Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C619 Dragon Soul

C619 Dragon Soul

0He dialed.    


"Dragon Soul, you're finally willing to give me a call." On the other side was a low voice, full of vigor and dignity, as if he was the commander of a great army.    


Yang Ping asked: "I can ask you to do three things, right?"    


The other side went silent for a moment before replying, "That's right. As the holder of the highest honor in Huaxia Military, you can make three requests that are not detrimental to the interests of the country. Dragon Soul, are you sure you want to use it? "    


"I'm sure."    


The man on the other end sighed, "Looks like you've encountered a problem that you can't solve yourself."    


Yang Ping told him about the Tomorrow High School and then waited for a reply.    


The other side didn't reply for a long time.    


Yang Ping thought that she had made a request.    


The person on the other side laughed bitterly, "Dragon Soul, I didn't ask for you to do this. I can help you deal with this matter, but you don't need to use three requirements. "    


"To me, this is a big matter." Yang Ping interrupted.    


The man said helplessly, "Alright, since you insist, I will get my secretary to contact the military. Although Elder Zhou's abdication holds a great influence, as long as he is not Military God, I can make the decision. "    


"Thank you."    


Yang Ping was about to hang up, but she was interrupted: "Dragon Soul, you're not going to return, are you? The country needs you, the people need you. "    


"When I am needed, I will naturally return. Now is not the time. "    


Yang Ping hung up the phone, sighed a breath of relief, and looked out at the sunset.    




The incident of the students and hooligans fighting at Tomorrow High School was not posted online. Due to the state's compulsory control, the military did not wish to blow the matter up, so they settled the matter peacefully. But the Zhu Family carried out a strong retaliation against the hoodlums. was furious and ordered his men to personally deal with those ruffians who were causing trouble.    


When they found out that the hoodlums belonged to a group called Red Sleeve Hall, Zhu Yan ordered them to attack with all their might. Red Sleeve Hall belonged to a large clan. There were many industries in the design that were inextricably linked to Wong Family.    


Zhu Yan didn't hold back her pride and allowed others to remove one of her Branch.    


The strange thing was that the Red Sleeve Hall did not retaliate, but remained silent instead. They maintained restraint against Zhu Yan's toughness.    


Red Sleeve Villa.    


The upper echelons of the Red Sleeve Hall were gathered there.    


In a huge box, the master of Red Sleeve Hall, Mr. Sanli, was sitting in the middle. This person had been the leader for over ten years, and his reputation was not undeserved. He knew how to judge the situation and avoid several major bloodshed.    


Mr Sanli sat at the head of the class, and swept his eyes across the indignant group of subordinates below the stage. He said: "Do you think that showing weakness in Zhu Family is something you're unreconciled to?"    


"Head, although our Zhu Family is strong, our Red Sleeve Hall is not weak. Every step we take in retreat is met with ridicule from our peers." A bald man shouted angrily, "I beg the head to give me twenty people, I will go destroy the Zhu Family."    


Mr Sanli's face darkened as he shouted, "Does that mean you won't even listen to my words?"    


Baldy's body trembled. He did not dare to look into Mr. Sanli's eyes. He lowered his head and said, "I would not dare."    


Mr. Sanli coldly replied, "Take a step back." Do you really think that the Zhu Family is attacking us for the sake of our daughter? " Seeing everyone's doubtful gaze, she shook her head and said, "You guys are wrong, Zhu Yan is an old cunning fox, she would not do useless work. They want our Red Sleeve Hall Pier. "    




The others looked at each other.    


The biggest business of Red Sleeve Hall was actually the dock business, which specialized in the transportation of arms and other prohibited items. The dock led to Southeast Asia and smuggled a lot of firearms and ammunition, as well as drugs. Red Sleeve Hall took out 10% of the commission.    


Zhu Yan had already set her eyes on the pier of the Red Sleeve Hall, but she suffered because she did not have the chance.    


Mr. Sanli snorted and said, "These few days, you should behave yourselves. Don't stir up trouble. Hao Wen, what do you think? "    


The middle-aged man called Hao Wen was wearing a pair of golden spectacles. He looked cultured and refined, but his methods were not gentle. The other pavilion masters felt deep veneration for Zhang Xuan.    


Hao Wen was playing with his mobile. Upon hearing Mr. Sanli's words, he finally raised his head, revealing a white face without a beard. It was impossible to tell that this person was close to fifty years old.    


"The head is wise."    


Hao Wen laughed.    


"Let's adjourn the meeting, everyone carry on their duties, and do not provoke Zhu Family." Mr Sanli suddenly revealed a cold smile, and said: "Let Zhu Family act arrogantly for a while, and when our plan is completed, Red Sleeve Hall will become the number one power."    


The eyes of the others lit up in excitement.    


The crowd dispersed.    


Although the others were jealous of him in their hearts, they did not show it on their faces when they heard that Mr. San Li had asked Hao Wen to stay behind to discuss things. Hao Wen was a red person in front of the Head, who was equivalent to a peerless beauty like a Military Advisor.    


"Hao Wen, how is your grandson?" Mr. Sanli asked with concern.    


Hao Wen sighed, and said: "He hasn't come out yet, and has already looked for a lot of connections, but this matter is due to the Criminal Police squad's Wang Yue being complicated, this girl is unapproachable, I'm afraid he will need to be locked up for a period of time."    


Mr. Sanli quickly asked, "Do you need any help?"    


Hao Wen shook his head.    


"However, there's something I need the head to help me with" Hao Wen laughed.    


Mr. Sanli nodded and said, "As long as I can do it, I'll definitely help you." Hao Wen, you are my right-hand man, the position of head will belong to you in the future. We're all one family. "    


Shua shua shua!    


The sound of footsteps came from outside as a group of men in black rushed in. They stood expressionlessly by the door, their killing intent overwhelming the air.    


Hao Wen was shocked: "Master, this is …"    



Mr. Sanli smiled and said, "It's nothing. I just wanted to give you a break. You've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble recently, so you need to go out and hide."    


Hao Wen squinted his eyes, and said unhappily: "Head, there's no need."    


Mr. Sanli said helplessly, "Actually, there's nothing I can do." Cloud Province Military Region Vice Commander LEE Xiangdong ordered for an investigation into your nephew's matter, and it is very likely that it will affect our Red Sleeve Hall, so I can only remove your position for now, and wait for the limelight to wear off, then return to your original position, what about it? "    


Hao Wen chuckled and said: "Looks like the head had already decided which side he would stand on a long time ago."    


Mr. Sanli replied, "Of course."    


With a wave of his hand, Mr Sanli sighed: "Take Hao Wen to rest."    


No one moved.    


San Li was startled, and unhappily said: "What, can't you hear me? Take Hao Wen away."    


Those people still didn't move.    


Hao Wen shrugged, stood up and walked around the private box, and said: "Master, I forgot to tell you something. But since you've promised it will come true. "    


Mr. Sanli had a bad premonition.    


"Isn't it strange that they are all disobedient?" Hao Wen asked.    


Mr. Sanli's face was pale white, and he said angrily: "Hao Wen, by doing this, are you apologizing to me?"    


Hao Wen said indifferently: "Master, the reason you brought so many people here was simply to strip me of my rights. Now that everyone in Red Sleeve Hall has listened to me, don't tell me you've only just realized it? "    




San Li's heart turned cold.    


Five minutes later.    


When Hao Wen walked out of the private room, all the hall masters of the Red Sleeve Hall outside were waiting. When they saw Hao Wen coming out, they all went up and said.    


Hao Wen laughed, and said with squinted eyes: "This is only just the beginning. Pass the order down, I do not believe that Zhu Family will dare to fight us to the death. " All of the orders were issued in the most forceful manner, as they prepared to fight the Zhu Family.    


Everyone left immediately. Hao Wen returned to the private box, and when he saw a person standing in front of Mr Sanli, he immediately bowed: "This subordinate greets Master."    


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