Rural Doctor's Romance

C170 The Plan to Make Money with Medicine

C170 The Plan to Make Money with Medicine

0"Who are you talking about?"    


Spotty dog: It's still not Ma Chunni's wife. If you were to sleep alone in the room tonight, it would definitely be a good thing. That woman is so sexy. I can even see her drooling.    


"Stop bullshitting. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."    


Mao Xiaojun knew that Ma Chunni entered his room in the middle of the night and felt relieved. It meant that the person who came in was not a thief. His herbs would not be stolen.    


The spotty dog became interested, Do you know how that woman came in?    


"That's right, how did she come in?" Mao Xiaojun thought about it and found it quite strange. Ma Chunni's wife did not have the key to his house, so how did she enter his house?    


Spotty dog: Just like me, she crawled in through the window. Hehe!    


"It's still not you. Let the window open. What if the thief also crawled in? What should we do?"    


Spotty dog: When morning comes, I'll go to Niu Bay to pick up girls with dog food in my mouth. You can close the window these few days. I won't be back in less than three to five days.    


"Alright, I wish you a good shot!"    


Knowing that the spotty dog was very helpful to him, Mao Xiaojun did not lose his temper with it on the surface. This beast was his God of Wealth, so he had to take it easy.    


Spotty dog: Hehe, don't forget to go to town and buy some dog food these few days. The taste is really too delicious.    


"I can't forget, I'm going to sleep!"    


The spotty dog actually kept on talking about it, Tomorrow, Hua Qixin is getting married, are you really not going?    


"Stop talking nonsense, what am I going to do? When I see this good-for-nothing, I get angry. "    


Spotty dog: If you don't go during the day, you can go at night! That kid definitely won't be a groom at night. When the time comes, you can go and listen to the wall. Hehe. At that time, Niu Qing that wife wants to be a woman but still can't. How exciting!    


"I don't care about this kind of business. Stop talking nonsense and go to sleep."    


After saying that, Mao Xiaojun no longer paid attention to the spotty dog and directly went into his room to lie on the bed and sleep.    


The spotty dog sighed. Little Jun this fellow must have done too many bad things recently and emptied his body. The Niu Bay's Niu Qing was so sexy and beautiful! If I were a man, I would definitely chase this woman.    


The next day at dawn, Mao Xiaojun woke up. He wanted to go to Zhang Cuihua to help work.    


Spotty dog also got up early. After bidding goodbye to Mao Xiaojun, he went to Niu Bay with a bag of dog food weighing two kilograms in his mouth. Before he left, he didn't forget to remind Mao Xiaojun to go to Hua Qixin's house at night to listen on the wall. It was absolutely pleasant to hear.    


Mao Xiaojun was angry in his heart. This perverted dog really did not stop.    


After washing up in the room, he went out of the room and closed the door, then went to Zhang Cuihua's house.    


When he came to Zhang Cuihua's house, Zhang Cuihua had just woken up. She thought that although Mao Xiaojun said that he would come back in the morning to boil water for her to feed the pigs, she was not sure if he could wake up early in the morning.    


Just as she opened the door, she saw Mao Xiaojun coming. She was very touched.    


"Little Jun, why are you here so early?"    


"Hehe, sister-in-law, I'm boiling water, cooking and feeding pigs for you."    


"Okay, at least you have a conscience! Then quickly boil the water and cook."    


Mao Xiaojun suddenly ran to Zhang Cuihua's side and kissed her forehead. "Okay! Sister-in-law, you smell so good! "    


"Little Rascal, get to work quickly!"    


Mao Xiaojun immediately started the fire in the stove. After boiling water, he stirred the pig food and fed it to the pig. After he came back, he filled the water tank with water again. He cut the firewood and moved it in to pile it beside the stove.    


After all these things were done, Zhang Cuihua also filled up breakfast. Seeing Mao Xiaojun help pile up the firewood neatly, Zhang Cuihua's heart felt warm again.    


After breakfast, Mao Xiaojun said, "Sister-in-law, come with me to my house later. Let's divide the medicinal herbs and put them together."    




Zhang Cuihua was very happy about what Mao Xiaojun said to her last night. This guy could really rely on herbs to thrive. She would be able to live a good life in the future.    


After sitting at Zhang Cuihua's house for a while, the two went to Mao Xiaojun's house.    


Mao Xiaojun took out the key and opened the door. Zhang Cuihua saw that the house was filled with 12 fresh herbs. She was quite surprised.    


"Little Jun, you picked these yesterday?"    


"Hehe, of course I picked them! Sister-in-law, let's use some waste paper to cushion them later. According to the ratio of the formula, we should prepare these herbs and place them on the paper. "    


Zhang Cuihua walked to the side of the cloth bag and took a look. She said, "Little Jun, if you want to make it more detailed according to the formula, you also need to use a scale scale to scale it. Also, these are fresh herbs. It is not possible to wrap them in waste paper. What if the damp herbs stick the waste paper to the ground?"    


When Zhang Cuihua said that, Mao Xiaojun thought about it. It really was like that.    


"Sister-in-law, what should we do?" ___ asked.    


"Sister-in-law has some cloth at home. I'll bring it over later and cut it open with scissors. It was used to wrap medicinal herbs. Next time you go to town, go to the pharmaceutical store and buy some large gauze for medical purposes. Use this packet of fresh medicinal herbs. In the future, when you provide herbs for others, you can distribute them evenly in bags. When you go to town, you can also buy a scale. This way, the scale and herbs will be more convenient."    


Mao Xiaojun did not expect Zhang Cuihua's brain to be so good. He could not help but walk over and hug her and kiss her.    


"Let go of me quickly. Are you crazy, kid?"    


Zhang Cuihua was most afraid that Mao Xiaojun would touch her during the day. This guy was really crazy. If the villagers who passed by saw him, then things would become serious.    


"Sister-in-law, you are too smart. I like you too much. I can't help it!"    


"You brat, your tone is glib. Sister-in-law will go to the house to bring the cloth over now and the scale at the house as well. You first tidy up the medicinal herbs. We will make them together in a while. "    


" Yes, thank you, Sister-in-law! "    


Zhang Cuihua went to her own room to get the scale and cloth. Mao Xiaojun started to put bags of fresh herbs in the middle of the room.    


In the town at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Ningning bought a lot of food and some tonics with her father's company. Today, she was going to the Peach Blossom Village again.    



She used the excuse of thanking Zhang Cuihua for her hospitality, so she brought something up the mountain to thank her.    


Zhang Jiwen drove his daughter to the foot of the mountain and arranged everything in a large lever car. Zhang Ningning got out of the car and pulled the lever car to bid farewell to her father before going up the mountain.    


The task given to her by her father was to get these complete formulas of herbs no matter what, because that rotten foot patient had been treated in her father's clinic for nine days and had no effect at all.    


That rich patient had been complaining for the past two days and said that he would leave after two days when it was no longer effective.    


Therefore, how could Zhang Jiwen not be anxious!    


For the sake of this awesome formula, he even had the idea of recruiting Mao Xiaojun as his son-in-law. Even if his own daughter slept with this brat, it would be worth it to know the details of the formula.    


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