Provocative Beauty



0The person who had come was not just anyone else, it was Zhuang Han's wife, elder sister Xiang.    


Zhang Hao heard from Wu Yu that after returning last night, Zhuang Ge and Sister Xiang had a fight.    


Although Sis Xiang is a woman, she didn't lose out.    


Although the strong man had beaten her up, there were several bloody marks on his face.    


Why would Sis Xiang come to his house?    


"Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao..."    


Elder sister Xiang whispered Zhang Hao's name, but there was no response from inside the room.    


She said to herself somewhat doubtfully, "Shouldn't this kid already be back?"    


After saying that, she pushed open the door and walked inside.    


At that moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed up from behind her and pulled her into his embrace.    


Elder sister Xiang was shocked and almost cried out. Luckily, she saw it was Zhang Hao, so she didn't cry out.    


"Well, Zhang Hao, you actually learned how to scare girls."    


Zhang Hao chuckled, "Sis Xiang, aren't I playing around with you?"    


Elder sister Xiang rolled her eyes at him. The flirtatiousness between her brows moved Zhang Hao's heart.    


Feeling the curvaceous body of Sis Xiang in his arms, the lust Zhang Hao had just released started burning once again. That huge thing held itself between Sis Xiang's legs.    


Sis Xiang naturally knew what it was. She had only tasted it last night.    


"What's wrong? Lil Mei hasn't made you satisfied yet?"    


Elder sister Xiang rolled her eyes as she reached out to touch Zhang Hao's crotch.    


An electric shock flashed through Zhang Hao's mind. He didn't have time to think about why his sister Xiang knew about his relationship with Xiaomei, so he immediately stretched his hands out from her chest.    


He held the two huge snowy peaks in his hand, but he couldn't grasp it.    


"Little pervert." Sister Xiang spat lightly, "Let's go to the brick bed. We're not staying here."    


At this critical juncture, Zhang Hao naturally listened to everything Sis Xiang said.    


As for the idea of staying away from Sis Xiang, he had long since forgotten where she was.    


The two of them went onto the bed. Zhang Hao hurriedly stripped Sis Xiang naked and then began to eat her milk.    


That feeling of numbness and itchiness caused Sis Xiang to be unable to restrain herself from giggling.    


"What a little pervert."    


While enjoying Zhang Hao's service, elder sister Xiang touched Zhang Hao's crotch with one hand.    


Although she had already enjoyed it once, elder sister Xiang still couldn't help but sigh.    


So big.    


She held onto Zhang Hao's dick and played with it for a while.    


That kind of stimulation almost made Zhang Hao scream, and the guy under him became even more upright.    


Elder sister Xiang saw this with her own eyes and felt happy inside. She felt that she could once again experience the joy of being a woman.    


Thinking of this, her lower part started to get moist.    


Even though he was no longer a virgin, Zhang Hao was still anxiously supporting him, intending to get on his horse with his gun.    


However, Sis Xiang smirked as she used her hand to cover her lower body, "Don't worry, Zhang Hao."    


Of course, Zhang Hao was anxious. He said in a sad voice, "Sis Xiang, I want you."    


"It's fine if you want me. I have something to ask you."    


As long as Sis Xiang agreed to help him, Zhang Hao would honestly tell her about this as long as she gave him the promise of shooting him a few times in the middle of the night.    


"I want to ask you, did Wu Yu come to borrow your seed?"    


Elder sister Xiang suddenly asked.    


Hearing this question, Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment.    


He did not know why Sis Xiang would know about the matter, much less how to answer. After all, this matter was of great importance.    


"If you don't want to say it, then I'll be going."    


Seeing Zhang Hao not utter a word, Sis Xiang seemed to be angry. She pushed him away from her and started to put on her clothes.    


"Don't, Sis Xiang, I'm telling you everything."    


In Zhang Hao's heart, compared to the short and fat Wu Yu, he was closer to Sis Xiang.    


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