Battle God Emperor

C41 Refinement Pill Battleware Furnace

C41 Refinement Pill Battleware Furnace

0Dou Tian then walked towards the first direction with a confident and happy smile on his face.    


This was an area where fire-type weapons were stored. The air was filled with a burning heat.    


Especially after they sensed the arrival of Dou Tian, those fire type weapons that already had Artifact Spirit began to automatically revive, releasing even more heat towards Dou Tian.    


This was a warning to Dou Tian. After all, Dou Tian had already taken away the guardian beast Ruyi Sky-fighting Bar, so they knew that Dou Tian was no longer a suitable master for these fire-type battle equipment.    


Especially the wood type Battle Qi Energy in Dou Tian's body, although it wasn't as delicious as the fire type Battle Qi Energy, it was even more captivating.    


However, the wood could still make fire, and could still replenish the energy of the Artifact Spirit that they used to wait for their master's arrival.    


After sensing the scorching hostility, Dou Tian could not help but smile. He then looked around at the few fire-type battle weapons that had already recovered the most of his enmity and said with a cold tone:    


"You know that I'm no longer a suitable master, yet you emit such a strong enmity towards me and even covet my Wood Battle Qi, aren't you afraid that I'll cripple you?"    


Just as Dou Tian finished his threatening words, one of the most powerful spear-type fire type battle equipment took the rest of the nine fire type battle equipment and flew into the air, with each of them pointing their lances at Dou Tian.    


The lance wielder took the initiative to fly into Dou Tian's arms, and the Artifact Spirit replied with a loud voice:    


"You train in the Wood Battle Qi, our area with fire type equipment is not a place that you should come to. If you take another step, we will attack you together.    


Although you are strong, we have the Furnace God s as our backing, so we are not afraid of you at all.    


Hearing this, Dou Tian's smile became even more brilliant. He looked at the black furnace behind the Fire War Weapons and said:    


"In my past life, I truly made a mistake. I actually did not realize that within this declining Douqiong Sect, there was actually a multi-functional, high-grade Dharma rank Dantian refining furnace.    


I m afraid that all of your fire-type battle equipment were refined by it. Maybe even the mid-grade Dharma treasure, the guardian Ruyi Sky-fighting Bar of the sect, was refined by it. "    


After he finished speaking, Dou Tian could no longer be bothered to threaten the fire-type battle equipment anymore. He took out the Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd that was raised in his dantian's Qi Sea and immediately said alluringly:    


"That... You are called the Spirit Refinement Furnace God, right? Do you want to have the chance to swallow this low-grade immortal battle weapon of mine, Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd, and refine it yourself?    


"Perhaps this way, you can also be infected with some immortal qi and will be able to evolve into an Immortal equipment refining furnace. Even if you can't, as long as I brand the Great Dao seed on your body, you will have a high chance of becoming an Immortal weapon."    


Afterwards, with Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd in hand, Dou Tian stood motionlessly at his original position, releasing a powerful soul force that swept towards the area with the fire type equipment.    


Instantly, those fire type battle weapons that were originally shamelessly attacking Dou Tian fell from the sky in an unsteady manner. Their condition, which had automatically recovered, was lifted.    


Only the most powerful spear-shaped weapons were able to hold on with great difficulty. However, it would not be able to hold on for too long. After all, no matter how powerful they were, they were nothing more than ownerless fire-type weapons.    


If there was no Master's input, their own Artifact Spirit's power would be depleted very quickly.    


Of course, if their bodies were branded with the Spirit Gathering battle formation, they could automatically operate it and gather a certain amount of spirit energy from the heaven and earth to replenish themselves.    


Unfortunately, none of the ten fire-attribute battle equipment in front of Dou Tian had any inscriptions of the Spirit Gathering Battle Formation, so the lance-like battle equipment in the end had fallen to the ground and removed the state of self-recovery.    


When the lance shaped war weapon fell, the originally dark furnace suddenly revealed a human face. It then directly opened its mouth and said:    


"Enough! Stop bullying my descendants, I will recognize you as my master. However, you have to place the Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd in my body along with the Phoenix Wing Spear, which threatened you just now.    


I am prepared to melt both of them together. I am the most familiar with the Phoenix Wing Spear's attribute, so I can refine the Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd into an Inferior Grade Immortal Tier Battle Weapon faster. "    


Seeing such a bizarre situation, Dou Tian actually laughed as if he was used to it:    


"That's good. I'll grant you a few more Great Dao seeds so that you can have the chance to become an immortal grade furnace by yourself."    


As Dou Tian smiled and spoke, he forced out a drop of the Essence Blood from his palm and condensed a few seeds of the Great Way, attaching them to the Essence Blood. Then, he directly smacked them onto the pitch black body of the furnace.    


Immediately, the originally pitch black furnace started to blossom with twelve different colors of resplendent light. When the light disappeared, what was held in Dou Tian's hand was a six inch squared colored furnace.    


"En, not bad. Only this kind of appearance is worthy of my Heaven Fighting Martial Immortal."    


Dou Tian was very satisfied with the actual appearance of the Refinement Pellet Battleform furnace, and could not help but praise it.    


"Master!" Quickly put the Ruyi Sky-fighting Immortal Halberd into my stomach, I haven't eaten anything in a long time, I really want to taste a half finished product.    


Furthermore, the Ruyi Sky-fighting Bar was indeed refined from my body, and it can be considered to have been reforged once. It is also my pride to let it have the chance to become a finished immortal equipment. "    


After hearing Dou Tian's praise, the Spirit Refinement Pill Battle Equipment once again opened its mouth and eagerly said.    


Without waiting for Dou Tian's response, he opened his mouth and sucked in the phoenix wing lance that had fallen to the ground. Then, he absorbed it into his own furnace.    


Seeing this, Dou Tian laughed, and could not help but tease:    


"How long has it been since you've refined a Dou Dan or a battle weapon? Why are you so impatient?"    


"Master, you are a man who does not know how to live without hunger! Since two thousand years ago, when the founder of Douqiong Sect refined me.    


He then used me to create Ruyi Sky-fighting Bar s, halberds, tens of thousands of battle equipment and a lot of Dantian s for the entire Douqiong Sect.    


After that, there is only Spiritual Master Fire Phoenix from a thousand years ago. She used me to refine Phoenix Wings, Phoenix Lances, over ten thousand battle artifacts, and Dantian.    


In the following thousand years, in the entire Douqiong Sect, no one was able to find me or use me, and I was no longer able to continue refining artifacts and dantian for Douqiong Sect.    


From then on, I stayed in the corner of the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, my body covered in dust until I became a broken stove that was completely black in color.    


As a high-grade Dantian battle equipment furnace, if you say that my pearl has been covered in dust for a thousand years, how could you not be impatient? "    


After being teased by Dou Tian, the Spirit Refinement Pill Battle Weapon Furnace responded with a righteous tone, and its tone was especially excited.    


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