.    


Legend has it that every single medicinal plant in this medicinal garden is worth a thousand taels of silver, and this medicinal plant can bloom only once every hundred years, and only once every hundred years, will the fruit mature in another hundred years. The herbs in the medicinal garden had all blossomed. In other words, a hundred years ago, the Young Master actually allowed them to shovel everything. If they really listened to him, then it wouldn't just be a shovel, but their own lives.    


Seeing that the few of them had remained indifferent, Chang Sheng swung the iron rod on his back and said angrily, "If you don't want to fight, I'll fight myself." This Anemone tree was only about a meter tall, and after it matured, it would only be able to receive one or two Anemone. If it was able to bear three fruits, it would definitely be a top quality Anemone tree.    


Seeing that Chang Sheng had already started to destroy the clan's most precious medicinal garden, a few servants looked at each other, leaving one person behind, the others immediately ran off, not daring to stop Chang Sheng, they could only inform the clan elders and clan leaders.    


Inside Chang Jia's inner court, the four clan elders sat around the table. Compared to the happiness within the clan, the four of them had a miserable look on their faces. They did not care about their family's matters. What they cared about was their own interests. At the moment, their interests were under great threat.    


"Great Clan Elder, I just received news that Chang Qianyi is in the spotlight at the auction. Luo Family had been suppressed by him to the point that not a single pellet was sold, and I wonder how Chang Qianyi bought that pellet. Li Yu had even introduced the pellet Chang Qianyi was going to auction off on the spot. "    


"Chang Qianyi's luck is really too good. I had thought that Luo Family would be enough to cause him to fall head over heels, at that time, we would take the opportunity to seize the position of Patriarch. Who would have thought that he would suddenly receive so many pills!"    


The few clan elders sat together, their faces filled with unwillingness, the third clan elder slammed the table heavily, looked at the clan elder and said: "Great clan elder, this auction has greatly increased Chang Qianyi's prestige in the clan, moreover, with the sale of the clan's many pills, our streets will become even more prosperous, and at that time, Chang Qianyi's position as clan leader will become even more stable."    


"Yes, Third Elder is right." Great Clan Elder, the longer we have time, the higher Chang Qianyi's reputation will be. This will be detrimental to us, so we need to quickly come up with a solution. "    


"Chang Qianyi must have wanted to deal with us since long ago. If we don't make a move, he will definitely make a move as well."    


The Great Clan Elder heard the words of the other three clan elders and his face turned even darker. "I understand the meaning of what you three have just said, but now that Chang Qianyi is like the sun in the sky, what can we do?"    


"This ?" The few elders opened their mouths, but could not utter a single word. Chang Jia and Luo Family had always been sworn enemies, and had never suppressed Luo Family before, but now, Chang Qianyi had completely suppressed Luo Family. Amongst the people in the clan, whether it was the direct line of descent, side branch members or even a group of foreign delegates, who wouldn't praise Chang Qianyi, what could they do?    


Just as the four of them were at a loss for words, the sound of messy footsteps came from outside, accompanied by the flustered shouts of a servant, "Elder, something's wrong! Chang Sheng destroyed the entire clan's Anemone Garden! "    




When the four elders heard the sound coming from outside the door, they suddenly stood up, unable to conceal the anger on their faces. This was especially true for the Great Elder, whose rage was the heaviest.    


The Great Clan Elder was so angry, he was not angry at the future of the clan, the Anemone had just bloomed, and there were no results, if he wanted to mature, it would take more than a hundred years, close to two hundred years. After nearly two hundred years, how could he live that long? What he cared about was that someone had once contacted him to help him get a stalk of Anemone at the right time. The other party had long promised to give him a large amount of benefits once things were done. But right now, he still hadn't found the right time, and Chang Sheng had actually destroyed all of the Anemone. How could he not be enraged?    


"That little bastard Chang Sheng, he completely destroyed the entire Anemone Garden. How are we going to sell it to others?" The second elder scolded angrily. The first elder had told his other three elders before that they would steal a Anemone and sell it to someone else. At that time, the first elder had also promised him some benefits, but now, everything was gone.    


"Chang Sheng, you fool! Why isn't he going to die?! "    


The few elders were furiously venting their anger. Suddenly, the fourth elder waved his hand, signaling the other three to remain silent.    


"Everyone, I also received news today that Chang Sheng had spent fifty thousand silver on a useless rotten branch. Now that he has destroyed the entire Anemone Garden, we know the value of Anemone as well.    


The Great Clan Elder also realised that, he suddenly stood up from his seat, his face was full of excitement: "Fourth Brother is right, I was worried about not being able to handle Chang Qianyi, but Chang Sheng has always given me a great gift! This is our chance! First, he punished Chang Sheng, and then, he used Chang Sheng to seize his position of Patriarch. "    


Right, Great Clan Elder, it's not too much to imprison Chang Sheng, let's go now. The Third Elder looked at his wrist, which was wrapped in thick strips of cloth, and a sinister look flashed across his face. Chang Sheng actually dared to step on his arm to break it.    


"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for us to go this way." The Second Elder's gloomy face revealed a look of worry: "Chang Sheng is very good at fighting, we are not his match."    


"Second Bro, don't worry." The Great Elder waved his hand and said confidently, "Being Great Elder for so many years, how is it possible that I don't have one of my own? I have personally brought Xue Yi and Zhu Yi along with me. With their help, it would be easy to capture Chang Sheng. "    


The Great Elder strode to the door and said to the three of them, "Get ready, I will rush there with Xue Yi and Zhu Yi."    


With that said, the Great Clan Elder left the room, brought along two clan experts that he had bribed a long time ago, and quickly rushed to the Anemone Garden.    


The Anemone Garden was not small at all, it was at least two acres wide. Chang Sheng not only had to defeat all the Anemone, he also had to pull out all the roots of the Anemone tree. It took him more than ten minutes to clean up the entire Anemone Tree Garden.    


Patting the dirt on his hands, Chang Sheng lifted the black iron rod on the ground and was about to walk back to his own courtyard, but there were three figures in front of him.    


Great Elder rushed all the way to the family's most treasured medicinal garden. When he looked again, he found that all the Anemone trees had already been uprooted.    


"Chang Sheng!"    


The Great Clan Elder stretched out his trembling hand, pointed at Chang Sheng, and loudly cursed: "You bastard, you have destroyed the clan's future! That bastard! Xue Yi, Zhu Yi, capture him for me and force him into the family's prison! "    


"Yes sir!"    


On the way here, they had already received instructions from the Great Elder, so they had to capture Chang Sheng as fast as possible!    


Zhu Yi circled behind Chang Sheng, in order to prevent him from escaping. With a "clang", Xue Yi drew the refined iron blade at his waist and rushed towards Chang Sheng like lightning.    


Chang Sheng looked at the several people approaching menacingly, and his eyebrows raised. The flames of anger in his heart rose, they actually wanted to capture him and lock him up in the clan's prison, and actually dared to make a move! Since he was so arrogant, then don't blame me for being ruthless.    


"You want to kill me?"    


Chang Sheng retorted. He raised his hand and grabbed behind him, grabbed the black iron rod on his shoulder, and smashed it towards Xue Yi who was rushing over. To think that a person who had advanced to the second level would want to capture him, he simply didn't know if he was going to die or not.    


The huge iron rod was swung down from the sky, and before the iron rod had arrived, it had already carried a violent vibration in the air, causing a gust of cold wind to blow, directly blowing Xue Yi's hair to dance wildly in the air. When his hair fell, he only saw that a black iron rod had already landed on top of his head.    


In the next moment, a crisp sound of a metal breaking could be heard.    


This time, Chang Sheng attacked angrily, without holding back anything. Three layers of Berserk Demon Stick Method, coupled with his 2500 jin of strength, he was able to wield a 2300 jin iron rod. With such might, forget about a small refined iron blade, even a small mountain would be smashed into smithereens with a swing of the rod!    


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