Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0After absorbing enough energy, the mysterious egg had completely retracted all of its light outside. With the sound of "ka, ka, ka", the egg finally cracked open. Long Tianhao stared at the mysterious egg without blinking, he was very curious about what kind of mysterious thing could hatch from it.    


The eggshell continued to crack. Finally, the mysterious little guy inside appeared in front of a few pairs of eyes. It was a weird little guy with a dragon head, lion body, and deer hooves.    


A familiar name came out of his mouth, "Qilin Divine Beast." Long Tianhao looked at the little guy in disbelief. He never thought that a Qilin Divine Beast would appear from the egg this time. Oh god, his luck was really too good.    


The little guy acted like the sky spirit and started eating the eggshell. The Zi Ling tilted its head and asked: "Big brother, what is a Qilin Divine Beast? Is it very amazing?"    


Hearing the Zi Ling's question, black lines appeared on Long Tianhao's forehead. This Zi Ling is way too white, why doesn't she know anything? Long Tianhao calmed his excitement and explained to the Zi Ling: "The Qilin Divine Beast is indeed amazing.    


He was one of the strongest Divine Beast out of all of them. Just like the Heavenly Spirit, he was a super Divine Beast with incredible powers.    


However, he was even harder to come by than the Heavenly Spirit. Even though there were very few Qilin Divine Beast in the Divine Realm, each and every one of them was no small matter.    


Otherwise, if the Kirin Clan was lured out in pursuit, they wouldn't be able to escape even if they fled to the ends of the earth. They would truly be terrifyingly powerful! " "Oh, so powerful." The Zi Ling seemed to understand.    


The little guy quickly finished the eggshell. At this time, it was obvious that it was much more energetic than when it was born. The little guy looked around and walked straight towards Long Tianhao.    


He was quite bold. He sniffed Long Tianhao and found that Long Tianhao had the smell he liked. It felt very intimate. Although he didn't understand why this human would give him such a feeling, the little guy still accepted Long Tianhao.    


He rubbed Long Tianhao's feet a few times as if he was acting spoiled. Then, he quickly ran into Long Tianhao's arms, afraid that the little guy would fall down, so Long Tianhao quickly reached out his hands and hugged the little guy. The little guy also happily licked Long Tianhao's hand.    


However, the next fellow directly took a bite out of Long Tianhao's finger. Long Tianhao knew that the little guy felt that his breath was the person who hatched him.    


Therefore, Long Tianhao didn't stop Long Tianhao from signing the contract. Sure enough, Long Tianhao let go of Long Tianhao's finger after the little guy absorbed a bit of the blood.    


Long Tianhao held the little guy tightly in his arms. The Zi Ling also jumped into Long Tianhao's arms.    


Long Tianhao said to the little guy: "Un, I'll give you a name first. Look at your golden body, I'll call you Jin Ling from now on, what do you think?" The little guy cupped its hands in Long Tianhao's embrace, expressing its intention.    


Seeing that the little guy didn't have any objections, Long Tianhao said to the Jin Ling: "Jin Ling, this is the Zi Ling and this is the Sky Spirit, you guys are partners from now on, we have to get along well." Long Tianhao pointed at the Zi Ling and the sky spirit respectively as he introduced them.    


The Zi Ling also jumped and touched the Jin Ling, while the Jin Ling extended its tongue out and licked the Zi Ling, causing it to laugh out loud. The Sky Spirit, on the other hand, brought its head closer to the Jin Ling and used its dragon horn to clash with the beast's Qilin horn.    


Long Tianhao was curious. Qilin Divine Beast were even more precious than Divine Dragons, but the reason was because their fertility was too low. Some of them could only be born from heaven and earth, unlike Dragon Clan which was also very rare.    


However, there was still quite a bit of accumulation after thousands and millions of years. On this planet where spiritual energy was scarce, there was the existence of a Qilin egg, and it was in the immortal estate of a big sect.    


It was weird. Why was the Qilin egg not taken away? Long Tianhao had no way of knowing, so he had no choice but to not ask.    


Long Tianhao let the Jin Ling enter his body as well. The little guy saw that both of his arms were empty, so it occupied Long Tianhao's chest area.    


Long Tianhao looked at the patterns on his body and couldn't help but to smile bitterly. Others might say that the left dragon, right white tiger, and the dragon head was on his chest, but what the hell was this thing, a left gold dragon, a right ginseng, a qilin on his chest?    


Obtaining the Qilin Jin Ling must be Long Tianhao's fortune. This kind of heaven and earth Divine Beast was something that could only be encountered by chance and not sought. Long Tianhao calmed down and once again flew towards the direction of the Transfer Array.    


He knew that there shouldn't be anything left in this place. After all, the sky wasn't always filled with meat pies. According to the Jade Chip's instructions, the Transfer Array was right in front of Long Tianhao.    


The place was already filled with weeds, and even the Transfer Array were submerged within. Long Tianhao searched carefully, and very quickly, he found the Transfer Array.    


This was the appearance of a circular altar with a diameter of about 5 meters. In the middle, there was an inscriptions of a hexagram, and the surroundings were filled with grooves. This was used to embed Spiritual Stone.    


As a result, there were no Spiritual Stone inside the groove, otherwise the weeds would not be able to cover the Transfer Array, and he did not know if the Transfer Array was still alive or not.    


Long Tianhao wasn't sure, but it was the only way to leave Earth at the moment. No matter what Long Tianhao said, he had to give it a try.    


Long Tianhao took out 6 high grade Spiritual Stone, the highest grade he felt was too wasteful, and quickly embedded it into the groove of the hexagram. The Transfer Array that had the support of the Spiritual Stone released a ray of light, a ray of light.    


Long Tianhao was elated. He knew that the Transfer Array could still be used, but from the Jade Chip Long Tianhao, he found out that the Transfer Array was one-way. As for where it was sent to, there was no introduction on it.    


The Jade Chip mentioned that this was the only Transfer Array that led to Cultivation Realm, and once it left, it would never be able to return. Long Tianhao did not believe this, even if the Transfer Array could not, then when he became stronger and even became an immortal god, could he not come back?    


Long Tianhao entered the Transfer Array in a flash. He was reluctant to look around, but he was about to leave Earth, and the Seal in his hands struck out continuously.    


This was a technique recorded within the Jade Chip. When Long Tianhao executed his last technique, the Transfer Array suddenly lit up with a white light, and Long Tianhao also disappeared within the Transfer Array.    


Long Tianhao finally left Earth and stepped into the amazing Cultivation Realm, what would he experience in the midst of Cultivation Realm? Let's all look forward to Long Tianhao's legendary life in Cultivation Realm.    




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