Godly Son-in-law

C375 Aunt

C375 Aunt

0Immediately after, the coffin Lin Zhan was in was surrounded by a group of people. They saw six people unloading the whole coffin around the coffin. After that, they were placed on a forklift and slowly transported to the town.    


Lin Zhan, who was lying in the coffin, was already holding Traceless tightly in his hand. As long as someone came to open the door later, he would attack immediately. As long as he could get out of the encirclement, he would detonate the coffin.    


What a joke. This was a custom-made coffin from the research institute. There was another layer. There were 100 bottles of explosives that they had just developed. As long as Lin Zhan pressed the detonator, the explosives inside would be enough to turn the entire town into ashes.    


The only problem was how to escape later. This was what he needed to consider the most at the moment. After a while, Lin Zhan was finally put down. A group of red-clothed men slowly walked towards the coffin.    


Lin Zhan saw that his legs were slightly bent. As soon as the lid of the coffin was lifted, Lin Zhan would suddenly explode and kill everyone.    


He had the confidence that these guys in red wouldn't be as terrifying as Ye Xuan back then. Moreover, his strength was no longer the same as before. It was more than enough to deal with them.    


The group of people slowly lifted the coffin lid and moved it away. Then, they poked their heads into the coffin to confirm whether Lin Zhan was dead or not. At this moment, they only saw a cold light appear. Their heads instantly soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye, blood gushed out like a fountain. The scene was extremely bloody.    


Lin Zhan jumped out of the coffin and was about to leave the town in a vigorous and vigorous manner. But at this time, a gloomy voice came from behind him.    


"Stop if you don't want Lin Zhizhan's mother to die." This person's sudden voice made Lin Zhan stop in his tracks. Didn't Lin Zhizhan's mother already be taken away? Could it be that the one who took her away wasn't his mother? But how could he not recognize her?    


It was these thoughts that made Lin Zhan stop in his tracks. He found a safe place to hide. Seeing that Lin Zhan did not run away, the man's voice sounded again, "Do you think we will let Lin Zhizhan leave so easily? Then you are too naive. Let me tell you, Lin Zhizhan's mother is still with us. What he took was just a fake!"    


Lin Zhan frowned slightly. He did not believe what this guy said. After all, this could be a trap set up by the enemy to keep him here. If he really fell for it, he was afraid that he would be a little stupid.    


"You don't believe me? Bring that woman to me! Lin Zhan, look after her. "If you don't come out today, I will kill her now!"    


At this moment, a few men pushed a middle-aged woman out. This woman's face was somewhat unhealthy white. This was not something that could be done with makeup.    


Most importantly, this woman looked exactly the same as the woman that Lin Zhizhan had just taken away. It was as if she had been carved from the same mold.    


"Xiao Zhan! Don't worry about me, quickly leave! Otherwise, I won't be able to face your mother when I'm underground! "Also, please take care of your cousin. I beg of you. Hurry up and leave!"    


The woman shouted at the top of her lungs. Lin Zhan's doubts grew. He finally stopped. Although he knew it might be a trap, But if not, he could not bear the consequences.    


However, even if he went out now, he still wouldn't be able to save his aunt. At this moment, he was in a dilemma.    


On one hand, he might be the last senior in this world. On the other hand, his life was his. Once he made the wrong choice, he might very well step into a situation where he could not be consigned to eternal damnation.    


"Sigh, there's nothing I can do." General Lin Wuhen hid himself well, revealing his hands as he slowly walked out.    


In an instant, no less than a hundred firearms were pointed at him. Even if he were to use Chaotic Dance at this moment, there was a high chance that he would be shot to death. Therefore, giving up now might be the best way.    


Seeing Lin Zhan come out, the leader of the men in red smiled. This man was from Z Country. From his accent, one could tell that this man was from the South Huai region. He seemed to be around the same age as Lin Zhan. However, his face was full of pimples and looked very scary. In addition, he was wearing red clothes, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.    


"Hmph, at least you aren't a cold-blooded animal. Let me tell you honestly, this woman is indeed the mother of that idiot Lin Zhizhan. " Moreover, the one he took away is our spy. Once you leave, I will let her kill Lin Zhizhan and kill this woman! "Your choice is very wise."    


The man's throat seemed to have been injured. When he spoke, the voice coming from his throat was very hoarse and unpleasant to hear.    


But even in this very unfavorable situation, Lin Zhan still said without batting an eyelid, "Let her go, I'll stay. This should be fine, right?"    


"No no." The man shook his head decisively.    


"In view of your actions this time, we have reason to believe that you are not sincere in wanting to discuss business with us. " Therefore, I cannot agree to your conditions. "    


Lin Zhan looked around. It was easy for him to kill his way out, but he was afraid that it would not be so easy to bring a weak woman with him.    


"What are you trying to do?" Lin Zhan asked calmly, as if nothing could scare him.    


The man looked at Lin Zhan with a wicked smile. "We only have one goal, and that is to take the blood in your body. It's just that you didn't cooperate with us, so we have no choice but to come up with this plan. "    


This is indeed the Blood Cloth Organization's usual goal. They wholeheartedly want the blood in his body. Lin Zhan looked at him coldly. Very quickly, he said, "Let her go and I'll give you all blood. Otherwise, you people really won't be able to keep me."    


"No!" The man's face darkened. He could not agree to this deal no matter what. Once he lost the bargaining chip, it would be as easy as turning his hand to kill them.    


"Then kill her. But remember, she is dead. Lin Zhi is dead. It doesn't mean anything to me. " But for you, from now on, live in fear every day. "    


The man glared at Lin Zhan. "You..."    


Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Lin Zhan. "There is no room for discussion. Either let her go or you will have a chance to get my blood and escape. " Or, all of you will die. "    


Once these two choices had a bargaining chip, it was easy for them to come up with an answer. As long as the man was not stupid, he knew that Lin Zhan was right. Moreover, as long as he could successfully trade with Lin Zhan and obtain his blood, Lin Dong's death wouldn't affect his merit points.    


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