Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0Although Long Tianhao was in a bad mood, he didn't turn around to look at those people. He was still drinking the fine wine in his bowl. At this moment, the people eating at the inn had already left.    


Even the boss and the waiter stayed in the corner, not daring to come out and greet him. It seemed that these people all knew how strong this young master Fang was and did not want to bother with this matter anymore.    


Seeing Long Tianhao and the other two still sitting there without moving as if they didn't hear what they had said, the two Fang family's servants were immediately angered. In this Sky Blue City, who would dare not to take advantage of their Fang family? Boy.    


"Did you hear that? I told you guys to scram. If you anger our young master, then you're in for it." At this moment, Young Master Fang was also staring at Long Tianhao and the others with a vicious expression. It seemed that he really wanted to give Long Tianhao a lesson.    


"Tian Bao, throw these dogs out. Remember, don't kill them." At this moment, Long Tianhao spoke up. He really didn't want to say anything to these popinjays.    


"Yes, master." Tianhu had long since lost his patience. Hearing Long Tianhao's words, he immediately walked towards the Fang family's people.    


"How dare you call me a dog! Fang Da, Fang Er, attack! Beat this kid to death!" This young master Fang was too used to being a popinjay. Who would dare to scold him? Hearing Long Tianhao call him a dog, he immediately became angry.    


But before this generous side of Fang Zhi rushed to Long Tianhao's side, he was directly thrown out of the inn with one in each hand by Tian Bao. But before this generous side of Fang Zhi rushed to Long Tianhao, he was directly thrown out of the inn with one in his other hand by Tian Bao.    


This time, this Young Master Fang was stunned. He had not expected these people to be so powerful. Moreover, they actually dared to make a move against his Fang family members. He was too shocked.    


His grandfather was the prime minister of the imperial court, and no one dared to go against him. Now, someone actually dared to make a move on his family.    


Tian Bao finished cleaning up the servants, and continued to walk towards Young Master Fang. Seeing Tian Bao walking towards him, that Young Master Fang panicked, "What are you doing? "Let me tell you, my grandfather is the prime minister of the imperial court. If you dare to even touch a single hair on my head, I will definitely let my grandfather kill you."    


"Oh, really? "I want to see how domineering your Fang family is. Tian Bao, throw him out for me." Long Tianhao still didn't turn around and directly ordered Tian Bao to attack.    


Tian Bao did not hesitate and directly picked up Young Master Fang, "What are you doing? Let me go, let me go. "    


That Young Master Fang was truly scared. However, as soon as he finished speaking, Tian Bao directly threw him out and landed beside his two servants. Then, Tian Bao quietly sat back down and drank his wine.    


The two servants then helped Young Master Fang to his feet. Young Master Fang's fall earlier had been quite a blow to his body. "Just you wait, I'll definitely not let you off." That Young Master Fang had suffered so much, how could he be willing to let things go like this?    


He was going back to find his grandpa to stand up for him. He thought about what would happen to Long Tianhao. This young master Fang revealed a sinister smile, then he generously supported that young master and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.    


"Great sir, you've stirred up a lot of trouble this time. This young master Fang is one of the biggest bullies of our Sky Blue City. Whoever dares to provoke him will not end up well. You'd better be careful." Seeing the few people from the Fang family leave, the waiter hurried over and reminded Long Tianhao.    


"Thank you for the reminder, I will be careful." Although Long Tianhao said that, it was clear from his appearance that he didn't take it seriously at all.    


Seeing that, the waiter didn't say anything more. He did his best to give himself some thought. As for Long Tianhao, it didn't matter to him whether he listened to Long Tianhao or not.    


Ever since Long Tianhao started cultivating, his entire person changed. The current him was not a timid person as long as no one dared to offend him.    


He wouldn't provoke unnecessary trouble, but if someone provoked him, he didn't mind teaching them a lesson, so he treated Young Master Fang like a dog.    


After the meal, Long Tianhao was ready to go out for a stroll to get to know more about this foreign land. He wanted to go alone, but he couldn't persuade the Wu brothers to follow him.    


As Long Tianhao walked along the street, he felt curious about everything. It was as if he had gone back to the ancient times. There were all kinds of goods on the street. Long Tianhao was confused and confused while the Wu brothers were silent.    


He just silently followed behind Long Tianhao without looking around, wholeheartedly protecting Long Tianhao's safety. With Long Tianhao's strength, who in this mortal world could hurt him? They were way too careful.    


After strolling around for a while, Long Tianhao lost interest. They were only mortal things, so there was nothing fun about them. Just as Long Tianhao was preparing to return to the inn, a group of people suddenly rushed out and surrounded Long Tianhao and the other two.    


Two people walked out. One of them was very tall. Long Tianhao could see that this person was very reserved.    


He should be a practitioner, and an expert with extraordinary skills. Of course, for an ordinary person, for Long Tianhao, he was still a mortal. As for the other person, it was none other than Young Master Fang, who had been thrown out of the inn by Tian Bao.    


"Uncle Li, it's them! Quickly help me kill them!" Young Master Fang pointed at Long Tianhao and shouted as soon as he came out.    


The middle-aged man who was addressed as Uncle Li immediately looked at Long Tianhao and the other two, "My name is Li Hu, it is you who are rude to my Young Master."    


If you can't give us an explanation today, none of you will be able to leave. " Li Hu stared at Long Tianhao and the other two as if they were his prey.    


"It's us, but I'm only asking my men to throw out a few barking dogs." Long Tianhao still looked relaxed as he said the words that made Young Master Fang want to kill someone.    


"Are you really planning to go against the Fang family?"    


"I can't say I'm going against the Fang Clan, but what Fang Clan? In my eyes, they're nothing."    


"Uncle Li, what are you wasting time with him for? Hurry up and kill them." Seeing that Li Hu still did not make a move, that Young Master Fang immediately roared again.    


"Yes, young master." Li Hu did not hesitate and waved his hand for everyone to move. Young Master Fang was very confident in Li Hu.    


This Li Hu was already a Xiantian expert and was considered a top-notch expert in the secular world. This time, he saw the power of the people beside Long Tianhao, so he called Li Hu over. "Brat, if you dare provoke me, I'll definitely teach you a lesson." That Young Master Fang thought fiercely in his heart.    


"Tian Bao, I'll leave it to you. I don't like being surrounded by a group of flies. All of you, go down. Remember, don't let anyone die." Long Tianhao said plainly and gave the order about the group's future.    


"Yes, Master." Without further ado, Tian Bao followed Long Tianhao's orders completely. This time, there were a lot of people surrounding Long Tianhao and the rest. Tian Bao did not want Long Tianhao to be too busy, so he directly released part of his power.    


He turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of everyone. There was a continuous sound of "peng peng" and it surrounded the servants of Long Tianhao and the other two.    


They had all fallen to the ground and were all in pain. No one stood up, and in an instant, dozens of people were knocked down.    


After doing all of this, Tian Bao's figure appeared in his original position as if he had never left. When that Young Master Fang saw this sudden change, he was dumbfounded. What kind of people were these? His body was trembling nonstop.    


His entire body collapsed to the ground. When Li Hu saw Tian Bao make a move, his eyes went wide and his face was filled with amazement. He continuously retreated and landed on the ground. He pointed at Tian Bao and said with a trembling voice, "Cultivator, you are a cultivator!"    


Hearing Li Hu's words, that Young Master Fang suddenly came to his senses. It was just that at this moment, he was too scared to get up, so he laid there trembling even more. He knew that he couldn't afford to offend him this time.    


Even his grandpa couldn't protect him anymore. If he knew earlier, he wouldn't have dared to find trouble with Long Tianhao no matter what. These were all immortals; they were not people that mortals could afford to offend.    


"My young master was blind to not recognize Mount Tai and offended all of you. Please forgive him, deities." Li Hu also didn't expect that his Young Master would offend a cultivator, so he could only brace himself and ask for the forgiveness of the immortals.    


"Don't rely on your family's influence to show off. You cannot offend too many people in this world."    


Long Tianhao said meaningfully. He kicked his foot off the ground and rose into the air. The Wu brothers also rose up into the air. Then, they ignored what happened behind them and flew off in one direction and quickly disappeared from where they were.    


At this moment, the ground was full of kneeling people, all of them begging for the immortal's blessing. Seeing Long Tianhao and the other two leave, Li Hu wiped the sweat off his forehead and stood up to help Young Master Fang.    


"Young master, you've caused a disaster this time. How did you offend an immortal? Sigh, you'll be scolded by the prime minister when you go back. You'd better be careful in the future!"    


At this time, Young Master Fang was already scared silly. Li Hu helplessly shook his head when he heard Li Hu's words. He supported Young Master Fang in the direction of the Fang Residence. As for the people lying on the ground, he could only wait until they returned before sending someone to deal with them.    





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