Heaven Talisman

C67 Xiao Sheng Cun

C67 Xiao Sheng Cun



Mu Yi's fist landed on the Striped Tiger's brain and it immediately scattered like a peach flower. The Striped Tiger's brain exploded and blood splattered everywhere. In the end, it died a violent death!    


Standing up, he took a deep breath, and with a swing of his sword, he picked out the Demon Crystal s in the Striped Tiger's brain. The Demon Crystal s were a light green color and emitted a faint green glow, it was extremely beautiful! Holding it in his hand, he felt a huge amount of energy! Mu Yi walked to a nearby brook and washed off the dirt on his body. The brook water was crystal clear, the rays of sunlight passing through the gaps between the leaves, shining on the stones in the water. The fish were playing freely.    


"Hong ~ Hong ~"    


Suddenly, Mu Yi heard a sound coming from behind him. He turned around and saw that it was another wild beast.    


It looked like a wild boar, with large and sturdy limbs, short and sturdy. Its black fur was covered in mud and broken leaves, and a pair of huge fangs protruded from the corner of its salivating mouth.    


What was more peculiar was that there was a sharp arrow sticking out from its back, as it ran, blood kept flowing out. At this moment, Mu Yi, who had received a higher education before, couldn't help but curse silently, "CA, what the f * ck is going on? Why do I always encounter these wild beasts?"    


At this moment, he was cursing silently in his heart. However, Mu Yi didn't stay idle either. He raised a log and without any hesitation, he rushed towards the wild boar. In the blink of an eye, the black boar arrived in front of Mu Yi. At this moment, Mu Yi waved his fist that was glowing with a golden light towards the wild boar.    


"Support ~!"    


The wild boar was sent flying with a scream. That ferocious wild boar screamed and staggered forward a few steps. Mu Yi had left a horrifying wound on its thick back. Its muscles were stretched to the sides and dark red blood gushed out.    


The black boar turned around after it had covered a distance of over ten meters. It glared at Mu Yi with a pair of red eyes that constantly issued "kengchi" sounds as it gasped for breath. Blood and saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.    


The black thorns on its back and abdomen stood up like hedgehogs, and it actually pointed forward towards Mu Yi. The black thorns on its back and abdomen stood up like hedgehogs, and actually pointed forward towards Mu Yi.    


Seeing the black spike shooting towards him, the longsword in Mu Yi's hand twisted forward, immediately producing a wave of sword light. With a "ding ding dang dang" sound, the thorny armored porcupine's black thorns were blocked by Mu Yi's coefficient, and most of them were cut into several pieces by the sword tip, scattering in front of Mu Yi.    


"Go to hell!" Mu Yi suddenly took a step forward after hitting down the black spike. The tightly clenched wooden stick in his hand suddenly swung down from the sky!    


A sharp sword light shot out. An arc of sword light formed from elemental energy sliced through the air, instantly hitting the boar. It hacked down from above its head and forcefully cut open the boar's nose!    


Aooo! Aooo!    


The severely injured boar let out a shrill scream. Its entire head was roasted by the elemental energy flame brought along by Mu Yi's sword slash. Fresh blood spurted out from its huge wound like a dragon opening a gate, spouting out for several meters.    


No matter how strong the Armored Boar was, it could not withstand the continuous heavy loss of blood. Its four limbs gave way and it fell heavily onto the grass. After struggling for a while, its cries died down and it was soon able to take its last breath. Mu Yi, who was in high alert, heaved a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, one pig, two bears, and three tigers. A wild boar's combat power was out of the ordinary!    


"Uproot ~"    


After cleaning the striped tiger's body by the stream, the wild boar squeaked under the heat of the fire. It built a fire, set up the Striped Tiger, and started rolling on the fire.    


After a while, the entire Striped Tiger meat turned golden yellow, and an enticing fragrance surrounded them. Mu Yi then spread some of the ingredients on top of the Striped Tiger meat, and after a while, the meat started to turn golden yellow, emitting a fragrance that made people want to pour out liquid from the corner of his mouth!    


After tearing off a leg from the roasted Striped Tiger meat, Mu Yi started to eat big bites of it! After eating the two front legs, Mu Yi really could not eat anymore, and he did not want to waste anything. He put the remaining Striped Tiger meat into the Accommodate Ring. After cleaning everything up, he hummed a tune of "Mu Yi" as he hurried on his way!    


Mu Yi muttered as he walked forward in a hurry. He was obviously not on guard at all. After walking for a long time, Mu Yi finally came back to his senses. Thinking back to his previous actions, Mu Yi couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat as he kept chanting: "The place of fortune and disaster, God bless, God bless, let me smoothly walk out of here …" It was obvious that he didn't even know what he was reading. However, Mu Yi was more cautious than before.    


In the Savage Forest at night, it was very difficult to see the many stars in the sky within the forest. The forest appeared pitch-black, and from time to time, the trembling roars of beasts could be heard from the depths of the forest!    


At this moment, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the trunk of an ancient tree. In the pitch-black forest, it was hard to find this man in black clothing! It was Mu Yi. At night, the forest was even more dangerous than the day, and it was even more impossible to light a bonfire in the forest. Even if Mu Yi didn't stay on the ground and wasn't careful, he would still be attacked. After a few encounters, he felt that it was safer to stay in the book. Although there were times when the giant snakes or flying Demon Beast attacked, it was still relatively rare!    


"This spiritual awl refinement technique is quite good." At this time Mu Yi said, after Mu Yi killed Elder Mui, the spiritual awl's cultivation method was obtained from Elder Mui's Accommodate Ring. Not only could it emit a spiritual awl, it could also increase the number of Spirit Power by cultivating the spiritual awl wattled hair all the time. Although the growth was not fast, it had always been stagnant in the past.    


As he thought, Spirit Power s from the Niwan Palace gushed out from between Mu Yi's eyebrows, causing a distortion in the air in front of Mu Yi, like a whirlpool, to appear. A leaf floated down, and the Spirit Power formed a Spirit Awl, under Mu Yi's will, and shot towards the leaf.    


Looking at the effect of this Spirit Awl, Mu Yi smiled. He had mastered this Spirit Awl now, so he had to practice it more every day. This way, he could not only improve his control over Spirit Power, but also strengthen his own Spirit Power.    


After seven days, Mu Yi continued to walk along the edge of the Savage Forest. After passing through the Savage Forest, Mu Yi would walk around the border, and even at the border, Mu Yi was on guard every day.    


Just when Mu Yi was carefully travelling, he suddenly heard a sound in front and felt his heart tighten.    


"Could it be that we encountered some other monsters?" Mu Yi thought.    


Today, he was already afraid of the wild beasts. Not long after he came out of the tree, he encountered three wild beasts, and he started fighting against two of them. Immediately, Mu Yi walked forward even more carefully. At the same time, his right hand formed the shape of a sword finger. As soon as he noticed something was wrong, he would immediately send out the sword qi. Although it would make him weak, he couldn't care so much about protecting Mu Yi.    


Just as Mu Yi was preparing to release his sword qi, the bush in front of him suddenly moved. A thirty-something year old middle-aged man jumped out. At this moment, the man held the bow in his left hand and the arrow in his right hand was nocked on the bowstring. The bowstring had already been pulled halfway open.    


There was a quiver on his back. There were more than a dozen arrows in it. He was dressed like a hunter and there were a few rabbits tied to his waist. They should be his prey. It seemed like he was quite lucky to have hunted so many prey so early in the morning.    


When the middle-aged man saw the person in front of him, he lowered his bow and arrow and looked at Mu Yi in confusion. At this moment, Mu Yi was thinking, "I've finally seen him."    


When Mu Yi discovered that the trees were becoming rarer, he already knew that he had chosen the right direction, at least it wouldn't be too far off. Now that he saw someone, Mu Yi was extremely excited.    


Mu Yi ran over excitedly and shouted, "Dashu, how long until we can get out of the forest?"    


" " The middle-aged man had a look of confusion on his face.    


"How do I get out of this forest?" Mu Yi asked without giving up.    


"$#..." "Clang!"    


"Does Uncle have food?" Mu Yi continued to probe.    


@ $#...    


"Uncle, what bird language are you speaking?" Mu Yi suddenly realized something: the language couldn't be used! He did not expect that the words spoken by the person who appeared within the Savage Forest would actually be incoherent with the common language used outside. This was truly strange!    


This baffling question and answer lasted for a long time. Mu Yi finally gave up. He realized that the biggest obstacle since he arrived here was neither the monsters nor the food.    


However, after most of the day of discussion, Mu Yi was still able to express what he wanted to say. The middle-aged man also indicated that he would let Mu Yi follow him for the time being.    


Not long after, two people appeared at the edge of the forest. One of them was dressed as a hunter, and the other was a youth that was dressed elegantly. These two people were Mu Yi and the middle-aged man who wandered in the forest for a few days.    


After exiting the forest, the middle-aged man brought Mu Yi to a small village nearby. This place was also the construction village that Mu Yi had faintly seen from the ancient trees earlier.    


Mu Yi felt a sense of novelty. He looked east, then west.    


Along the way, everyone that saw the middle-aged man would greet him, and after that, they would look at Mu Yi in confusion, and say some strange languages. Although Mu Yi's standard in foreign languages wasn't high, he still knew that this definitely wasn't a commonly used language for Sky Blue City s or even Nine Regions Continent s.    


Since he didn't understand what they were saying, Mu Yi could only foolishly follow behind the middle-aged man.    


After walking for a while, the middle-aged man brought Mu Yi to a small wooden house. This wooden house was similar to the other wooden houses in the village. Although it wasn't luxurious, it was sturdy and durable.    



After entering the room, Mu Yi looked around. Other than tables, beds, and other daily necessities, there was only a pot of fresh flowers on the windowsill that would make people's eyes light up. Then the middle-aged man sat Mu Yi down and brought him food and water.    


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