Urban Omnipotent Son-in-law

C494 Sheng Gao Company

C494 Sheng Gao Company

0Mo Nan had never heard of any Sheng Gao company, but from Su Bingqing's words, he could roughly infer what kind of person she was.    


So after the meeting ended, he followed behind Faang Qi, waiting for the latter to leave.    


Faang Qi's understanding of Mo Nan mostly came from rumors between employees, but he had met the boss of Sheng Gao Company a few times.    


Therefore, he kept Mo Nan behind him and did not plan to go back and call for help. He took the initiative to remind him.    


"Manager Mo, Mr Mo. How about you bring a few more people with you from the security department?"    




Mo Nan looked at him in surprise.    


Faang Qi quickly explained.    


"Although Sheng Gao has the name of a company, he is actually a gathering place for ruffians and hooligans. Almost all the higher-ups of their company have been mixed in. They are vicious and vicious. They are especially ruthless when it comes to attacking. Wang Loong had taken a liking to them back then."    


"After Sheng Gao was purchased by our company, even Director Su tried her best not to provoke them. She hoped that the two of them could get along peacefully."    


"But this time, we are clearly going to cause trouble for them. I am not afraid of trouble, but we are prepared, right?"    


Faang Qi said with an embarrassed smile.    


"It's just a bunch of ruffians. Don't be afraid."    


Mo Nan waved his hand nonchalantly. He didn't care about Sheng Gao at all.    


Faang Qi could only smile bitterly when he saw Mo Nan's casual look.    


The latter kept muttering in his heart, 'You are not afraid.' I am afraid!    


He had just been appointed and naturally did not wish for Su Bingqing to be disappointed. Seeing that Mo Nan could not get close, he gritted his teeth and turned around to call for a group of colleagues.    


After they stopped, Faang Qi jogged over to explain.    


Mo Nan watched quietly from behind.    


It was probably because Faang Qi had a good relationship with them. A moment later, although the middle and upper echelons of the project department looked troubled, they still walked to Mo Nan's side.    


A few of them tried to persuade Mo Nan as soon as they saw him.    


"Manager Mo, you should call a few people. The security guards of Sheng Gao Company are not to be trifled with."    


Mo Nan waved his hand nonchalantly. He glanced at Faang Qi at random and asked if he could move.    


When Faang Qi heard that, he looked at his colleagues who had just spoken and finally nodded.    


The group left the Jinxiu Building after a while.    


On the way, Faang Qi sat beside Mo Nan, trying to make him change his mind.    


However, when he realized that Mo Nan only agreed casually and had no intention of stopping the car, he thought maliciously,    


Forget it, I'm not the only one getting beaten up anyway. When the time comes, you'll suffer together with us. Serves you right! "    


Of course, Mo Nan did not know what he was thinking. Otherwise, he would have kicked him out of the car.    


Could he have some confidence in his brother?    


The sports car continued to lead the way. They first went around the city and then headed straight to the development site of the new city district project.    


Sheng Gao's company address was nearby.    


"We're here."    


Mo Nan stopped the car immediately. He looked around and saw Sheng Gao's billboard.    


"Come, let's go in and take a look."    


Mo Nan subconsciously raised the corner of his mouth with a smirk.    


Faang Qi could not figure out why he could still smile at this moment. He turned back to his colleagues and cheered them on. Then, he followed Mo Nan with determination, as if he was going to hell.    


After entering the company, the foul atmosphere made Mo Nan frown.    


A few hooligans squatted at the door and smoked. They stood up immediately when they saw someone come in. They did not look good.    


At the front desk, two girls dressed up like little girls kept laughing and playing. During work hours, they openly discussed things like makeup and dyeing hair.    


As for the internal department of the company, before they could enter, they could hear the noise coming from inside.    


How did this place look like a proper company?    


Mo Nan took a deep breath, suppressed the disgust in his heart, and walked to the front desk. He knocked on the counter.    


"Little sister, where is the boss of your company? I want to talk to him..."    


Before he could finish, one of the girls turned around impatiently. After sizing him up, she started cursing and laughing.    


"Who the f * ck are you? You look like a security guard. Brother Liu is also someone you can meet whenever you want to?"    


The little girl said disdainfully.    


Mo Nan's expression froze. He turned around and saw Faang Qi and the others holding back their laughter. The corner of his mouth twitched.    


He could not help muttering in his heart, Could it be that I really have the talent to be a security guard?    


After returning from the vacation, he and Su Bingqing went straight to the meeting room. During the process, they did not have time to change their clothes. In other words, he was still wearing the set that he had carefully chosen when he went out with Su Bingqing.    


His set of tens of thousands of Louis Vuitton hiking clothes was actually called security clothing.    



Mo Nan felt that he wanted to beat someone up.    


However, seeing that the other party was a woman, he quickly suppressed his anger. "Forget it, I won't argue with you..."    


"Then why aren't you getting lost? The door is over there."    


The woman sneered and chased him away.    


As if they had noticed the commotion here, the ruffians who were squatting at the door gradually approached, looking like they were about to attack.    


"Mr Mo, why don't we come again next time?"    


Faang Qi and the others had not been able to convince Mo Nan to bring some security guards. They were not confident enough to begin with, and now they wanted to retreat.    


"I'm busy. Who has the time to talk to you next time?" Mo Nan turned around and rolled his eyes at them. He didn't see the ruffians and shouted.    


What about Brother Liu? Come out."    


It was unknown whether Brother Liu had come out or not. A group of men in black suits rushed out of the company.    


"What are you arguing about?"    


One of the leaders looked at Mo Nan after he came out and then looked at the two young ladies at the front desk.    


The girl who wanted to drive Mo Nan away immediately explained, "Brother Wang, I told them to leave, but they didn't listen."    


Brother Wang understood what she meant. He looked at Faang Qi and the others and saw a familiar face. He narrowed his eyes and didn't ask any questions. He turned to his subordinate and said coldly, "Brother Wang, I told them to leave, but they didn't listen.    


"Men, break these troublemakers' legs and throw them out!" After he finished speaking, he prepared to leave.    


"F * ck me..."    


Mo Nan was shocked. Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a group of burly men who rushed over.    


At this moment, he finally understood why Faang Qi and the others were so afraid. The boss here was a reckless murderer. He wanted to break someone's legs at the slightest disagreement.    


"That's good too."    


Mo Nan sneered in his heart. He didn't like to talk nonsense either. Since the other party was the one who caused trouble first, he didn't like to talk nonsense either. Then he's not to blame.    


Dealing with a bunch of ruffians... He didn't even need to activate the Divine Meaning Heaven Equal Spell .    


Mo Nan watched as a fist came at him. In the next moment, he moved to the left side of the opponent like a swimming dragon. With a hook, he hit the lower jaw of the opponent.    


Teeth and blood flew out of the latter's mouth. His jaw was broken, and he immediately fell to the ground with his hand on his shaky chin.    




Mo Nan shouted and rushed into the crowd like a ferocious tiger that had descended from the mountain.    


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