Saint Sovereign of Nine Heavens

C50 Bloodthirsty Bat King

C50 Bloodthirsty Bat King

0After returning to the fork marked with a sign, Chen Yu followed the mark left by the fork and chased after it.    


An hour later, Chen Yu heard the commotion in front of him and he immediately sped up.    


"Who?" With a loud shout, a figure hidden behind a rock burst out of the tunnel.    


At the back of the group, a few warriors immediately turned around to welcome them. Their swords and sabers flashed with a cold glint. Amidst the scattered flying Demon Bat, there was a chilling intent.    


"It's me, Chen Yu!" Chen Yu said.    


"Ah Yu?" A torch lit up, illuminating the end of the line. Chen Wentine looked behind Chen Yu and asked, "Where's your dad?"    


"My father hasn't come over, but since all of the Su Family warriors have already been killed, there's no need for us to go any deeper into this underground cave anymore, why don't we go back the way we came from!" As Chen Yu spoke, he took off the few true tools on his back and handed them over to Chen Wentine.    


Chen Wentine was already in a daze, blankly received the True Artifact that Chen Yu handed to him, and asked after a while: "You said that all Heavenly Astral Stage practitioners were all killed? How was this possible? "Where's Su Jingyuan?"    


"They've all been killed!" Chen Yu grinned and said, "Let the team turn around. I will continue to probe forward and see what kind of secrets are hidden in this underground karst cave!"    


"This …" Chen Wentine was speechless. He waved the knife in his hand and suddenly exclaimed, "Is this a real weapon?"    


"Yes, everyone in the clan has one for their Ninth Layer of Qi Condensation!" Chen Yu smiled and continued forward, pushing his way through the ranks of his tribesmen.    


Everywhere they passed, almost all of the clansmen greeted Chen Yu.    


The news quickly spread through the entire group. After knowing that Su Jingyuan, as well as all the Heavenly Astral Stage warriors, had been killed, all the Chen Clansman s started to boil.    


Chen Yu squeezed to the front of the line, there was still a maze of forks in front of him that led to nowhere.    


After finding Wang Fong, Chen Wen Yi, and the younger generation Chen Yuan, Chen Feng, who were all leading the way, Wang Fong, Chen Wen Yi, and the others who were leading the way, after finding Wang Fong, Chen Wen Yi, and the younger generation's Chen Yuan, Chen Feng, Chen Feng, and Chen Feng, Liu Tie, and Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's younger generation, Chen Feng.    


Walking through the maze of tunnels, he left marks and started exploring. After a few laps back to the original path, Chen Yu just chose the left fork in the road. As a result, there were no more laps back to the original path.    


However, the size of this underground cave was beyond Chen Yu's imagination. Even if Chen Yu and the others were fast enough, they would not be able to find the end in a short period of time.    


From time to time, the group of Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat would be alarmed by Chen Yu's group. They would be intimidated by the cold air that Chen Yu, Chen Yuan, and the others were holding and would flap their wings to fly away.    


After five hours, an open space finally appeared at the end of the tunnel.    


It was similar to the space from the cave, it was very large, stalactites hung down from the ceiling, and countless dense black dots hung from the ceiling in the darkness.    


With the help of the torch, Chen Yu looked around the space and found that the other side was sealed with no opening. However, there were a few openings beside the path that he came out of.    


It was obvious that the underground cave was connected to every direction. If there were no lost paths, then this would be the end of it.    


"No way?"    


"It seems to be true. Could it be that this underground cave is naturally formed, and there's nothing special about it?" Chen Lee said in surprise.    


"That place seems a little special!" Chen Feng pointed at the darkness ahead with his sharp eyes.    


Looking in the direction Chen Feng pointed, he saw dozens of stalactites connecting to the ground, forming a wall.    


"You guys stay here, I'll go take a look!" Chen Yu said.    


"Let's go together!"    


"Brother Yuan and I will go over. Brother Li Ge Feng, you guys wait here for us!" Chen Yu didn't refuse and made the proper arrangements.    


Hearing this, Chen Lee and the others did not insist, and only repeatedly warned Chen Yu and Chen Yuan to be careful.    


Chen Yu and Chen Yuan looked at each other, then they used their movement techniques and headed towards the row of stalactites.    


As soon as he moved, the Bloodthirsty Demon Bat that was flapping its wings and hanging in the air above him was alarmed and pounced down.    


Chen Yu held the cold jade in his hand. The cold air immediately intimidated the group of Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat and they did not dare to approach the two of them.    


Chen Yu and Chen Yu quickly walked to the side of the row of stalactites and looked inside.    


Chen Yu had already cast Blood Flame Pupil. He glanced at the stalactite and his expression couldn't help but change. He pulled Chen Yuan, who couldn't see clearly due to the dim light and said in a low voice, "Don't go over there!"    


"Why?" Chen Yuan, who turned his head, was shocked when he saw Chen Yu's scarlet right eye.    


"Bloodthirsty Bat King!" Chen Yu gestured towards the back of the row of stalactites.    


With the help of the torch, Chen Yuan looked carefully and his expression changed.    


He just saw a row of stalactites about five feet from the ground, with a huge shadow hanging over it. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was an incomparably huge blood-thirsty Demon Bat with two wings.    


The wingspan was over 20 feet long and the thin wings were nailed to the stalactite. They were like a giant curtain reflecting a jet-black luster that was extremely shocking.    


In the middle of the pair of wings, this Demon Bat's body was also very big, comparable to a tiger or leopard. The sharp teeth in its large mouth reflected a cold light, as if it could tear through gold and break jade.    


An ordinary Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat's body was only about the size of a fist, and this Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat's body was over a hundred times the size of an ordinary Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat. Its head was extremely shocking, and its rat-like appearance was extremely sinister and terrifying.    


However, the gigantic Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat didn't move at all. It wasn't startled by Chen Yu and his companion's appearance. If it wasn't for the slight undulations on its body, Chen Yu would have thought that it wasn't a living being.    


"What's going on with this Demonic Beast?" Chen Yuan said in a low voice.    


Chen Yu did not answer, his right eye landed on the stalactites behind the gigantic Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat. There was a flash of cold light at the location where the stalactites were connected, Chen Yu clearly saw that they were tiny nails that nailed the Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat onto the stalactites.    


The stalactite that the Blood-Thirsty Demon Bat was nailing was covered with strange and complicated patterns, which extended from the stalactite to the ground it was connected to, flickering with a faint light.    


After which, the smooth ground behind the row of stalactites was filled with the same faint Spiritual Light pattern. These patterns formed a circular light band with a mysterious aura. The outer patterns of the circular light band had already been purchased, but in the center, there was a small amount of darkness. There was no light.    


When looking at all the patterns as a whole, one could clearly feel that this pattern contained an indescribable power. As he stared at it for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of absent-mindedness, as if there was another world hidden behind this large scale pattern!    


Teleportation array! A word surfaced from the bottom of his heart, Chen Yu's eyes revealed a look of surprise.    


Who would have thought that this was actually a teleportation formation! Then, everything could be explained. The Level Eight Ice Soul Cold Python, the thousand year cold jade, the endless bloodthirsty Demon Bat, the bloodthirsty Demon Bat King who was nailed to the stalactite, everything was for this teleportation circle!    


However, Chen Yu could tell that the transfer array hadn't opened yet, and the black area in the middle of the array patterns hadn't lit up. This meant that the array wasn't complete yet!    



"Ah Yu, what is that Demonic Beast, are we going up to kill it?" Chen Yuan also felt the strangeness of this place and whispered …    


"Don't act rashly. That's a Bloodthirsty Bat King! " Chen Yu quickly stopped Chen Yuan and whispered, "Let's go back the way we came from!"    


"Bloodthirsty Bat King?" Chen Yuan said.    


"We'll talk about it in the future. Let's leave this place first!" Chen Yu's eyes lit up as he said.    


When Chen Yu and Chen Feng retreated to the exit of the tunnel, Chen Lee and Chen Feng shot questioning gazes at Chen Yu.    


"Behind the stalactite is a bloodthirsty Demon Bat King!" Sensing his brothers' doubts, Chen Yu did not hide anything anymore and said, "I am not sure about that Bloodthirsty Demon Bat King's level, but he is at least at the Seventh Order!"    


"Level 7?" Everyone turned pale with fright.    


The Black Scale Fox was only at the seventh stage, but there was a seventh stage Vicious Beast hiding in the deepest part of the underground Bat Cave?    


"This Bloodthirsty Bat King was nailed to the stalactite and it was even imbued with some kind of restriction and it was in a coma. Otherwise, not only will the countless powerful Demonic Beast in the Divine Meteorite Mountain Range suffer, the existence of the Five Element Stronghold is also unknown! " Chen Yu's tone was extremely solemn: "Because the Bloodthirsty Bat King has wings, it is harder to deal with compared to other Demonic Beast of the same level, and after it continuously sucks the blood of powerful Demonic Beast and warriors, it will continuously evolve to a higher level. If it was given time to grow, even Minglan City and Su Family would not be able to contend against it! "    


Chen Yuan's expression changed drastically when he heard this. He looked as if there was still some lingering fear in his heart.    


"Who placed this restriction on it?" Chen Lee asked.    


"I don't know!" Chen Yu shook his head and said, "It's hard to say how long this restriction will last. "Everyone, let's just bury this matter in your stomach. Don't tell anyone else, but I will report it to my father. At the entrance of this cave, we will seal it all up!"    


"However, you don't have to worry. That restriction won't loosen up for a short period of time!" Chen Yu added, afraid that Chen Yuan and the rest were too worried.    


Everyone's mood became heavy, and the joy of having repelled Su Family vanished as well!    


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