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C489 Dryopterygium

C489 Dryopterygium

0East Sea Dragon King: The Dragon Clan is an ancient legacy bloodline. When it was at its peak, it once ruled over three realms and was believed by tens of thousands of people. It was only later, after the first tribulation of the Raindragon, that Dragon Clan began to decline. After the Conferred God Battle, we recreated three hundred and sixty-five True Gods from the Heavenly Court. However, there were still a lot of vacancies from the God Realm, so the heavens finally thought of our Dragon Clan. At that time, he gathered the Dragon Clan of the world and discussed how to manage the water system in the world. At that time, a prodigy came out of the Dragon Clan. Although he was strong and had a profound cultivation, he could not read a single character.    


At that time, Ao Yan, also known as the current Dragon King of the West Sea, deliberately played tricks on him. In the end, this guy chose "Desert", and from then on, he became the only Desert Dragon King in the world, Ao Ying.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Since you are of the same generation as me, I presume that I am also in the Immortal Realm. My power is too strong, I only need to be at the Foundation Establishment stage.    


East Sea Dragon King: Ao Ying is in the desert and has no people, so he naturally cannot obtain faith to raise his strength. Although he was able to maintain his Immortal level, his descendants were becoming younger generation after generation. As far as I know, among the third generation of Dragon Sons, the strongest is only at the Aurous Core stage.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Where can I find Desert Dragon King?    


East Sea Dragon King: There are very few people in the world who know of Desert Dragon King, and it is Supreme Immortal who is blessed. This little Wang happens to know of it, so it can be recommended to Supreme Immortal.    


Saying that, East Sea Dragon King handed over a name card.    


Just by looking at his profile picture, Lu Fanfeng knew that he had met the world's poorest Dragon King. The head of the Desert Dragon King was a building.    


It seemed that all the Divine Dragons liked to use their residences as a portrait, as did all the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.    


However, the dragon kings' faces were filled with the splendor of the crystal palace. It was entirely made of crystal and placed at the bottom of the sea. It was extremely beautiful as it blended together with the sea water.    


As for Desert Dragon King's palace, it was a huge rock. Under the huge rock, he dug out a cave, which was his living quarters.    


This kind of place couldn't even be considered a palace. It was even inferior to the simplest residential building in the Central Plains.    


But, this was truly the palace of the Desert Dragon King.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Hello, are you there?    


Desert Dragon King: I'm here. I just finished my work. I'm so tired.    


Taoist Fanfeng: What are you doing?    


Desert Dragon King: Last night, there was a gust of wind in the desert and my palace was buried.    


Taoist Fanfeng: You are the great Dragon King, don't you have a few subordinates?    


Desert Dragon King: There are a few of them, but 200 years ago, the last little brother also died of old age.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Aren't there a few monsters in the desert?    


Desert Dragon King: It's hard to even find a living thing in the desert, how can there be another one.    


Taoist Fanfeng: How pitiful. I even want to donate to you.    


Being a dragon king and becoming like this was truly quite pitiful.    


Dragon Clan itself already liked wealth, let alone a dignified divine dragon, even if it was an ordinary greater dragon, the cave would still have countless gold, silver, and precious stones.    


As for the wealth that the Dragon King possessed, it was unimaginable.    


But Lu Fanfeng just so happened to encounter such a weirdo, he even had to dig the sand himself.    


Taoist Fanfeng: I wonder if you have any dragons or descendants? Can you give me one and be my untaught protector?    


In front of the Desert Dragon King, Lu Fanfeng did not want to say that he would let his grandson be a guardian beast, otherwise he would be beaten to death.    


According to normal thinking, Desert Dragon King would definitely hesitate for half a day before agreeing.    


But this time, it was much simpler than he'd imagined.    


Desert Dragon King: Supreme Immortal, my descendants are with you, do you still need to dig sand?    


Taoist Fanfeng: Sand? There's no sand.    


Desert Dragon King: If I follow you, will I be able to drink water? I don't have much demand, just one glass a day is enough.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Sure, one pail per day.    


Desert Dragon King: Can you eat dried fruits? Candied raisins or something, don't be too dry, at least some water.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Since you want more water, why don't you eat some fresh fruits?    


Desert Dragon King: I can even eat fruits, I am so excited that I am about to die. Can't you also eat the cactus as you like? It doesn't matter if you eat until you're full!    


Taoist Fanfeng: Why are you eating cactus? Are you not going to eat normal food? Pastry and meat?    


Desert Dragon King: And meat, can you eat it every year?    


Taoist Fanfeng: Dammit, poverty is limiting your imagination. You need meat for every meal every day. ( Can you mention something with technical content?    


Desert Dragon King; Alright, don't underestimate Little Wang. Back then in the Heavenly Court, I was also someone who had eaten before, my standards were not any lower than Supreme Immortal's.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Alright then, you can make a few reliable requests.    


Desert Dragon King: Follow you, do you have clothes to wear?    


Taoist Fanfeng: (depressed) Of course there is.    


Desert Dragon King: (Happy) Can it be changed once every hundred years?    


Taoist Fanfeng: It can be changed once a month.    


Desert Dragon King: You are such a good person. Supreme Immortal, please wait a moment, I will drag you into my group right now, and whoever you choose will be taken away.    


While talking, a group chat invitation was sent from Desert Dragon King.    


Lu Fanfeng was stupefied. Was this request even for the Dragon King? He was clearly just a beggar.    


However, the Desert Dragon King's demands were low, so Lu Fanfeng did not have to cut the price.    


He clicked into the group chat, and the name of the group chat was' Desert Family '.    



Just as he entered the group chat, Lu Fanfeng saw countless of messages appearing on his screen, and was overwhelmed to respond.    


After browsing through a few, he realized they were all related to him.    


Ao Yue: Father, is it true? I can really eat fruits everyday. Remember that the last time I ate fruits was when I was just one year old.    


Ao Shuang: @ Ao Yue, mother, what is fruit?    


Ao Yue: Do you know dry fruit? If the fruit is dried, then it will have more water in it.    


Ao Shuang: Oh my god, how delicious would that be!    


Ao Ying: Not only fruit, but meat, cakes, new clothes every month, and...    


Ao Zhan: Father, your son is willing to bear the pain of being far away from home. Let your son go.    


Ao Hua: Big brother, you are big brother, you should let little brother and little sister go.    


Ao Xiong: That's right, big brother is the eldest son of the family. There is an ancient saying, Yun, parents are here, if you don't travel far, big brother can't leave. Let your little brother go.    


Ao Qi; @ Ao Xiong, it is hard to say if you are my father's son. Back then, your mother was kidnapped by the enemy and gave birth to you.    


Ao Xiong: @ Ao Ji, repeat if you dare.    


Ao Ying: @ All members, shut up. Supreme Immortal has already entered the group chat, allow Supreme Immortal to say a few words.    


Lu Fanfeng looked at the bustling family, and almost burst out laughing. So he had actually thought that his wealth was nothing in front of an immortal.    


From the looks of it, to some deities, Lu Fanfeng was definitely a first class rich man. As he was filled with happiness, Lu Fanfeng could not help but feel proud.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Hello comrades!    


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