Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0"We dark alchemists often use magic arrays. This requires us to have a good understanding of magic arrays. Tianhao, do you understand magic arrays?"    


After Seymour explained a lot about alchemy knowledge to Long Tianhao, he started to talk about the Magic Array.    


"A magic array? "When I was learning alchemy with Primus, I also came in contact with a magic array. Is this magic array a little different from the one I saw earlier?"    


Long Tianhao was an intelligent person. Upon hearing Seymour's question, he immediately understood that the magic array Seymour mentioned must be different.    


"You're right, the magic array you used in the past is actually a bit simple, but we dark alchemy are the most complicated. Not only can we use it for alchemy, we can also use it with Magician.    


There are many types of magic arrays, and the methods of drawing are also different. However, we usually use magic power to draw them, which is also a patent for us, Magician. There are also some that require magic crystals or Magic Cores s to combine them.    


Those are all very complicated magic and it's very hard for us to sustain them with our own magic power. Thus, we have to borrow the power of crystal stones and Magic Cores. "    


After saying that, Seymour paused for a moment. Long Tianhao did not interrupt and just looked at Seymour, waiting for him to continue. After pausing for a moment, Seymour also spoke again.    


"Usually, magic arrays are also called starlight arrays. They are usually used for pentagram star arrays and hexagram arrays. Of course, there are also some other special magic arrays. However, no matter what magic array it is, they are all made up of many runes.    


Through the mysterious power of these runes, they would be able to connect with the elements in the world and thus bring out its power. However, because the magic array needed a long time to be drawn, many people would seal the magic array inside the scroll.    


Open it when you want to use it, and usually high level forbidden spells require a magic array to be drawn to activate. So, to activate a powerful forbidden spell, it takes a long time to prepare, and the speed at which a magic array is drawn is fast.    


It also depends on the strength of the individual's mental strength, the stronger the drawing speed is, the more quickly it will be done. And it's precisely because Magician has this flaw that normally, there will be a few cultivators around Magician when he releases his magic.    


Of course, you are an exception. After all, you dual cultivate magic and martial arts don't have any physical flaws, so when it comes to working together with your Magic Pet, there is nothing to be afraid of.    


Magic pets were also the best companions of all cultivators. Almost everyone seemed to have obtained a powerful Magic Pet, which was a great battle force. Sometimes, a person's strength was all dependent on his Magic Pet, the strongest warrior on the continent.    


Even Dragon Knights can coordinate with Dragon Clan. But I can tell that your companion is extraordinary and will be of great help to you in the future. "    


Seymour was very interested in Long Tianhao's Magic Pet. At the same time, he could see that Long Huang's future growth potential was extremely astonishing.    


"Teacher, can we reuse the magic array?" After all, it's very difficult to inscribe a magic array every time. If you can use it repeatedly, wouldn't it be very convenient? "    


"You are really thinking too much. Once the magic array is used up, it will dissipate, unless there is something that can prevent it from dissipating."    


However, that thing hasn't appeared yet, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people painstakingly drawing magic arrays. However, with your exceptional talent, you can try to study it. Perhaps you really will be able to do so. "    


"Hehe, I was just casually saying. Teacher, continue."    


In his heart, he was planning to think of a way to deal with this matter. At that time, it would be much more convenient to use all kinds of magic arrays. After all, there was still a chance of failure when inscribing a magic array on the spot.    


"You should know that when you build walls, you often use magic arrays to reinforce your walls. It is a type of strengthening magic, with both low and high levels, depending on who carved it, even if it's the same magic arrays that fell into the hands of different people.    


There were many types of magic arrays, such as the reinforcement magic arrays used to strengthen magic arrays, the defensive magic arrays used against enemies, and the offensive magic arrays.    


We also use magic arrays. We can use magic arrays to purify potions and improve the quality of potions. For example, some potion refining materials can be purified not only with magic potions but also with magic arrays.    


Of course, he could also use the purification of the fire, but the results would be different. Also, when making magical accessories, he would use small-scale magic arrays, using his spiritual force to directly draw on them.    


There were also some auxiliary magic arrays, such as the one that gathered magic elements. Some were big and some were small. The small ones were usually engraved on the magic ornaments to automatically absorb the magic elements to replenish the consumption.    


The larger ones can be used for cultivation. After all, if you train in a place with plenty of magic elements, the effect will be much faster. "    


"Then teacher, is there also a big magic gathering carved outside our academy?"    


At this moment, Long Tianhao thought about it. For an important place like the academy, there should also be a Demon Gathering Formation, which would make it convenient for students to cultivate.    


"You're right, there's a huge magic formation laid inside the school. Not only that, the space Barrier outside the school is also made up of magic formations. However, it's not just a single magic formation, but a combination magic formation."    


"What is a combined magic array?"    


"As the name implies, a combined magic array is formed by multiple magic arrays connected together. The amount of work required to create this kind of magic array is enormous and definitely cannot be completed by one person, unless he is a god who has set up a total of nine big magic arrays outside our academy.    


In the center of the academy is a magic array. These magic arrays form a powerful defense that is very difficult to break through. It can be said to be the academy's last line of defense. "    


"So that's how it is. Then Ice Blue Academy's spatial Barrier should also be like that. The use of a magic array is really quite big."    


Long Tianhao couldn't help but exclaim.    


"You're right, magic arrays have a lot of uses, and summoning techniques also require magic arrays. When we summon creatures from other worlds, we can use magic arrays, but if we want to summon creatures from other worlds, we must set up a magic array."    


Also, there was a magic array on the continent that was specially designed to teleport people. It was a magic crystal of a large number of Magic Cores, and it was used to support the user from being able to teleport people to a place where Transfer Array had been prepared beforehand.    


Of course, we can also set up our own Transfer Array, and leave an imprint somewhere in advance to activate the magic Transfer Array, which is to say, we can teleport there.    


This is the type of teleportation scroll Prius gave you. He is a Saint Magister and is extremely adept at making teleportation array scrolls. After saying all that, I'll draw a magic array for you to see. "    


As Seymour said this, he took out his magic staff and began to draw in front of himself. Not long after, he stopped.    


A pentagram array had already appeared in front of him. It flickered with a dark light and there were many mysterious runes flashing along with it as it absorbed the elemental energy of the world.    


"Teacher, what is the purpose of this magic array?"    


"Haha, this is a simple protective magic array. It can protect one's self from the enemy's attack. This magic array can block the attack of a Middle Level Dou Shi. Of course, it has such a small power."    


Actually, magic and magic arrays were intertwined. Magic arrays were based on magic, and in these past few years, the magic arrays on the continent had begun to decline. There weren't many people who were willing to learn magic arrays.    


This also caused the array to gradually disappear from people's sight. Perhaps it wouldn't take many years before no one was willing to use it.    


Especially this kind of magic array that is materialized, nobody uses it. Even if it's used to make magic jewelry, it would only be able to outline an illusory magic array and not a real one. "    


Speaking of the status quo of using the magic array, Seymour felt a little sad. The magic array has declined and there aren't many people who can use it.    


"Actually, magic arrays have their own advantages. At the very least, if one uses a forbidden spell, one must use a magic array. Also, there's also summoning techniques. These are all required."    


"But you have to understand that there aren't many Saint Mages in this world who can use the summoning technique. Basically, only the people from the Church can use it. That's why the magic array slowly left the stage."    


"Teacher, no matter what others think, I want to learn magic arrays. After all, using more tricks is not wrong. Magic and magic arrays are one and the same."    


"Why must we split up? Think about it, wouldn't it be better if the magic and magic arrays were combined? It would be the same as doubling the power, and that's what I like."    



"Tianhao, your thoughts are indeed extraordinary. I have never thought of this, but it would be difficult to use it together. After all, it is very difficult to do two things at the same time, but there doesn't seem to be any problems with you.    


Your Instant Cast magic makes up for this flaw. I have to say, you were really born for magic. There are many things that are impossible for you. "    


Seymour was shocked once again. Not only was he shocked by Long Tianhao's ability to think, but he was also shocked by Long Tianhao's ability to use magic. This was something that everyone dreamed of.    


"It's natural, I can't do anything about it."    


Long Tianhao shrugged his shoulders, as if this had nothing to do with me. Seymour really wanted to beat him up, it was simply asking for a beating.    


Actually, the reason why Long Tianhao wanted to learn magic arrays was not only due to his own conditions, but also because Long Tianhao got a lot of magic arrays from the Book of Darkness and Light. It's just that Long Tianhao didn't learn them seriously, so he couldn't use them.    


It was the perfect time to learn from Seymour. When he understood the principle of the magic array, he would be able to grasp the magic array involved in the Light and Dark Scriptures. Long Tianhao believed that the magic array recorded in the Light and Dark Scriptures was definitely not ordinary.    


"This was my experience researching magic arrays after all these years. Take it and have a look at it. If you don't understand it, you can ask me. Let's go, it's noon. Let's go eat lunch."    


Seymour took out an unremarkable book from his storage ring and handed it to Long Tianhao.    


However, it was not an ordinary item. Long Tianhao received it with excitement. He opened it and looked at it. The smile on his face became even wider as he carefully kept it in his storage ring.    


"Thank you teacher, you've been too kind to me."    


"Stop being so blabbermouth, as long as you properly learn what I teach you, I will be very high. Remember, don't disappoint me."    


"That won't happen, I definitely won't let you down. Come, teacher, let's go eat."    


Long Tianhao followed behind Seymour with a smile on his face. They left the laboratory and went to the dining hall for their meal.    




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