Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C388 Framing

C388 Framing

0"What will happen if you offend them? Hurry up!"    


The head of the Wolf Venom Plains was very dissatisfied with the young man in front of him keeping him in suspense. He fiercely shook him once again.    


His strength was so great that the young man's head was dizzy for a moment. He finally stabilized himself and stammered, "Die... die without a burial ground..."    


His voice was very soft, but the moment he said it, all the patriarchs trembled. Even Yang Dingyuan, who was standing in front of Yang Xuan, was no exception.    


Not far from them, Yang Xuan naturally heard their conversation. He was shocked for a moment.    


Even he himself didn't know which force this small token belonged to, but the reason why he dared to take it out was because he had obtained it from City Lord in Qingzhou City.    


When Yang Xuan asked City Lord for help, he wanted to get a chance to see prime minister Xu. City Lord was stubborn, so he gave this token to him.    


Not only that, City Lord had also warned him repeatedly that he could only pretend to be the owner of the token and enter prime minister Xu Prefecture. After entering, he had to destroy this token immediately, or else he would bring a huge disaster to prime minister Xu.    


This allowed Yang Xuan to vaguely guess that the owner of the token was a man with extraordinary eyesight, but he never thought that it would be the so-called General's Estate.    


However, the current situation was urgent. If he didn't bring this thing out to intimidate them, Yang Xiao's life would be gone.    


"I had no choice but to do it. City Lord, if you find out about it from a thousand miles away, don't blame me!"    


Yang Xuan silently thought in his heart. He stood up and pretended to be cold as he said, "How is it? Can I speak now?"    


Yang Dingyu turned his head and glanced at Yang Dingyuan. There was some fear in his eyes. He then turned his head and said, "Even if you have the support of the General's Estate, this kid has stolen the supreme treasure of the family. You absolutely can't let him off lightly!"    


“ Oh?" Yang Xuan turned around and asked, "I will ask you one last time, did you steal anything?"    


When he asked this question, a young man in the crowd with a fan in his hand grinned, as if he could hear Yang Xiao's next answer.    


"I stole it."    


As Yang Xiao said this, a sinister look flashed across his eyes, and then he took out an exquisite box.    


"But didn't you also ask me to steal it?"    


"You unfilial son! What are you saying!?"    


The next moment, Yang Dingshan rushed in front of him and slapped Yang Xiao's face, causing his face to swell up.    


Yang Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood, sneered and shouted again, "I stole this thing, but it was Yang Xuan who ordered me to steal it!"    


The competition was immediately in an uproar. Everyone's faces showed disbelief and started whispering to each other.    


This was totally setting him up!    


Yang Xuan instantly understood what was going on. He sneered at Yang Xiao and then looked at the crowd.    


Sure enough, Yang Tingyu was waving his fan and looking at him with a smile on his face.    


Looking at Yang Xuan's gaze, Yang Tingyu didn't feel guilty at all. Instead, he nodded, as if he was saying, This matter is my fault, but what can you do to me?    


So arrogant!    


Yang Xuan's anger rose in his heart, but he quickly calmed down. He actually laughed out of anger and turned his head to look at Yang Xiao.    


"Hehe, you said I ordered you to do this. What evidence do you have?"    


"Of course!"    


Yang Xiao said confidently. Then he took out a broken piece of paper. There were some words like late, treasure, theft on it. Each word was written with a pen and silver hook. It was very beautiful.    


Yang Xiao then said, "This is the message you wrote to me. You told me to go to the main place to steal the treasure last night. Later, you turned against me and tried to kill me and tear the note. Fortunately, I saved it."    


As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked again. Everyone looked at Yang Xuan with doubt in their eyes.    


"I didn't expect this. Usually, this kid looks like a gentleman, but he actually did such a thing behind my back!"    


"That's right. In order to win the competition, he used any means necessary to steal treasures. He didn't even let his own people go, and he even wanted to destroy the evidence."    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk. How can such a wild and ambitious person stand here with us? It's better to send him to jail!"    


Countless words fell into Yang Xuan's ears, but he didn't move at all. He just stood there quietly and looked at the piece of paper.    


At this time, Yang Tingyu slowly walked out of the crowd and said with a smile, "Just taking out a piece of paper is nothing. How can you slander us, Yang Xuan? What if it wasn't written by him?"    


Yang Xiao immediately shouted again, "This is what he wrote. Everyone in the family has seen Yang Xuan's words. Only he can write it..."    


Yang Tingyu raised his eyebrows and said, "How is it?"    


"It was written so well!"    


He raised the piece of paper in his hand a little higher so that everyone could see it more clearly. In the next moment, the crowd was filled with admiration.    


"Don't say it. This word is clearly written with great effort. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to write it without more than twenty years of hard work." The head of the Liu Yao Mountain Family nodded and said. His family was good at arithmetic, so they were quite good at calligraphy.    


"That's right. I was fortunate enough to see prime minister Xu's authentic work a few years ago. This word is not much weaker than prime minister Xu's." The patriarch of Ruo Shui Valley said.    


Even Yang Dingshan's eyes darkened. Although he knew that these things were all fabricated by Yang Xiao, the word that Yang Xiao took out was indeed Yang Xuan's.    


Just like what he said, no one else could write it so well except Yang Xuan.    


Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't speak, Yang Tingyu put on a look of pity. Shaking his head, he said, "Since brother Yang Xuan has tacitly agreed to it, it seems like this matter is true. Father, report this to State Hall and send them to jail."    


Yang Dingyuan hesitated. He stroked his beard and said, "After all, this is the Yang family's own matter. I'm afraid that if this gets out..."    


"How can such a person be called a disciple of our Yang family? Father, don't hesitate anymore!"    


Yang Tingyu's tone became stronger. Yang Dingyu, who was standing next to him, looked at him in surprise. He then joined the group of people who were asking for help.    


"Father, please send these two men to prison and return the name of the Yang family to us!"    



The younger members of the main family also stood out from the crowd. They cupped their hands and said, "Uncle, please look into this!"    


After everyone's request, Yang Dingyuan finally made up his mind. First, he looked at the surprised Yang Dingshan, then said to Yang Xuan with a serious expression, "You two are despicable and not part of my family..."    




Before he could finish his words, a loud voice came from above.    


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