Rural Doctor's Romance

C195 Mud

C195 Mud

0The three of them went to Zhang Cuihua's house. Mao Xiaojun helped to heat the rice in the stove, while Zhang Cuihua went to wash the rice and vegetables.    


Zhang Ningning became interested. Seeing that there was not much water in the water tank, she took the water bucket to the well outside to fetch water.    


However, after this woman fetched two buckets of water, she said that she was extremely tired.    


After Mao Xiaojun finished boiling the water, he helped her continue to fetch water. In a while, he filled the water tank with water.    


"Little Jun, I didn't see that you were quite diligent!"    


Seeing Mao Xiaojun busy, Zhang Ningning found it funny in her heart. This kid really had the life of an old cow. He did endless work all year round.    


At this moment, Zhang Cuihua had already made two simple vegetables grown by her family. The rice was also filled and placed on the dining table.    


"Little Jun, Ningning, come and eat."    


"Yes, I'll be right there!"    


Mao Xiaojun had just filled up the water vat and was helping to chop firewood outside.    


When lunch was ready, he put down the ax in his hand and came in.    


After lunch, Zhang Ningning said that she wanted Sister Cui Hua to help change the medicine and check the wound. Zhang Cuihua asked Mao Xiaojun to go back and rest.    


Mao Xiaojun thought that Niu Qing, this woman, was hiding in Uncle Hua's room. He had to send her some food. Just eating snacks could not solve the problem.    


"Sister-in-law, I want to bring some food to the spotty dog in Uncle Hua’s house. These herbs were found by the spotty dog." He suddenly found an excuse.    


"Okay, the rice is in the pot. You can fill it yourself!"    


Zhang Cuihua thought to herself, the spotty dog must have contributed to the recovery of the wound on her butt last time. It was not reasonable for the spotty dog to starve, so she agreed.    


Zhang Ningning was puzzled, "Little Jun, why doesn't that dog of yours eat bones and eat like us?"    


"Sister-in-law doesn't have any cooked meat at home, so how can there be bones? If the dog is hungry, it can eat anything. It is already not bad to be able to eat." Mao Xiaojun was afraid of exposing himself, so he urged Zhang Ningning to quickly change the medicine. "Cousin, you should have changed the medicine on the wound earlier. Rest for a while and take an afternoon nap. I'll take the food and leave first."    


"Okay, later in the afternoon, Cousin wants to talk to you about something. You should come over early."    


When Zhang Ningning left the house, her father gave her a task. That rich patient in the clinic could not wait for so many days. He had to get the vulnerary formula as soon as possible.    


"Yes, I will come early in the afternoon."    


Mao Xiaojun served a bowl of rice and some vegetables. He took a pair of chopsticks and went out the door.    


Zhang Ningning frowned, "Dogs know how to use chopsticks?"    


Zhang Cuihua laughed, "Little Jun must be muddle-headed. I don't care about him anymore. Sister-in-law will close the door and change the dressing for you."    


"Yes, thank you, Sister-in-law."    


Zhang Cuihua closed the door and scooped some water with a basin and carried it into the room.    


Zhang Ningning sat by the bedside and began to unbutton her shirt. After taking off her shirt, she began to take off the cover.    


She took off the tissue and gauze from the cover and slowly pushed away the dried herbs.    


After Zhang Cuihua placed the basin of clean water on the bedside table, she walked forward to help.    


"Ningning, sister-in-law will help you clean it."    


"Yes, thank you sister-in-law."    


"Still treating sister-in-law as an outsider?" Zhang Cuihua began to help Zhang Ningning slowly remove the herbal medicine that was stuck to her chest. She then used a tissue to soak it in water and gently wipe away the dirty parts of the wound.    


After a simple cleaning, the entire wound was revealed.    


Oh my god, this wound really scab. This herbal medicine is too magical, isn't it?    


Zhang Ningning looked at Zhang Cuihua's surprised expression and immediately asked, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong? Is the wound serious?"    


"It's not serious. Your wound has already scabbed. The effect of this herb is simply too overbearing."    


"Ah! It's really that fast?"    


Zhang Ningning still did not believe it. Zhang Cuihua took a mirror from the bedside and passed it to her, letting her look in the mirror.    


She took the mirror from Zhang Cuihua's hand and aimed at the wound on her chest before staring at the mirror.    


This look really gave her a fright. Yesterday, it was still a very deep wound. Now, it was all scab. It was really unbelievable. Usually, this kind of wound would be treated by the hospital. It had only been a day.    


This herbal formula was really too awesome. Zhang Ningning was extremely excited in her heart.    


"Sister-in-law, these herbs are really amazing. It has only been a day, but the wound is almost healed."    


Zhang Cuihua suddenly became complacent, "Right? Sister-in-law didn't lie to you, right? This herb's treatment of pain is indeed very overbearing."    


"Yes, Sister-in-law, help me wash my wound and apply the herbal medicine on it."    


"Okay, sister-in-law will help you clean it up and apply the herbal medicine on it."    


Zhang Cuihua walked in front of Zhang Ningning and started to clean the wound on her chest. When she was cleaning just now, she only paid attention to the condition of the wound and only now did she realize that Zhang Ningning's chest was actually so big.    


This chest was the capital of a woman and this girl's capital was even bigger than hers.    


"Ningning, I didn't think that your figure would be so good. A woman's capital is even better than sister-in-law's." Zhang Cuihua was a little envious of Zhang Ningning in her heart. This woman's appearance was also pretty. Her skin was white and she had a lot of capital.    


Even she felt that she was inferior!    


"Sister-in-law, look at what you said. Your body is the one that is sexy. Besides, Sister-in-law's body carries a mature scent that is unique to women. It can make men dizzy."    


Zhang Ningning's words immediately made Zhang Cuihua laugh.    



"Ningning, it depends on what you say. Sister-in-law will not hook up with those men. We women need to rely on our brains to make men feel inferior. We cannot rely solely on our body."    


"Yes. Sister-in-law, you are right. We should be smarter and stronger than those men."    


Zhang Cuihua chatted with Zhang Ningning as she helped to treat the wound. Very quickly, the wound was bandaged.    


"Ningning, tomorrow at noon, sister-in-law will help you change again to ensure that the wound will be fully healed. There was not even a trace of it. The place where sister-in-law was pierced by the glass the last time did not seem to have a trace at all. "    


When Zhang Cuihua said this, Zhang Ningning was extremely happy in her heart.    


This way, her chest would no longer need to be disfigured.    


"En, thank you sister-in-law."    


"What are you thanking me for? We are like family, even closer than family."    




Zhang Cuihua swept the dried herbs scattered on the ground into the basket, "Ningning, you take a nap first. Sister-in-law go and put these herbs in the yard to dry and use them as firewood to burn."    


"Okay, sister-in-law, you have worked hard."    


Just as Zhang Cuihua carried the basket out, Zhang Ningning's phone rang. When she saw that it was her father who called, she immediately answered.    


"Dad, why are you looking for me at noon?"    


On the other side, Zhang Jiwen was anxious. Did his daughter understand what the three herbs on the prescription were? Patients could not wait that long.    


"Ningning, have you settled the matter this time? The patient with rotten legs was a little unhappy this morning. He said he would leave after two more days without any improvement."    


"Dad, don't worry. I have tried the effect of the herbs. It is indeed overbearing. If that patient can be used, he will recover in less than two weeks. "    


Even though Zhang Ningning said so, she knew in her heart that Mao Xiaojun might not be willing to take her to pick herbs.    


Actually, she did not know that this time when she went to the Peach Blossom Village, Mao Xiaojun had already had an evil idea about her.    


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