Campus Beauty's Immortal Guard

C2 Intercept

C2 Intercept

0Mo Feiyu did not care about the girl's thoughts. At this moment, he was thinking about how to recover his strength. Born here, Mo Feiyu's greatest reliance was not to be familiar with the world, but to have an extremely strong soul.    


"You've been looking out the window. Is the scenery outside so attractive to you?"    


"Naturally, the scenery outside the window won't attract me. However, it will make me feel very good."    


"What a weirdo, can you help me look at my bag? I need to leave for a while."    




From start to finish, Mo Feiyu did not turn around. This made the girl angry.    


Mo Feiyu only turned his head around after seeing the girl leave. At the same time, he temporarily gave up thinking about ways to recover his strength. There were a lot of people on the train, and this place was indeed not suitable for thinking.    


Not long after, the young girl returned.    


"Thank you."    


"It was nothing."    


"Are you going to T City?"    


"Yeah, there's someone there who needs my help."    


"A favor? Looking at how you look, you're about the same as me. Why would anyone ask for your help? " The girl clearly didn't believe Mo Feiyu's words.    


"The size of the ability has nothing to do with the age, right?"    


"Ah, sorry, I'm not looking down on you. I'm just curious. My name is Tang Xinyan, and I'm returning to T City for school this time. "    


"Is that so?" Mo Feiyu wanted to say something, but he suddenly felt that something was endangering his life. This intuition had saved his life many times before.    


Without any hesitation, Mo Feiyu pulled Tang Xinyan and fell down together. At the same time, the glass near Mo Feiyu's side suddenly shattered.    


'Sniper rifle! ' Mo Feiyu immediately determined the enemy's weapon, but knowing the enemy's weapon, Mo Feiyu couldn't help but be surprised. Using a sniper rifle to kill him in the city, who exactly was the enemy?    


"Why are you …" Tang Xinyan didn't hear any gunfire. She just thought that the glass shattered for some reason and was about to speak when she saw Mo Feiyu signal for her to be quiet. Although she had some doubts, she still chose to be quiet.    


At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded out. Hearing this sound, Mo Feiyu immediately felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, eight masked men rushed in the next second. More importantly, all of them had guns in their hands.    


When the few passengers in the coach saw this scene, they quickly ran away. At this moment, only Mo Feiyu, Tang Xinyan and the group of masked men were left in the coach.    


"Who are you people?" The other party was obviously targeting him, but Mo Feiyu didn't understand how the other party knew he was here, and who exactly was the one that planned to kill him, even going as far as to attack the train.    


"The person who killed you." The man in the lead didn't reveal any information and pointed the gun at Mo Feiyu. Seeing this, Mo Feiyu immediately dodged. A series of gunshots rang out and the bullets flew past Mo Feiyu's body.    


Mo Feiyu had just dodged the opponent's attack and moved to a seat on the other side. However, at this moment, the sense of danger from before appeared again, and without any hesitation, Mo Feiyu immediately dodged. However, he was still a step too late, a bullet pierced his arm.    


With a wound on his arm, Mo Feiyu was able to determine that the sniper rifle was the same as before. Knowing that he could only be a live target if he continued to dodge, Mo Feiyu immediately took action, drew out a specially made dagger, Mo Feiyu, and rushed towards the gunner in front of him.    


Facing Mo Feiyu's sudden outburst, the leading gunner was also surprised, but he immediately reacted and raised his hand to shoot. However, Mo Feiyu suddenly disappeared the moment he raised his hand. This made the leader of the gunners extremely surprised.    


Of course Mo Feiyu wouldn't disappear without a trace. He just suddenly accelerated from under the gunner to behind the other person and put the dagger on the other person's throat. Then, Mo Feiyu said in a low voice, "Put down the gun."    


Noticing that Mo Feiyu was behind him, not only did the gunman not put down his gun, but he raised his gun to attack Mo Feiyu. At the same time, the other seven gunmen raised their hands without caring about the hostage.    


Mo Feiyu did dodge the attack, but the masked man was not that lucky. He didn't die under Mo Feiyu's blade, but under his comrades' guns.    


Mo Feiyu, who managed to dodge the attack, threw out the dagger in his hand, which happened to hit one of the criminals.    


There were still six enemies left. Mo Feiyu calmed himself down and took out another dagger. This time, Mo Feiyu did not intend to threaten them. After all, from what he saw just now, this group of people will not rest until they achieve their goal.    


Seeing Mo Feiyu appear again, all six of them shot their guns at the same time. However, Mo Feiyu's ghost-like agility allowed them to have no chance of hitting their target.    


In just a few seconds, Mo Feiyu was already in the middle of the six. However, at this moment, a sense of danger appeared again. Although Mo Feiyu dodged the bullet immediately, it still hit his left shoulder.    


Mo Feiyu had no choice but to grit his teeth after being shot in the left shoulder. At the same time, he was also curious as to where the sniper had come from.    


Mo Feiyu was stuck with the other side. In close combat, the handgun was useless, and they were surrounded by the other side's people. They could only hit their comrades, so the dagger in Mo Feiyu's hand became the most powerful weapon.    


The six gunners didn't expect Mo Feiyu to be so difficult to deal with. When they first received the task, they thought that the higher-ups were making a big fuss, but now it seemed that they were completely looking down on the opposing team.    


Mo Feiyu lowered his body and dodged the opponent's fist and then returned the attack. This attack successfully hit a criminal and although it didn't kill the opponent, it made him lose the ability to fight.    


The other gangster on the side saw that Mo Feiyu's dagger had hit his companion, so he immediately rushed forward, wanting to finish Mo Feiyu off. However, he was kicked in the temple by Mo Feiyu, and his entire body flew out a few meters before fainting on the ground.    


Mo Feiyu wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and rushed at the four people attacking Mo Feiyu without fear. The daggers in his hands flew up and down as he continuously attacked. Two more people fell at the same time.    


After dealing with six enemies in a row, his left shoulder was injured. Even Mo Feiyu was having a hard time as he stood there breathing heavily. At this moment, the two criminals suddenly ran towards Mo Feiyu.    


Sure enough, the two of them kidnapped Tang Xinyan, who was hidden under the seat. One of the robbers pointed a gun at Tang Xinyan's head and roared, "Put your weapon down, or I'll shoot her."    


It was only Mo Feiyu's and Tang Xinyan's first meeting, but Mo Feiyu also didn't want the other party to die because of him.    


"If you let her go, I can let you leave. If you attack me, you should know that I have always kept my word."    


"That's right. Your words are indeed trustworthy, but if I can't complete the mission, even if I go back, I will still die. Choose. Give up on this little guy, or surrender?"    


After pondering for a while, Mo Feiyu finally made a decision. He casually threw the dagger in his hand onto the ground.    


"Can you let her go now?" In the end, Mo Feiyu didn't want to involve the innocent. Tang Xinyan was innocent and it was all because of him.    


"You, shoot him or I'll kill you." A gangster said as he placed the gun in Tang Xinyan's hand.    


"Me, me, me." Tang Xinyan, who had been scared silly, did not have the courage to do so.    


"If you don't shoot, I'll kill you." As she spoke, she pointed the gun barrel at Tang Xinyan's temple and pointed it at her temple. Tang Xinyan was terrified and finally chose to pull the trigger.    


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