Rural Doctor's Romance

C292 He Hid It Quite Well

C292 He Hid It Quite Well

0Hua Dajiang was scared. Lin Meizhu had actually woken up.    


At this moment, he could only turn around and smile awkwardly at Lin Meizhu. "Meizhu, it's getting late. I have to go back. You can sleep for a while more."    


Lin Meizhu looked at Hua Dajiang's turtle like appearance and laughed in her heart.    


You son of a b * tch. On the surface, you are cowering like a eunuch. I thought you were dead these few years. I didn't expect you to be so fierce yesterday. You rampaged around like an unenlightened brat. You bastard, you hid it quite well.    


"Alright, Brother Dajiang, be careful on your way. Come to my house again tonight. I'll make some good food for you."    


"Okay. I'll go back first."    


Hua Dajiang nodded and walked to the door.    


He opened the door and went out.    


It was dawn outside, and he was afraid of being seen. He quietly walked around the fields and soon reached his own room.    


He took out the key and opened the door. He was still a little worried. He didn't know if his wife had come back from her mother's house last night.    


He quietly entered the house and searched. He did not see Ma Chunni and suddenly felt more at ease.    


The stinky wife definitely did not come home last night. Otherwise, the sky was not bright yet. She could not have gone out so early.    


He quickly sneaked into his room and laid on the bed, pretending to have slept in his house the entire night.    


The sky outside gradually brightened, and it was almost six o'clock in the morning.    


Last night, after Tao Gui had two glasses of wine, he actually fell asleep on the chair downstairs. When he woke up, the sky outside was already bright.    


He regretted it in his heart. Damn it, I wanted to share a room with Wang Xiuxiu last night, why did I only rest for a while and fall asleep?    


He stood up from the chair and moved his old bones, feeling that he had gained a lot of strength. Even if he really wanted to do that kind of thing now, he could not enter the room Wang Xiuxiu slept in and share a room with her.    


It seemed that he could only wait until tonight to find another opportunity.    


The bottle of wine that Xiaomei bought was really overbearing. One cup was enough to make a man.    


At this moment, he could not sleep anymore, so he simply started to prepare breakfast.    


He took the rice, put it in the pot, and added some firewood into the stove. After boiling the water, he went downstairs to the room, pushed lightly, and the door opened.    


Inside, Wang Xiuxiu was still sleeping with a thin blanket over her.    


"Xiuxiu, are you feeling better?"    


Wang Xiuxiu lazily opened her eyes when she heard Tao Gui's cry. She looked at the door and found that it was her eunuch husband. "Gui, I slept much better last night. Why are you up so early? "    


"You're not feeling well. I was worried about you, so I woke up early this morning. After making breakfast, I came to see how you were doing."    


Old eunuch's words made Wang Xiuxiu feel warm in her heart.    


"Yes, I am fine. Gui, you are thoughtful."    


"If you are sleepy, sleep for a while more. I will go out and walk around."    




After closing the door, Tao Gui went out of the room and went to the village.    


Wang Xiuxiu moved around in the blanket. After the rest last night, she felt much better and did not feel much pain down there.    


Sigh, I finally recovered my strength.    


Mao Xiaojun, you little bastard, when I recover, I will definitely teach you a good lesson.    


The sky outside was not completely bright yet. Wang Xiuxiu was lying under the blanket and did not get up. She might as well rest for a while.    


Tao Gui walked along the village road, humming a little tune as he strolled around.    


Suddenly, he saw a woman rushing towards him at the intersection in front of him.    


Upon closer inspection, wasn't this Hua Dajiang's wife, Ma Chunni?    


"Chun Ni, why are you strolling in the village so early?"    


Ma Chunni had just come from outside Widow Wang's house. She walked in circles from the east side of the farmland. This way, no one would see that she came from the village road of Widow Wang's house.    


Just now, she had waited outside Widow Wang's house for a while and did not see any movement. She went to the back window of her house to take a look. The window was not tightly connected. Through the gap, she could vaguely see the situation inside.    


She saw Widow Wang sleeping on the straw mat of the wooden bed. He was topless and wore a pair of underpants. She was the only one in the room.    


She stared at him for a while but didn't see a second person.    


It seemed that her eunuch husband was not on Widow Wang's side. The sky outside was getting brighter and brighter, so she might as well take a detour and return to her own house.    


She didn't expect that she would be bumped into by old eunuch as soon as she walked to the village road, which was more than twenty meters to the east of Tao Gui Family.    


"It's Your Uncle Sui! I went to my mother's house yesterday, so I'm not worried about the house. I came back from my mother's house early in the morning. " Ma Chunni could only greet Tao Gui with a smile, "Your Uncle Sui, you woke up quite early. You came out for a stroll!"    


"The village committee has a lot of things to do. If my old bones don't move, I won't be able to hold on. Well, I come out for a walk every morning. "    


Ma Chunni nodded. She was in a hurry to go back. She did not want to waste more time with the old man. "Your Uncle Sui, take a slow walk. I have to go back. After I go back to the house, I still have to prepare breakfast. I'm feeding the pig. "    




Ma Chunni walked towards her own home without looking back. Tao Gui turned around and looked at Ma Chunni's back as she walked.    


Slut, walking and twisting your butt, it still has some taste!    


Tao Gui suddenly had ideas about Ma Chunni. Hua Dajiang was a good-for-nothing. Everyone knew that this fellow had long been a eunuch. After drinking the wine that Xiaomei brought back, his body was many times stronger than that wimp.    



That wimp wanted to squeeze out the position of the old secretary everywhere. Hehe, when the time comes, I'll give you a green hat and wear it!    


Ma Chunni quickly returned to her own room, took out the key, opened the door, and walked in.    


At this moment, she was still worried about her eunuch husband.    


Hua Dajiang most likely died outside, and no one knew when he would be found. It was also possible that his corpse had been eaten by wild dogs and could not be found. It was just that a living person had disappeared for no reason.    


Thinking about it, she was afraid again.    


Why am I so unlucky?    


Looks like I'm going to be a widow soon.    


While thinking, he walked towards his own kitchen.    


I still have to live these days. Even if I become a widow, I still have to eat. This pig was bought this year, so I still have to feed it.    


Ma Chunni went to the kitchen and started to scoop rice and cook. She boiled water to feed the pig.    


After the water was boiled, she was very nervous. She walked to the door of Hua Dajiang's room and opened the door to take a look inside.    


When she saw Hua Dajiang lying on the bed with his back facing her, her heart jumped.    


What was going on?    


Wasn't the dead eunuch dead? Just now, she had even carefully searched his room. Not to mention a person, she didn't even have a strand of hair.    


Why was he lying on the bed now?    


I won't blink, will I?    


Ma Chunni rubbed her eyes hard and took a closer look. She was still there.    


She suddenly felt afraid. Could it be that there was a ghost?    


Could it be that the vengeful souls of the dead souls had returned to their own rooms?    


The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became. She did not dare to stay in the room anymore and immediately ran out the door.    


Yes, go and find Zhang Cuihua that girl to come and take a look. The two of them would be able to bolster their courage.    


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