Creation Fishing System

C54 Spirit Seed

C54 Spirit Seed

0After hearing Xiao Lee's words, Chu Yun had a lot of guesses in his heart.    


First of all, the Ms. Bai that Xiao Lee spoke of was called Bai Shiyun. She was the sect master of the Spirit Righting Sect. Many years ago, the Spirit Righting Sect was also destroyed in a beast tide.    


At the same time, Bai Shiyun could enter the gate and enter this special space to avoid the threat of the beast tide. Xiao Lee also hoped that she could stay but in the end, Bai Shiyun did not agree and returned to the outside world to live and die with the Sect. After that, she never came back.    


Regarding her spirit, Chu Yun could not say that he would do so, but he respected this courage.    


But this caused a problem.    


"Can't all the disciples of Spirit Righting Sect hide in here?"    


Chu Yun asked curiously, "If they were able to hide in this place when they were in danger, wouldn't the threat of the beast tide not be so great?"    


"No way. "    


Xiao Lee shook her head and said softly, "Ms. Bai said that she found me in a ruin and comprehended a skill called Spirit Righting Element Refreshing Spell on the door outside. Only those who have mastered this cultivation technique can open the door and enter.    


At that time, there were not many disciples in the Spirit Righting Sect who had learnt this cultivation technique. They all went outside with Ms. Bai to resist the beast tide and did not come back. "    


Chu Yun nodded. Before he could say anything, the sound of dogs barking could be heard from under his feet.    


"What about it? He doesn't know any human skills. "    


Chu Yun pointed at the Dahuang.    


"What is it? It's so cute!"    


Xiao Lee saw the Dahuang and immediately became very excited, as if this was the first time she saw this kind of creature. She hurriedly went forward and picked up the Dahuang. She used a rusty but passionate method to give this dog a good rub.    


The Dahuang happily rubbed against Xiao Lee's chest and let out a comfortable cry.    


Seeing this, the corner of Chu Yun's mouth twitched slightly. Although he did not get the answer, he had a guess in his heart. Maybe it was because the Dahuang was not human. It was his pet. Since he had learned the Spirit Righting Element Refreshing Spell, his aura had also affected the Dahuang. Therefore, the Dahuang could also pass the certification of the gate.    


"What about you? It's your turn to answer my question. What's your name? Where are you from? Are you also a disciple of the Spirit Righting Sect?"    


Xiao Lee asked while stroking Dog.    


"My name is Chu Yun. "    


Chu Yun paused for a moment and said, "I am from the Elemental River Sect. Unfortunately, I am not a disciple of the Spirit Righting Sect. The Sect has been destroyed. I found the Spirit Righting Element Refreshing Spell and this gate in the ruins of the Spirit Righting Sect. "    


As soon as Chu Yun finished speaking, Xiao Lee stopped rubbing the dog. She said thoughtfully, "At this time, I should feel sad, right? Ms. Bai taught me a lot of things about humans. Including your feelings and your emotions, but I still can't quite understand them. At the beginning when Ms. Bai left, I waited for her for a long time. Every day, I felt depressed and unhappy. But after a long, long time, I became the same as before. Now, even if I think of Ms. Bai again, I won't be bored anymore. "    


When Chu Yun heard this, he was even more curious about Xiao Lee's existence. He said, "If I am not presumptuous, I want to know, since you say you are not human, then what are you? Are you a Demon Race? "    


"I don't know. "    


Xiao Lee smiled and said: "Ms. Bai also asked me this question, but I also don't know what I am. But in short, I am different from humans. My body is formed from a ball of light. "    


Xiao Lee said and raised a hand. Her slender fingers looked very elegant and the part between her fingers slowly faded and emitted a weak light.    


The light floated up and turned into light spots that floated behind Chu Yun. Then her entire body turned into light and floated towards Chu Yun's back, forming a new body.    




Xiao Lee giggled, seemingly expecting Chu Yun's reaction.    


Chu Yun nodded and said, "It's very magical. When your Ms. Bai first saw this scene, she should have been shocked, right? But I saw how you appeared just now, so I wasn't that surprised. "    


Chu Yun said. He also felt emotional in his heart. This world was indeed very mysterious. There were all kinds of strange things in this world. He had no idea what kind of existence Xiao Lee was.    


However, Xiao Lee was very kind to herself. She was different from humans, but because of the Spirit Righting Sect's sect master, Bai Shiyun was actively learning about human emotions. She had stayed in this special space alone for hundreds of years, but her heart had not changed much. She looked very pure, like a blank piece of paper.    


"Didn't you go out to take a look?"    


Chu Yun pointed at the Bluestone Gate he had come with.    


"I can't go out. "    


Xiao Lee's tone was a little downcast. She seemed to be a little unwilling and said, "Only you humans can shuttle through that door. I can't get out. Since I had consciousness, I have been staying in this space. "    


Chu Yun was startled and said, "How long have you been here?"    


"I don't know. "    


Xiao Lee shook her head and said, "Before meeting Ms. Bai, I seemed to have been sleeping and she woke me up. After Ms. Bai left, I was always alone here. Time has no meaning to me. Ms. Bai had taught me before to calculate the time by counting the heartbeats. Unfortunately, I don't have a heartbeat. I can only count the time by counting the numbers. But that would be too boring. I counted for more than 30 years and then stopped. "    


Xiao Lee had a lot to say. After Chu Yun started the topic, she couldn't stop talking. However, when Chu Yun heard her nagging, he did not feel impatient. Instead, he listened patiently with a smile on his face.    


Chu Yun could not imagine what it would feel like if a person was trapped in a limited small space for hundreds of thousands of years, counting numbers in the form of one, two, four, five or six seven for more than thirty years.    


Fortunately, Xiao Lee did not learn to be like a real human. Otherwise, if she had all the emotions of a human, she would definitely not be able to bear such loneliness, which was even more terrifying than death.    


"What have you been doing for so long?"    


Chu Yun's tone became gentler as he asked.    


"I sleep most of the time. "    


Xiao Lee hugged Dog and walked around in a circle. She pointed at the flowers and plants around her and said, "When I wake up, I'll take a look at these seeds. Every time I wake up, they become different. I really like to see these changes in them. In Ms. Bai's words, they can give me the feeling of life and vitality. "    


"These are all planted by you?"    


Chu Yun looked at the flowers and plants in disbelief and said, "There is no sunlight in this world and no water source. How did you cultivate them?"    


"I used my own light. "    


She then unwrapped a small bag on her clothes. There were some seeds inside. They were all ordinary flowers and plants.    


Xiao Lee carefully picked one from the bag and placed it on her fingertip. Then she carefully dug a small pit on the ground and buried the seed inside.    



When the soil buried the seed, Xiao Lee stretched out her hand and pointed. A ray of light shot out from between her fingers and landed on the soil of the seed. In the blink of an eye, there was movement in the soil.    


Chu Yun held his breath and carefully observed. He discovered that a tender shoot broke out of the soil. Under the shine of the light, it grew at an extremely fast speed. Very soon, a bright little red flower bloomed.    


"Is it beautiful?"    


Xiao Lee also stared at the flower. She stared at it without blinking. In her eyes, all the patterns on the flower were like the most beautiful painting in the world. They formed an incomparable attraction to her.    


"It's very beautiful. "    


Chu Yun nodded. He thought that this should be the reason why Xiao Lee was able to persist here. She had a way to obtain joy.    


Furthermore, she also had a special ability, which allowed her to catalyze the seed quickly. She did not need sunlight, water, soil, or other conditions. She only needed a ray of light from her own body to allow the flowers and plants to continue growing.    


It had been hundreds of years since the destruction of the Spirit Righting Sect. The batch of seeds that Bai Shiyun left behind could still be passed down smoothly even now. This was enough to prove how brilliant Xiao Lee's means were.    


At this time, Chu Yun couldn't help but look at the Spirit Continuing Fruit fruit tree in the middle of the garden. He coughed dryly and said, "Xiao Lee, can I pluck two fruits?"    


"Spirit Continuing Fruit?"    


Xiao Lee was still admiring the little red flower and asked without turning her head.    


"Yes. "    


Chu Yun nodded and said: "I have an elder who doesn't have much lifespan. He needs a similar treasure to prolong his life. If you agree, I can give you some new seeds in exchange. "    


" Do you have any other seeds? "    


Xiao Lee immediately jumped up from the ground. Her eyes were shining as she looked at Chu Yun without blinking.    


"Yes. "    


Chu Yun said and took out some spirit seeds from the System Space.    


In order to show his sincerity, he took out one of the spiritual seeds that he had fished up and placed it in front of Xiao Lee. He said, "I can give you all of these. "    


Xiao Lee looked at the spiritual seeds in surprise and said, "I haven't seen these spiritual seeds for a long time. Ms. Bai often brought some to me in the past. But after she left, the number of spirit seeds that were reproducing became fewer and fewer. Until now, I don't even have a single one. Are these all for me? "    


The seeds that contained spiritual energies were different from ordinary seeds. Their retention rate was extremely low, and they did not possess the ability to continue existing. The reason why there were still spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses in this world was actually because of the nature's spiritual energies catalyzing the transformation of ordinary flowers and plants into spiritual grasses. Otherwise, there would have been no spiritual grasses in this world a long time ago.    


And this was also a normal situation. Otherwise, if a person obtained a spiritual seed, he would be able to nurture more and more of them. The spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses were simply too worthless.    


"Yes, if you're willing to trade with me. "    


Chu Yun said.    


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