Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C3 Gluttony Is the Source of Struggle

C3 Gluttony Is the Source of Struggle

0The giant octopus that came out of nowhere, Du Kang had actually seen it before. He only confirmed that he was in the sea when he saw the octopus before he went ashore.    


After all, he had never heard of octopuses in fresh water.    


However, looking at the dozens of tentacles wriggling beneath the giant octopus, Du Kang felt that something was not right. He remembered that the other name of the octopus was Octopus. And now, this octopus with dozens of tentacles was clearly abnormal.    


"Interesting, a prehistoric monster octopus?" Du Kang thought. He had clearly forgotten that he was not a normal thing either.    


Giant octopuses actually had a certain level of intelligence. In fact, it had not been on land for long - at least it had not slept for long until now. However, due to its overly powerful physical strength and the characteristic of not needing to eat, it still entered the top of the food chain on land and had its own territory - or a hunting ground.    


The giant octopus did not know how close the territory it chose was to danger - that was the body of the strongest expert in the aquatic products shop, the soul of the Horrifying Upright Ape, a true monster the size of a small mountain, and the ancient fear of being sealed in the ground. The giant octopus had no idea how close the danger was to the territory it chose - that was the body of the strongest expert in the aquatic products shop, the soul of the Horrifying Upright Ape, the true monster that was the size of a small mountain, and the ancient fear of being sealed underground.    


On this day, while resting - In fact, the giant octopus only lived by resting and eating. It heard a "Bang! From afar! Bang!" The sound of muffled thunder. Out of curiosity, it decided to take a look.    


That wasn't an ordinary lightning strike. Although its brain wasn't that good, the giant octopus was still able to distinguish whether it was a sunny day or a rainy day.    


Along the way, it smelled an inexplicable scent - don't ask why the octopus had a sense of smell. That smell was obviously the smell of food. It remembered that it had smelled a similar smell on animals that had been struck to death by lightning in the thunderstorm. These meat that had gone through high temperatures could still taste good, and it was easier to digest.    


And now, the smell it smelled was obviously more advanced. After a long time, it realized that this was the difference between consciously cooking and being half-cooked. Now, it only knew to rush towards the source of the smell, and then it ran into its old neighbor.    


The giant octopus still remembered this Mantis shrimp, and it had a very deep impression - after all, it was not digging into the sand to ambush or knocking on the shell, but the arthropod that hunted and hunted could be considered a rare odd-shaped species. Of course, the giant octopus did not know what an arthropod was, but it knew that this fellow was very fierce back then.    


And now, it was undoubtedly even more ferocious.    


Its thick and strong limbs were strong and powerful, and there were sharp and ferocious spikes growing on it. Thick and hard armor covered its entire body, and a pair of shrimp eyes revealed a fierce gaze. That was the aura of a top predator. There was also a huge body. All of this was like the outside world stating a fact - it was not to be trifled with.    


The giant octopus realized this, and cautiously stopped at a place a certain distance away from the carapace monster... and stopped moving forward.    


Seeing the octopus stop, Du Kang was slightly surprised. He only remembered that he had seen the octopus before. However, this was the first time he had seen an octopus with dozens of tentacles. It seemed that the octopus did not want to show any hostility. However, out of caution, Du Kang was still prepared to attack. His abdominal limbs began to accumulate strength. His tail and tail were on the ground. If the octopus had any unusual movements, it could stretch its muscles and throw itself out, then punch the octopus' head into pieces.    


A straight line attack might be too easy to predict. However, it did not matter. As long as it could be pulled to close combat, Du Kang was confident that he could use the sharp edge of the front end of the front leg to let the tentacle monster know what it meant to chop off a cow with a butcher's knife, even though cows did not seem to exist yet.    


Maybe he could eat a roasted octopus with extra food? Du Kang felt that life was still beautiful.    


On the other side, the giant octopus's mentality was not very good. He had seen similar poses of the carapace monster in front of him - it was still in the water at that time, and the carapace monster was not even that big. The giant octopus had seen this kind of hunting technique before. First, it curled itself up, then stretched out its body and bounced itself out. Then it used its forelimbs to puncture the prey's body, or directly beat the prey into a bloody mist.    


This was an extremely obvious attack, the giant octopus was stunned. It had never seen such a two-pole pole that was about to hit its prey to death. In its memory, after encountering other creatures that were similar in size, the normal way of doing things should be to intimidate each other first. Then they would retreat from each other. After all, most of the time when their bodies were similar, it meant that there was not much difference in strength between them. Most of the time, both sides would suffer heavy losses if they fought. In nature, injuries often meant death.    


Something seemed to be wrong? The giant octopus used its intelligent brain to think for a while and decided to try the normal method.    


"Roar - -!!!" The giant octopus' huge body let out a heaven-shaking roar.    


The carapace monster on the opposite side was stunned. It seemed like it was still effective. The giant octopus was satisfied with its judgment.    


Du Kang was indeed stunned. One reason was because he was shocked, and the other was because...    


Octopus could scream? And it could scream so loudly?    


Du Kang indeed did not remember what other cries the octopus would make. In his impression, most of the aquatic products were mute. As for his understanding of the octopus, it was only limited to roughly what it looked like and what it tasted like after it was made into an iron plate.    


The roar of the giant octopus was obviously to express some meaning. It was nothing more than a common meaning of "back off," "get lost. It knew how to express itself through sound. This meant that this giant octopus might have a certain level of intelligence - at least the level of a terrestrial creature.    


Due to a sense of superiority in intelligence, Du Kang decided to let this tentacle monster in front of him know what the language and culture from the Horrifying Upright Ape was.    




Half a minute later, Du Kang discovered a serious problem.    


His Mantis shrimp body was almost perfect. It had a huge body, strong explosive force, solid armor, and a small appetite. This meant that as long as he didn't seek death, he wouldn't die.    


But now, Du Kang had discovered a flaw.    


The Mantis shrimp couldn't speak.    


He had been a mute for so long.    




However, in accordance with the principle of losing and not losing, Du Kang still raised his arm and used the front end of the spike to write a line of words in front of him.    


"What did you say?"    


The giant octopus was also stunned. It did not know what the lines drawn by the carapace monster in front of it were for. The words written by Du Kang were exactly the opposite in the direction of the octopus. However, even if the giant octopus came over, it could not understand that the lines drawn on the ground were trying to write. It did not even know what the words were.    


Was this carapace monster grinding its claws? Was he ready to fight?    


After comparing the raging carapace monster with its own combat strength, the giant octopus raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar.    


"Roar - Ssss -!"    


Du Kang looked at the giant octopus curiously. The tentacle monster did not do anything to attack, so Du Kang did not attack first. After all, he had not seen living creatures screaming in front of him for quite some time. Most of the land creatures ran away when they saw him from afar.    


"What does it want to express now?" Du Kang felt it was interesting.    


He would know very soon.    


"Gan!" Looking at the other giant octopus in the distance, which was crushing trees and quickly crawling over, Du Kang turned around and ran.    


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