Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0Returning home, Long Tianhao suddenly realized that there seemed to be nothing to do today and that the job problem had been solved. He just needed to go and take a look tomorrow.    


Actually, Long Tianhao didn't go out for too long, it was only a little after noon. As for lunch, Long Tianhao just ate a little at the street side, how would he spend the rest of the day? Long Tianhao sat in his living room for a while.    


Then he got up and went back to his bedroom. He laid on his bed and thought about what happened that morning. It was really interesting. Long Tianhao was a master now, which made Long Tianhao a bit uncomfortable.    


Long Tianhao had originally studied economics. This thing seemed to be very popular, but with more people learning it, it became worthless. Otherwise, Long Tianhao would have been able to find a job. Now we're going to do jewelry.    


This could also be considered an economic industry. After experiencing the inheritance, Long Tianhao had also brought along Thunder Monarch's spirit and became very confident.    


After lying on the bed for a while and organizing his thoughts, Long Tianhao soon threw the morning's incident to the back of his mind. He had to think about cultivation. Long Tianhao was struck by lightning and thus inherited, but he had just experienced the ups and downs of this life.    


He didn't think too much about it, but now that he calmed down, he had to think about it. Long Tianhao had entered the Foundation Establishment stage last night, so he had the ability to see inside. Of course, he didn't notice it yesterday.    


Instead, it was according to the novel, so he knew he could look inside. This was Long Tianhao's sadness, even though he got the inheritance of an ancient almighty, but he had to suffer without anyone to guide him, so he didn't even know some basic common sense.    


He still had to find out bit by bit. Although a lot of Thunder Monarch's knowledge had been passed down to him, but one must know who Thunder Monarch was. He said that Long Tianhao definitely wouldn't be able to use the things he passed down. This was why Long Tianhao was a 100% cultivation rookie.    


Long Tianhao's Spiritual Consciousness entered his Dantian and saw lightning snakes coiling around his Dantian and thunder rumbling. A ball of lightning like object was entrenched within, and traces of electric currents constantly jumped about within it. Long Tianhao's Spiritual Consciousness tried to penetrate it.    


However, just as he got close to it, he received an electric current attack and immediately withdrew, not daring to casually enter again, "So powerful, what is that thing? Could it be the Aurous Core of a cultivator? But that's not right, I've only just reached Foundation Establishment.    


"I don't understand. Since he's in my body, he must have been left behind by Master. Unfortunately, Master didn't tell me what this was." Long Tianhao didn't understand, so he didn't think about it. Actually, that thunder-like object entered Long Tianhao's body through the lightning.    


Once they entered Long Tianhao's body, they immediately occupied Long Tianhao's dantian. However, due to the overbearing thunder clouds, it was not enough.    


Long Tianhao was helpless against it, but he believed that as long as this thing remained in his body, once he got the Cultivation Level up, there would be a day when he would be able to refine it.    


In his dantian, he did not discover anything else. Long Tianhao's Spiritual Consciousness entered the Sea of Consciousness, which was also the location of his upper dantian. It was a blue world, like a trance to the ocean.    


Long Tianhao noticed it when he saw the glimmer of light. He came to the light and was shocked to discover that it was actually an ancient sword. The light was flowing with electricity, giving off an ancient aura.    


It was really strange. The Spiritual Consciousness that approached Long Tianhao started to tremble as if it had a life of its own. Long Tianhao stared at the sword. He did not know how his Sea of Consciousness could have the existence of a sword.    


Suddenly, a message from the ancient came. Long Tianhao suddenly realized that from his cheap master Thunder Monarch's memory, Long Tianhao knew that this sword was Wu Tie's sword, the famous Sword of Thunder Punishment in the ancient times.    


It really is an amazing treasure. Long Tianhao couldn't help but feel overjoyed, "Like I said, Master wouldn't be so stingy to not leave me even a weapon. Hehe, it's a good thing. A godly weapon. "But why didn't Master tell me that back then?"    


Long Tianhao was very grateful to Thunder Monarch right now. He even left him such a treasure. However, when Long Tianhao tried to call out the Divine Sword, he became depressed.    


"Are you kidding me? It can't be used." Long Tianhao was furious, but that was normal. Who doesn't like precious things? It would be annoying if they just looked at it.    


Of course Long Tianhao could not recruit Divine Sword, with his current cultivation level, it was impossible for him to use Divine Sword. However, he was satisfied, at least when the Cultivation Level went up, he could use it, and he had Thunder Monarch's inheritance.    


The Divine Sword had already recognized him as its master, and he was still unhappy about it. If the other cultivators knew about this, wouldn't they strangle him to death? Actually, there was one more important thing that Long Tianhao didn't know.    


Sword of Thunder Punishment had the ability to protect the soul of the primordial spirit, at least he wouldn't need to worry about being exterminated easily. It was this ability that allowed Long Tianhao to survive the next few calamities.    


Long Tianhao left the Sea of Consciousness and sat on the bed with his legs crossed. Other than his own strength, he could not use anything else. Long Tianhao needed to think carefully about how to quickly improve his strength in the future.    


Through Thunder Monarch's memory, Long Tianhao knew that cultivation could not be lacking in heavenly and earthly treasures, and all kinds of spirit herbs and Spiritual Stone were essential.    


At the same time, unlike other cultivators, he still needed to absorb the power of the heavenly lightning to cultivate the lightning art. Long Tianhao was poor, how could he afford to waste so many resources?    


"Sigh, it's bitter, right now Earth's technology, civilization, environmental pollution, all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures are all used up, and the spiritual energy is so thin, it's impossible to cultivate to a high level.    


Unless I leave Earth and search for a planet with sufficient spiritual energy, but with my strength, it's impossible for me to leave Earth, what should I do? Ah, how troublesome! " Long Tianhao's face was full of worry.    


After pondering hard for a long time, finally Long Tianhao opened his eyes, "I've thought of it, although Earth doesn't have much resources, there should still be some. If we can get enough resources, we won't have to worry about not being able to cultivate enough to leave Earth.    


"But how can I get it? It's not enough to just rely on myself. What should I do?" Then, Long Tianhao fell into deep thought. Suddenly, Long Tianhao's eyes lit up as if he had thought of something, "I'm stupid. I can't do it alone. I'm relying on everyone's power."    


Long Tianhao slapped his thigh and stood up, "If you want to collect these things, then I should start my career. Where should I start from? Right, I'm going to the Sky Dragon Jewelry tomorrow, so I'll start from here.    


"Let's see if we can get some money for the early stage. Okay, let's do it this way." Long Tianhao made up his mind. When he looked at the sky, it was already dark. He looked to his side and said, "Uh, it's 8 o'clock, it can't be. I didn't do anything."    


It turned out that Long Tianhao had been so busy thinking that he forgot about the time. Now, although the sky was already dark, he didn't feel anything. Seeing that it was already late and he wasn't hungry, Long Tianhao decided not to eat dinner anymore.    


He decided to immediately start cultivating to consolidate his foundation and increase his strength. It was because he suddenly felt that his strength was too weak.    


Thinking of this, Long Tianhao immediately assumed the posture of practicing. He circulated his martial art and slowly absorbed the weak spiritual energy from the air to strengthen himself.    


After careful consideration, Long Tianhao decided to enter the business world, build his own career, and lay the foundation for his own cultivation. In the future, what would Long Tianhao face?    




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