Eternal Sovereign



0The Tower of Wargods in King Jing's hand is actually a replica. The real name should be the replica of the Tower of Wargods, or the fake Tower of Wargods.    


It was the first generation Liangyue King of the Liangyue, which was also known as the Liangyue Sovereign's weapon. It could be used to attack and defend, and when thrown out, the War God Tower could instantly transform into a huge monster that was hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters tall.    


Hiding inside, even if dozens or more Great Grandmaster used all their might, they still would not be able to break the defense of the Battle God Pagoda.    


People were more willing to call this type of divine weapon a Sovereign weapon, as it was similar to a king level expert.    


Other than that, there was also a separate space inside the God of War Tower, inside it was self-sufficient. It was a completely small world, the place where Liangyue Sovereign had raised his subordinates back then.    


It was said that when the Liangyue Dynasty was first established, many first-generation warriors had cultivated in the inner space of the Tower of Wargods, which resulted in the birth of a large number of Grandmasters, Grand Grandmasters, and Great Grandmaster.    


Unfortunately, with the fall of the Liangyue Elder, after so many years, the true War God Tower had gradually collapsed due to lack of supplies, making it hard to activate.    


Therefore, the Liangyue King of a certain generation had gathered the many artificers masters and grand masters of the dynasty and used them up many years to split the real War God Tower into several false War God Towers.    


King Jing was one of them.    


Although the function isn't as powerful as the real wargod tower, it still has quite a few miraculous effects.    


It can also attack and defend, except it's not as powerful as the real wargod tower. At most, it's as powerful as a grandmaster.    


There was also a special space inside, but the space inside the Tower of Wargods was self-sufficient, and it was a complete small world. However, the False War God Tower couldn't do it, and couldn't do it.    


The War God Tower in King Jing's hands specially opened up a 33rd level space for people to train and fight. If someone can open up a 33rd level, they will be able to get a War God Token that was split out of the War God Tower.    


According to their performance in the Tower of Wargods and the amount of time they have to clear the level, the wargod orders are divided into the bronze wargod order, silver wargod order, and gold war god order.    


The War God Badge was a weapon that provided both offense and defense. Throwing the Bronze War God Badge, its attack power was not inferior to Innate Genuine Returning Stage, and it could also defend against normal Genuine Returning Stage attacks.    


The attack power of the Silver War God Crest was not inferior to that of normal Yuan Combination Stage, and its defensive power was not weaker than that of normal Yuan Combination Stage.    


The Golden War God Crest's attack power was not weaker than Astral Deities Worship Stage and its defensive power was not weaker than normal Astral Deities Worship Stage.    


Because it requires energy to open up a space, and also requires energy to condense the wargod command medallion, helping someone break through a bottleneck also requires energy, so after the energy is used up, the Tower of Wargods usually needs around 20 years to recover.    


"War God Command..." Chen Yi couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. King Jing is indeed King Jing. His family is so rich that they actually have a treasure like the Tower of Wargods.    


He could even make his own treasures!    


His Highness saw that Chen Yi was interested in the War God Token, so he couldn't help but laugh, "Although the War God Token is divided into three levels, bronze, silver, and gold, in reality, no one has obtained the Golden War God Token from father ever since he obtained the War God Tower. If you want to obtain the Golden War God Token, you not only have to pass the 33rd step, you also have to pass it in an extremely short period of time.    


"Because these are the rules set by the wargod tower"    


"But I believe you can do it. If you can get the Golden War God Token, Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage would be helpless against you."    


"However, this isn't the biggest benefit of getting the War God Token. Don't look at how many Red Dragon Guard participants come to the War God Tower every time we open it, or how not everyone can clear the thirty-third floor. In reality, the number of people who can clear the thirty-third floor is very few, not more than the number of palms. And most of the people that clear this path get a bronze wargod order. It'll be good if there's one silver medal each time. "    


"Therefore, anyone who obtains the War God's Badge will have the strongest strength out of all the Red Dragon Guard. Their talent is extraordinary and if they wish to become a Azure Dragon Guard in the future, they will basically be able to pass through these kinds of Red Dragon Guard.    


"Therefore, once the Red Dragon Guard who obtains the War God Token becomes the Azure Dragon Guard, they will be selected as the Purple Dragon Guard's training team. In the future, they won't need to do too many missions, so King Jing Cheng will place a large amount of resources on these people and help them become the Purple Dragon Guard."    


"The resources that you get from Bronze, Silver, and Gold are also different. The resources that you get from the Golden War God Token are the best. Not only do you get a large amount of points and high-rank spirit stones every month, you can also receive advice from your father and others like Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage."    


It can be said that once you obtain the Golden War God Token, you will become the most worth nurturing the Purple Dragon Guard Seeds, and the vast majority of resources will be poured into you. Once you become a Azure Dragon Guard, you won't even need to perform missions like the other Azure Dragon Guard, you just need to stay in seclusion, and there will be an endless supply of resources for you. "    


The fourth prince stared at Chen Yi with shining eyes. Obviously, he had a lot of confidence in Chen Yi.    


The attack and defense of the Golden War God Token were only secondary, and the meaning behind it was what Chen Yi valued the most. King Jing basically treated the Golden War God Token like a seed of the Purple Dragon Guard, and the treatment the Purple Dragon Guard Seed enjoyed was naturally not something ordinary Azure Dragon Guard could compare to.    


Chen Yi's strength was not bad, and it might not be long before he could raise his Azure Dragon Guard, but this did not mean that he could do whatever he wanted once he became a Azure Dragon Guard.    


No matter how deep one's foundation was, it was impossible for one's Yuan Combination Stage to soar to half a step into the level of a Hou Tian Warrior. Therefore, after Chen Yi broke through, he was only at the early stage of Yuan Combination Stage. Although he was not the bottom of the one hundred and eight Azure Dragon Guard, he was at most at the middle or low level.    


Wherever he went, the stronger he was, the more resources he would receive and the more attention he would receive.    


He wanted to climb to the top through the Azure Dragon Guard, and it was definitely not possible for him to do so in a short period of time. If he wanted to enjoy the top resources, there also needed to be a process, even if he had the support of the Fourth Prince.    


But having the Golden War God Badge was different. To be able to step into the eyes of King Jing Cheng's higher-ups first and enjoy the treatment of a few top Azure Dragon Guard in advance was even better than the treatment of these top Azure Dragon Guard!    


However, although the Golden War God Token had a great temptation, through the 4th Prince's explanation, Chen Yi also knew how difficult it was.    


Chen Yi said, "Your Highness, what if I don't get the Golden War God Badge?"    


"It doesn't matter. If you can't get it, others definitely won't be able to. Even if you just got the Silver War God Token, you'll be able to stand out and look down on all the other heroes."    


Since His Highness had said so, Chen Yi was able to put down some of the pressure in his heart. He cupped his fist and said: "Since Your Highness has said so, then I will do my best and will not disappoint Your Highness."    


"However, you have to be careful of two people." The fourth prince suddenly changed the topic and mentioned two people.    


"These two people are Zou Yong and Cen Wen." The fourth prince gave out two names and then explained the origins of these two.    


Zou Yong and Cen Wen came from the Zou Family of King Jing City and the Cen Family respectively. These two families were large families in King Jing City and each had their own Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage.    


The two of them had outstanding talents and powerful strength. At the same time, they awakened a powerful bloodline, and the two of them sided with Eldest Prince and Second Prince respectively.    


Zou Yong was one of Eldest Prince's subordinates, Cen Wen was one of Second Prince's. Both of them had Azure Dragon Guard augmented, but the two of them had already upgraded their Yuan Combination Stage!    


The other type was the Red Dragon Guard which had just been promoted to the Yuan Combination Stage level. Because their strength was not as good as that of the Azure Dragon Guard s, they could only temporarily stay in the Red Dragon Guard camp as they were added to the Azure Dragon Guard.    


If there was someone who could defeat the Azure Dragon Guard, it could be replaced.    


Or maybe someone from the Azure Dragon Guard had fallen, and if there was a vacancy, the person could similarly be promoted to the Azure Dragon Guard.    


Currently, their Azure Dragon Guard s were all filled, so if they wanted to become Azure Dragon Guard s, they had to defeat one of them.    


Zou Yong and Cen Wen had already possessed the Yuan Combination Stage's combat power back then, but now, they would only be stronger. They would definitely have the strength to defeat the Azure Dragon Guard, which was ranked lower than them, in its place.    


The reason was that Eldest Prince and Second Prince had their eyes on the Tower of Wargods and wanted to start the tournament to get the most benefits for Zou Yong and Cen Wen. The two Princes both wanted Zou Yong and Cen Wen to get the warlord token, preferably a gold warlord order.    


Zou Yong and Cen Wen were obviously fond of the Golden War God Token, so they suppressed their desire to challenge Azure Dragon Guard and focused on waiting for the tournament.    



After introducing the two, the 4th Prince chuckled, "But I'm guessing big brother and second brother didn't expect a dark horse like you to appear out of nowhere."    


"This prince really didn't expect that father would agree to start the wargod competition. In this way, we would have an opportunity to take advantage of it."    


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