Universe Storage Box

C2749 Cooperation Between the Inside and the Outside

C2749 Cooperation Between the Inside and the Outside

0When that idea popped up in my head, I couldn't help it. Although he was also afraid, however... Wu Yan knew that this was his only way out. If the Emperor didn't die, then the one who would die would be him. And if the Emperor died, then he wouldn't have to die. Furthermore, he would be able to protect the rights and status he had right now.    


Obviously, Wu Yan had no other choice. He could only choose to kill the Emperor.    


However, how to kill the Emperor was also a difficult problem. That was the Emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty. He was usually protected by many people. Although Wu Yan had secretly raised some men of sacrifice, but... It was obviously unrealistic to rely on those men of sacrifice to assassinate the Emperor. I'm afraid those people haven't even gotten close to the Emperor yet... They were all killed.    


Therefore, to kill the Emperor, he could only choose another way, a method that could not be forced.    


Not long after, Wu Yan thought of his daughter. As the daughter of a Noble Consort, if he wanted to kill the Emperor, he could only think of a way from his daughter.    


Although the Emperor suspected and hated him for the reason, he had already somewhat distanced himself from his daughter, but she was still Imperial Concubine Wu. She had always been favored by the Emperor and was even prepared to become the Empress. It could be seen that the Emperor still had feelings for her and was very doting on her. Therefore, Consort Wu could still see the Emperor while crying and making noise.    


And this was the opportunity that Wu Yan wanted. It could be said that... Noble Consort Wu currently did not have many people who could get close to the Emperor. Thus, Wu Yan sent people to secretly contact Noble Consort Wu and let her poison the Emperor's food or tea. She poisoned the Emperor, and this poison was naturally provided by Wu Yan. It was a slow-acting poison that was colorless and odorless. After consuming it, there was no discomfort. However, after a few hours, the poison would die. It was incurable.    


In the beginning, Imperial Concubine Wu did not agree to do so. Firstly, she also had feelings for the Emperor. After all, he was her husband and her child's father. There was a relationship between the two of them that allowed her to assassinate her husband. She couldn't do it.    


In addition, the other party was the emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty after all. With such a prestigious identity, assassinating him would be very dangerous. Once the matter was exposed, what awaited her would be a light death. Thus, she was also very afraid in her heart, not daring to make a move.    


After Wu Yan knew what his daughter was thinking, he warned her. Now, the Emperor wanted to kill him, but once he died... Imperial Concubine Wu had no one to rely on in the Palace, so she could not fight against the other concubines. It was really hard to say. Furthermore, the Emperor would also do it for his own sake. Once she lost her favor and distanced herself from Consort Wu... Then, in the dangerous Imperial Palace... It was hard to say whether she could still live or not. After all, when she had the upper hand, she had made things difficult for the other concubines. Once she lost her favor, the other concubines would definitely seek revenge. Her days would be very difficult, and at that time, forget about the position of the Empress... Whether or not she can keep her own life is hard to say.    


Sure enough, Imperial Concubine Wu was frightened by Wu Yan's words. She knew the dangers of this harem. She also felt that the Emperor had indeed begun to distance himself from her. If Wu Yan died again, no one would help her. It was already foreseeable that she would lose her power in the harem, but once she lost her power... Just thinking about it made her shiver.    


Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Noble Consort Wu still agreed to Wu Yan's request. First, she begged the Emperor to come see her and eat with her. She poisoned the tea in advance, then... Pretending to pour tea for the emperor unintentionally, she watched the emperor drink the tea with poison in his eyes.    


As Wu Yan had expected, the poison acted up after a few hours. The Emperor died without any warning. The more powerful part of the poison was... Even the Imperial Physician didn't realize that he died from poison. Instead, he thought that he died from an illness.    


At this moment, Wu Yan "hurriedly" rushed back to the capital. He pretended not to know anything and cried loudly in front of the Emperor's corpse.    


As for the other ministers, they had no idea that Wu Yan's position in the Emperor's heart had changed. They also did not know that the Emperor was going to make a move on Wu Yan, mainly because the Emperor did not tell anyone about this matter. He was also afraid that he would leak the news, but he had never thought that... Wu Yan still found some clues about his thoughts, and thus made a move in advance.    


As for the official who reported Wu Yan to the Emperor, when Wu Yan had entered the city... He was secretly killed by the person Wu Yan sent. At the moment of the Emperor's death... The death of a minister was indeed not a big deal. Thus, not many people linked these two matters together. They would never think that these two people were killed by Wu Yan.    


Because they didn't know what the Emperor was thinking about Wu Yan. So... In the hearts of the officials in the court, Wu Yan was still the important official whom the Emperor liked and trusted. Even though he had just been defeated... But... No one could punish him anymore.    


A country could not be without a ruler for a day. This was applicable to both the Fengjue Country and the Great Lu Dynasty. As the Great Lu Dynasty territory was vast, it could not be without an emperor to support the overall situation.    


Therefore, before the corpse of the late emperor completely cooled down, the matter of establishing a new emperor had already been put on the agenda, and Wu Yan had proposed to appoint the Eleventh Prince as the emperor. This suggestion received some support and some people were against it. Those who opposed it naturally felt that the Eleventh Prince was still young. There was no way for him to take charge of the situation.    


However, Wu Yan firmly supported the Eleventh Prince. As for the reason, even if he didn't say it, the others could understand it. Many people also felt that there were still many hostile countries eyeing the chaotic situation in the country. Therefore, their Great Lu Dynasty couldn't be messed up, and no matter who ascended the throne, it couldn't be messed up. Wu Yan was the person with the greatest authority, and did not have the right to support him. New Emperor was just a puppet that had been elevated to the sky. Therefore... He might as well support the Eleventh Prince. At least... This way, they could work together and stabilize the situation.    


Furthermore, Noble Consort Wu was originally a hidden queen who made her son the new emperor. There was nothing wrong with that. Of course, the other princes... They definitely wouldn't think that way, but they wouldn't receive any support. Even if they were dissatisfied, they would not dare to show it. Unless they didn't want to live anymore.    


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