Demon Becoming the Lord

C89 Tea-wood display

C89 Tea-wood display

0Yun Zishan also noticed that the atmosphere was a little heavy. He smiled lightly and spoke, "My Great War Dynasty has always been a martial arts state, and a civil state. There is no separation between the martial arts and the martial arts. The dynasty attaches great importance to the study of talents, and the reason for the poetry feast is to select the ones with both talents. Today, without even asking about origin, as long as there is a true talent, this princess will definitely recommend someone with great responsibilities to Royal Father! "    


The moment Yun Zishan opened his mouth, the atmosphere became lively once again. In fact, other than the young masters and mistresses of the big families, many of the other talented girls did not succeed in learning martial arts and became untalented enough to switch to literature. In the end, his goal was to become an outstanding official.    


Immediately, a scholar stood up, cupped his hands and bowed towards Yun Zishan, then shook his head and said: "Student Zhou Yu, not long ago you visited the Old Mountain, and occasionally you received some inspiration. When you composed a poem, it was to throw the brick and lead the jade, and everyone is amused!"    


The scholar looked at Yun Zishan who was nodding slightly, he then raised his head and closed his eyes and shook it, and started to recite: "Drizzle down the mountains, and the forest will be filled with purple smoke. Flower fragrance flowing field, stack water wash rock. Birds returned to their nests of fatigue, and visitors to the Elysium. Relying on the hurdles to listen to the nighttime melody, accompanied by the moon, Mu, and the spirit spring water. "    


"Good poem, good poem!"    


A student slapped his fan and closed his eyes with an intoxicated look on his face, "This poem is a perfect match, with a magnificent artistic conception, giving people a feeling of being able to enjoy the scenery. Brother Zhou Yu is truly a genius, I admire you ?    


Everyone pondered for a moment and realized that the concept was indeed distant. Many female scholars turned their gazes over, and even the few young ladies at the top position were paying close attention. Yun Zishan smiled lightly, and lightly nodded as he praised: "Not bad!"    


Zhou Yubo opened his mouth, his face glowing with vigor. He clasped his hands together and said humbly, "I dare not, please excuse me!"    


Xiao Lang did not understand this at all, and when he heard them, he became confused. He decided to ignore them, and grabbed the pastries on the table and started to eat with his head lowered. He was already growling in hunger earlier, and after having a fight with Dongfang Hongdou, he started to protest with his stomach. Unfortunately, this place was full of pastries and there was no meat to eat. Although the pastries were delicious, they couldn't fill the stomach.    


"Student Fu Fengxue ?"    


Following that, the atmosphere in the hall became lively. It was rare for these scholars to attend such a high class banquet. Even if they were to learn and fight, they should at least perform for them on various occasions, right? Furthermore, there was such a great clan of young miss and the most important Yun Zishan, if he could win the heart of a beautiful woman and obtain the chance to form a good relationship with her, that would truly be wonderful.    


Thinking of this, countless scholars felt as if they had eaten a bad aphrodisiac, their emotions surging. He couldn't wait to throw out everything he had learned and learn from it.    


"This Zuo Family girl, why is she always staring at me? You don't feel at ease eating a meal! "    


Even though Xiao Lang's head was lowered, he could clearly feel a pair of eyes staring at him with full of hatred, as if ? He courted her without paying her.    


Zuo Xi, the most beautiful young miss in Zuo Family.    


Due to Zuo Xi's gaze, many young ladies also followed his gaze. They discovered that Xiao Lang was savagely gulping down cakes and wine, his actions as vulgar as a cow chewing a peony. "They were like a hungry ghost, incompatible with the elegant atmosphere of the banquet. They all looked away in disgust, as if even looking at Xiao Lang would make them feel disgusted.    


Yun Zishan also noticed Xiao Lang's actions, and slightly frowned, but he remembered the banquet in the palace last time, and also remembered how did things. He smiled lightly, and didn't think much of it.    


The poetry feast continued, a majority of them ignored Xiao Lang, talking and laughing merrily, each displaying their talent. Indeed, there were a few scholars who were outstanding in their studies. Their words were well spoken, and they gained quite a few cheers and laughter from the ladies.    


"Ha ha!"    


More than ten scholars began to compose their poems, and finally, the young master of an influential family took action. It was actually one of the Four First Young Master s, Cha Mu.    


Cha Mu first gave a light bow to Yun Zishan, then smiled faintly, his gaze locking onto a lady. Once again, he gracefully laughed and said: "Cha Mu is untalented, and would like to compose a poem on the spot, just for the sake of ? One of the beauties on the field laughed! "    


Cha Mu had always been a person of good standing in the imperial city. He was modest and courteous, with an extraordinary bearing, and now he had the guts to point out that he was reciting a poem for his beloved girl to express his love.    


Talented people always have a good talk since the ancient times. How could the crowd not cheer for them?    


Everyone turned to look at Cha Mu and the young miss he was looking at, all of them smiling, even Zuo Xi turned her gaze towards Xiao Lang, her beautiful eyes shining, a smile on her face. Only Xiao Lang seemed to not have heard, as he continued to immerse himself in the food.    


The lady that Cha Mu was looking at was a petite jade-like girl from a small family. Her beauty was not as dazzling as Yun Zishan's, but it gave her a unique atmosphere. Being stared at by Cha Mu's burning gaze, her bold words made her blush like a ripe apple. Lowering her head, she did not dare to look at anyone, her body slightly trembled.    


The tea tree gave a cool smile, its eyes still burning. It let out a long laugh and said, "Her pretty face is like a peach blossom, and her eyes seem to be filled with endless spring." The shallow water flows to the east, and the moon flows to the heavens in a chaotic state of mind!     


With that said, countless of young miss's eyes were filled with misty envy, many of the young masters secretly gave Cha Mu a thumbs up.    


This lady was from one of the ten great clans, the Nangong Clan. Her real name was You You. Cha Mu's poem might not have been too good, but the last line was clearly a show of love. Although War Dynasty were unrestrained and unrestrained, but to brazenly express love at a banquet of such standard, was something that only Sir Cha Mu would dare to do!    




Everyone was still immersed in Cha Mu's boldness, when a loud shout came out, and exploded like thunder in the middle of the night. Everyone looked over subconsciously, only to see a Xiao Lang who was stuffing his mouth with food, laughing out loud. He was holding a piece of cake in one hand and a cup of fine wine in the other, his mouth was full of oil and there was a sesame seed hanging from the corner of his mouth ?    


"Brother Cha Mu, a pure man, I like it!"    


Xiao Lang did not notice that everyone was looking at him strangely, and laughed: "I, Xiao Lang do not have many friends, count Cha Mu as one, that young lady is so lucky. Cha Mu, don't worry, just pursue him. This brother will be your backup, whatever you need. If that's not possible, then let my grandpa help you propose. If not, I'll help you steal it and carry it back, haha! "    


"Puff ?"    


The several female scholars spat out the wine in their mouths at the same time, and countless of them rolled their eyes. Her originally beautiful state of mind was completely destroyed by Xiao Lang's words. Even Cha Mu was laughing bitterly, Xiao Lang was helping him and wanted to create trouble, but Cha Mu understood the sincerity of Xiao Lang's words, so he cupped his fists and bowed towards Xiao Lang, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Young Master Lang!"    


"What a disgrace, what a disgrace!"    


"Sure enough, he was born into the wild. How rude, extremely rude!"    


Countless scholars laughed bitterly. The lively atmosphere turned awkward once again. Nan Gong You You You You was so embarrassed that she did not dare to meet anyone. Even Yun Zishan was wondering if it was right or wrong for Xiao Lang to be invited to this poetry feast ?    


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