Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C33 A Life and Death Battle Between Swordsmen!

C33 A Life and Death Battle Between Swordsmen!

0Du Kang was still not used to the receding tide. He had just gotten used to the feeling of being in the water.    


This fat green octopus head in front of him seemed to be very excited?    


Du Kang sized up the huge green humanoid figure.    




Why was it clenching its fist?    


Is this idiot preparing to fight me?    


Du Kang curled up his body and began to accumulate strength. Although he did not know why the other party wanted to fight, he did not mind giving that octopus head a serious ordinary punch.    


The green humanoid opened his hands.    


Huh? What's going on?    


Du Kang prepared to watch the other party's performance.    


Waves formed into tornados and gathered in the giant palm.    


This... knows how to play! Du Kang was stunned. This was a rare supernatural power that he had seen. The shrimp man had also used it before, but it was too small for him.    


The wave dispersed, and a huge and dark trident appeared in the giant's palm.    


The giant flattened the halberd and pointed it at Du Kang.    




His stance was not bad...    


Wait a moment, he has already taken it out, is he going to start a movie with me?    


This octopus head is going to use this thing to fight me?    




Du Kang slightly relaxed his legs. The octopus head wielder in front of him and the group of Deep One wielders who were not much bigger than crickets were two different concepts. He needed to treat them seriously.    


Since they had already shown their weapons, it was not too much to kill them...    




Holding the trident that was as large as his body, it was emotionless. Its gaze was firmly locked onto the carapace monster in front of it.    


Those weak creatures had obtained some strength from him, but he had also learned some things from those weak creatures, such as using weapons to make up for the deficiencies in his body.    


In order to make this huge weapon, it directly took out a small metal mine and used its own power to make it into a weapon, sharpening it.    


Different from its own kind who talked all day long, it knew that whether it was exploring the mysteries or its own power, it might not be reliable. When the power of water lost its effect, the most reliable thing was still its strong body.    


Now, it also had to add excellent weapons...    


The carapace monster in front of it once again assumed an offensive stance.    


Different from its own kind whose life and death was unknown, it knew that there was no meaning to distance itself from the other party's stance.    


It gripped the trident tightly.    


The trident was far longer than the carapace monster's appendages.    


It was sure to win.    




The merfolk were dumbstruck. They only knew how great and lofty a god was. However, they had never seen a god holding a trident in such a majestic manner.    


Deep One Warrior and the others were very happy. The mighty posture of a god was in line with their definition of power. An expert should just pick up a weapon and do it.    


Some experienced Deep One Warrior was observing the situation. They, who were good at fighting, could naturally see more things.    


The huge Carapace Beast curled up. Deep One Warrior understood that this was the prelude to the attack. The Carapace Beast was ready to turn itself into the fiercest spear.    


The god leveled the trident and pointed it at the prawn head of the Carapace Beast.    


The soldiers saw the result. The huge trident would directly pierce through the prawn head of the Carapace Beast, but the Carapace Beast's appendages could not touch the god at all.    


"It's a frontal thrust! The enemy's Evil God was killed!" Deep One Warrior and the others even cried out in alarm.    


The priests nearby glanced sideways. That Carapace Beast was clearly still in a confrontation with the gods. What were they shouting about?    


The merfolk knew that this was not a battle that ordinary beings like them could intervene in. It was already good enough that they were not affected.    


They could only wait and pray for their own gods to win.    


The enemy's Evil God did not make them wait too long.    


The huge Carapace Beast moved.    




Du Kang realized that he had underestimated this octopus head.    


The current situation was a little difficult to handle. The trident in the octopus head's hand had an advantage. Judging from the other party's actions, it seemed like he had put in some effort into this.    


This also meant that if he leapt over, he might not be able to blow up the opponent's head, but his head would definitely explode first. His attack posture was simply like sending his head up to the octopus head to poke it!    


This won't do, I need to change my strategy...    


Du Kang stretched his body and moved his three pairs of legs, slowly approaching the giant holding the halberd.    



Du Kang was waiting for an opportunity.    


He did not only have one way to charge...    




The carapace monster was closing in.    


It understood that the other party must have realized that a reckless attack would only lead to death.    


And now, the other party was obviously going to engage in close combat...    


It still remembered the brute force of the carapace monster. Back when it was still in the sea, it could easily turn its prey into a bloody mist. But now, the other party's body had increased by who knows how many times. Naturally, its strength had also increased by who knew how many times.    




Sensing the weapon in its hand, it was confident that it could deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at the first possible moment.    


Holding the trident, it took a step forward.    


Its imposing manner was imposing.    




Du Kang finally got the chance.    


The moment the opponent moved forward, the tip of the trident deviated.    




The three pairs of legs exerted force, and Du Kang leapt forward, sticking close to the ground, like an arrow released from a bow.    


A huge green humanoid figure stabbed out with a long halberd, its momentum as fast as lightning.    


Two mountain-like figures crossed each other.    


The world fell silent.    


Only the sound of the wind could be heard.    




Du Kang put away his leg. He felt that his stomach and leg were aching. It was obvious that he had overused it.    


However, in order to show his victory, he still lifted his other leg and shot out a flame.    


Under the raging flames that filled the sky and the thunderous sound, the green human figure fell down and crashed onto the ground, splashing large amounts of water and mud.    


Du Kang was very satisfied with his technique. It was a standard waist slash. Although the length of the thorn on the appendage was not enough to completely cut the green monster in half, Du Kang still cut off the spine of the green monster. It could only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of its life, if it was such a big wheelchair.    


If it still had the rest of its life.    


Du Kang turned around and walked slowly to the green-skinned monster with the octopus head. He was ready to make another cut.    


The other party had already been seriously injured. Of course, he did not need to be anxious, but he could not be careless either. The other party had not completely stopped breathing. If the other party took a cold breath and gave him a blow, it would be disgusting.    


Speaking of which... this octopus head was indeed a little familiar...    


Who was it that came...    


Forget it, it doesn't matter...    


Spreading his legs, Du Kang prepared to give this octopus head a final blow.    


"I'm sorry, this matter doesn't make sense. You were the one who attacked first." Du Kang did not show any mercy as he recited the so-called Rebirth Scripture in his heart.    


A whistling sound came from the sky.    


Du Kang raised his head.    


A huge wave of people descended from the sky, bringing with it a trail of fire.    


Later... Down?    


On the altar in the valley, the flames turned completely black.    


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