Rebirth: Abandoned Cultivating Master



0The man nodded. He saw Yun Chen's student look, so he nodded and said, "Then come with me!"    


Yun Chen looked at this guy and realized that his strength was at the Great Circle of inner strength. It seemed like it wasn't enough for such a person to guard the entrance of the base!    


After bringing Yun Chen into the base's defense area, Yun Chen found that this area was around 300-500 square meters, and most of the places were stuffed full!    


He took a look around and realized that this was not an official base, but a private one. It should be that he applied for military protection after he developed the mysterious gene!    


If that was the case, then this base would be relatively easy to miss. No wonder they were targeted by the Black Organization, and truthfully speaking, there was still quite a distance between this place and the Jingzhou's military region. This distance made it difficult for the military region's personnel to move out!    


It was a good thing that the Xiaolong was here. This way, he wouldn't have to let the Black Organization do whatever it wanted!    


However, there were walls and iron walls everywhere that the gunfire could not penetrate. If the genes were sealed in these places, then it was likely that the people from Black Organization had used martial arts to force their way in!    


"Go to the resting area over there, where the R & D experts and workers can rest. Go and wait there, if you need anything, just let us know. But pay attention, don't run around!" The expert who brought Yun Chen in said seriously.    


Yun Chen nodded happily, then eagerly went to the resting area. In the Xiaolong Base, he was still a respected instructor, and after being brought here by Huang Xueman, he became a protected guest. This feeling was really bad!    


However, he actually wanted to see how the staff of the research and development team worked.    


Just as he walked over to the resting area, Yun Chen's eyes suddenly lit up. In front of him, beside a table, sat a familiar woman holding something in a bag!    


"Instructor Zhou?" Yun Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw their counselor, Zhou Shumin. He never thought that a counselor would come to this kind of place.    


At this moment, Zhou Shumin was wearing a short-sleeved chiffon dress, a white top and a pink skirt that accentuated her snow-white skin and beautiful legs!    


The woman wore a flowery hairpin and gripped her hair tightly to prevent it from affecting her work. She looked intelligent and elegant!    


"Why is it you?" Zhou Shumin was also stunned for a moment when she heard Yun Chen's voice. Then she silently turned her head to look at Yun Chen. She blinked her large eyes and revealed a surprised look.    


"What are you doing here instead of going to class?"    


Following that, the counselor's imposing manner appeared. There was a hint of pout and reprimand in his voice!    


"I also want to ask why you are here. Don't you know that this place is dangerous?" Yun Chen smiled helplessly.    


"Let me ask you first, the end of term is about to come. Why aren't you going back to class?" The woman directly put down the work she was doing and asked.    


"I have a country mission, so I can't be too selfish. I already said that you will help me with taking a leave of absence from class!" Yun Chen was surprised as he looked at the things the woman had collected.    


"My dad is a gene scientist. Due to this urgent matter, he doesn't trust anyone. He insisted on asking me to come and help him get his stuff!" The woman rolled her eyes at Yun Chen in annoyance.    


"Why are you looking at me like that? "No matter what, I'm still a big benefactor of your Zhou family. I've helped your uncle Zhou Quan deal with a few troubles during the absence of class recently, and I've even helped your cousin cultivate. If you don't help me ask for a leave of absence, then you really have no conscience!" Yun Chen laughed.    


"I've already told the principal about you. He said that it would be fine as long as you come back from the exam. For people like you, there's nothing they can do. Just don't be too excessive!" Zhou Shumin said.    


"Alright, I will be going back for the final exam. Thank you for your understanding!" Yun Chen didn't think that he could make such an exception. It's really great.    


It was no longer suitable for him to return to class. How could he continue to sit in class for a few more sessions?    


"Right, what are you collecting?" Yun Chen was a bit surprised when he looked carefully at some of the R & D solutions and medicines on the woman's table!    


"This is a personal sample of my father. He told me to bring it back to the house and leave it there. He is currently locked up in a very safe place. I don't know where he is, so I have no choice but to clean it up myself!" Zhou Shumin said.    


Yun Chen nodded in understanding. These R & D personnel must have been mysteriously protected. After all, the Black Demon's people were very powerful. If they were taken to the East Ocean Continent for research and development, it would be difficult to get them back!    


"Uh, then you are really busy. You are both an English teacher and a counselor, so it's no wonder you don't have the time to care about me!" Yun Chen said as he looked at the woman lustfully.    


When he first came in, he only took a quick look at the woman's outer appearance. Now, using one of his celestial eyes to look inside her body, he saw the sexy underwear and the mysterious holy land inside the woman's white jade skin.    


In the past, when he met her, Yun Chen didn't have the ability to see through her like the Celestial Eye did. Now that he saw through her, it felt really exciting!    


It was just an involuntary action, Yun Chen gradually felt his body burning as he watched.    


"Why are you looking at me like that? It's not like we haven't seen each other before!" The woman felt Yun Chen's heated gaze and was a bit shy.    


She once had some feelings for Yun Chen, but her cousin said that she liked him, and her high school classmate was Yun Chen's wife, which cut off all traces of her feelings.    


Now that she was being stared at by Yun Chen in such an ambiguous manner, Zhou Shumin's face subconsciously blushed.    


Some of the soldiers started gossiping and asked Zhou Shumin, "Miss Zhou, is this your boyfriend?"    


Zhou Shumin blushed. "He's my student!"    


The other soldier was taken aback. "Really? You rolled your eyes at your student and pouted coquettishly with a blushing face. Is this love between teacher and student?"    


Zhou Shumin blushed when these soldiers said this. She shook her head and said no. Other than that, she didn't say anything else. She was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Yun Chen directly.    


Yun Chen was not the least bit ashamed as he proudly said, "She is embarrassed to admit it. Shumin, others can see that this is not a school. You don't have to hide it from her!"    


"You …" Zhou Shumin rolled her eyes and looked at Yun Chen. She didn't want to talk to him anymore.    


"How exciting! Nowadays, university students have actually gotten their own teacher!" The soldiers looked at Yun Chen with envy and jealousy.    


After the soldier left, the woman glared at Yun Chen and said, "Is it interesting?" Is there any use in taking advantage of me? "    


"It's just a joke. Your dad is a scientist who studies mysterious liquid genes? That's interesting. He couldn't have injected it himself, could he? "Is it very strong?" Yun Chen asked curiously.    


"I'm not sure. He's usually busier than me …" Before Zhou Shumin could finish her words, a burst of gunfire came from outside the base!    


"Tutututututu …"    


Another series of explosions followed.    


"Bang bang!"    


Suddenly, the entire R & D base shook. Some of the staff panicked, especially the girls, who started screaming!    


Yun Chen's mouth twitched. Just as he thought, there was indeed someone lying in ambush at the gene base. They must have been observing for a long time.    


The Xiaolong should be at the port area now, maybe the enemy ships will be there to log in!    



"Looks like Xiaolong is fighting with the enemy at the port. It must be a way to lure the tiger out of the mountain!"    


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