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C211 Jin'ling Overlord Flower

C211 Jin'ling Overlord Flower

0Even though Wang Zhaodi was already forty years old, she was peerless and her beauty did not lose to a eighteen or nineteen year old girl. Time, on the other hand, made her body even more voluptuous and sexy than a young girl.    


Such a moving beauty, even when she was angry, would still cause others to feel pity for her.    


But at this time, no one dared to doubt Wang Zhaodi's words.    


Master Chen was completely dazed, he stood there blankly, and the hand seals immediately stopped.    


After a while, the peach wood sword quietly slipped and smashed into his foot. Master Chen finally regained his senses and hugged his leg as he wailed like a ghost.    


"Chen Guorong, immediately apologize to Master Lu. Otherwise, you know my methods!" Wang Zhaodi bellowed.    


This Master Chen who was famous in Jiangnan was panicking like a stray dog. Not daring to resist at all, he quickly stood up and bowed, "Master Lu, this old one is ignorant and has violated the will of the heavens. Please forgive me!"    


"The ignorant are innocent, there is no need to do this!" Lu Fanfeng appeared to be very magnanimous, waving his hand to indicate for the other party to withdraw.    


After that, Lu Fanfeng looked at Wang Zhaodi. This female hero who stood tall and mighty in Jinling and overlooked Jiangnan, Jinling's Overlord, was actually as obedient as a kitten.    


"Master!" Her voice was soft and gentle, without the slightest bit of the imposing air of a female overlord. Instead, it sounded like a young maid seeing her young master.    


However, Lu Fanfeng displayed his hedonistic habits and directly reached his large hand into Wang Zhaodi's clothes, causing havoc in the place that was full of pride.    


Wang Zhaodi had also been dry for a long time. Ever since Boss Liu was arrested, it had been a long time since he had to endure the grace of rain and dew. Now, with just this, his entire heart was broken.    


As for the surrounding rich and powerful people of Nanjing, they were already dumbstruck by what they saw.    


Who was Wang Zhaodi? She was an existence that many people hoped never to reach. These big bosses, who were usually so awesome, could even go up to the sky whenever they saw each other, not to mention being intimate with each other.    


At this very moment, the Overlord of Jinling, whom they had looked up to, had submitted to the feet of the Master Lu. And that enchanting softness, was constantly changing its shape in Lu Fanfeng's big hand.    


Comparing the two, everyone felt that the beauty beside them was too vulgar and could not bear to do anything.    


After gorging himself, Lu Fanfeng then helped Wang Zhaodi tidy up her clothes. After all, she had already submitted to him, and he could not let Wang Zhaodi's Spring Light be revealed.    


Turning his head to look at Jiang Haoran, he saw that this young master's face was ashen.    


"You lost 50 billion, tell your father to hurry up and send the money over!" Lu Fanfeng said in a low voice.    


At this moment, Jiang Haoran could only nod his head and agree, not daring to say anything more.    


Right now, he was not sure about Lu Fanfeng's identity. After all, to be able to make Wang Zhaodi bow her head was not something that an ordinary person could do.    


"Also, have your mother and your wife wash everything clean and bring it to my bed!" Lu Fanfeng would naturally not forget this.    


Jiang Haoran's face was full of bitterness, so he agreed.    


Her wife, Liu Yiyi, naturally didn't care. She didn't have any feelings anyway, and after marrying for a few years, she had her own playwrights too so giving it away at this time wouldn't hurt.    


But his own mother was his very own flesh and blood kin. If he sent her to Lu Fanfeng's bed, not to mention whether he would agree to it or not, even his father would not agree to it.    


After leaving the imperial family's entertainment area, Jiang Haoran knew that he had stirred up a huge trouble again.    


He had thought that Jin'ling would experience a bloody battle, but after waiting for a month, nothing happened.    


In this one month, everything was changing. The Immortal Cloud Spirit Water s had already entered Jinling and Jiangnan at full capacity, and their Jingsheng Coal Mine s were already in production at full capacity. However, the supply was still short.    


In order to satisfy his needs, Lu Fanfeng started the second phase of the construction. After all, the Spirit Convergence Array that he had set up at that time had radiated fifty kilometers, so he didn't have to worry about getting more space to mine.    


Although he was far away from Jinling, Lu Fanfeng was still paying attention to all the changes in Eastern Hua City. This year, the Huadong City Committee had been reshuffled, but Mayor Huang was faced with a choice. His achievements during his term of office could not be considered outstanding, and there was basically no hope for him to be promoted, he could only change it evenly.    


Lu Fanfeng then suggested that they should go to the Langya City of the Lu Province.    


Mayor Huang was very reluctant to do so in the first place. Even if his Huadong City was weak, it was still a second tier city and his Langya City was not even third tier. A few years ago, he was still just a region and it had only increased to become a city in the last few years. Moreover, the Langya City's number one Thermal Power Plant was a nightmare for all government personnel.    


However, under Lu Fanfeng's perseverance, Mayor Huang still agreed to it. After all, he was the future son-in-law's suggestion, so he still chose to believe in Master Lu.    


In this past month, Lu Fanfeng's and Cao Yun's relationship had also improved by leaps and bounds. After all, Cao Yun was the first woman to follow him. At first, Lu Fanfeng believed in the Profound Light Immortal's wrong lesson, and did not dare to break the child's body.    


Then, because he was busy with his work, he didn't get a chance.    


slowed his pace only after he had formed a good affinity with him.    


During this month in Jinling, Cao Yun could be said to be satisfied and she was much more spirited than usual. No matter when she saw him, she would always have a flushed face.    


With only the Archean Nine Dragons Spell, to refine a piece of Dragon Power, how could Lu Fanfeng's strength be something that a single Cao Yun could handle.    


As a result, Wang Zhaodi, the female Overlord of Jin'ling, who had just joined, suffered a lot of rain and dew.    


Wang Zhaodi was still at the age of a tiger wolf, and had some sort of relationship with a wolf before, but it was much more open-minded than Cao Yun. She would often become Cao Yun's teacher and teach him some secret arts, which made Lu Fanfeng extremely satisfied.    


And having to endure rain and dew for a month straight, Wang Zhaodi seemed to be even younger than before, and her skin was also more flexible than before. Especially her face, which was covered in clear uric acid. At this moment, there were a lot of things happening. If one did not look carefully, they would not notice anything strange.    


"The two of you are lacking in talent, so you are unable to gain the approval of the Great Dao. But, as long as you follow me, you can live forever and be with the heavens!" After the rain fell, Lu Fanfeng hugged left and right, looking extremely happy. Satisfied, he naturally had to promise the two of them that he would be happy for the rest of his life.    


However, those words were all lies in the eyes of others, but the two women would not doubt them.    


For the past month, the only thing that had not changed was the rumors regarding Cao Yun.    


As time passed, Immortal Cloud Spirit Water continued to rage and, coupled with the bet between Lu Fanfeng and him a while ago,'s Jiang Family had reached a point where it wouldn't stop until one party died.    


Who knew how much money they had spent in the dark, but they wanted to force Cao Yun to submit, force Lu Fanfeng to bow his head.    


Just as the three of them were getting warm, Lu Fanfeng's phone rang. After he picked up the phone, Liu Yina's voice came from the other side, "Master, another group of assassins have come. They have already been taken care of by me!"    


"This is already the ninth wave of assassins!" Lu Fanfeng's eyes flashed with determination, "Jiang Family, I originally did not want to kill, but now, it seems like, it's impossible!"    


Previously, Lu Fanfeng had always been preparing for a peaceful solution to the problem of Jiang Family, which was why he set a plan to lure Jiang Haoran. Through the new loan from the Heavenly Court, Lu Fanfeng could easily control the Jiang Family.    


However, Jiang Family actually dared to send assassins to kill him, so this matter could only end with a miserable death.    


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