Universe Storage Box

C48 Stunned

C48 Stunned

0Of course, Liu Mingjie didn't suspect that it was Li Deyu who stole the Secret Scripture. After all, the other party had always been with him, and now, Fang Zihao's Inner Strength Arts had appeared on Li Deyu's bed. There was only one explanation for this - Fang Zihao had deliberately set him up. Furthermore, he had even given him a "conclusive evidence"!    


Fang Zihao and Senior Brother Mu's facial expressions changed as well. They were different from the others. They could tell at a glance that the book that fell out of Li Deyu's clothes was not the Inner Strength Arts. The cover of the book was completely different.    


Senior Brother Mu was still alright, but Fang Zihao's facial expression changed instantly. This definitely wasn't his Inner Strength Arts. Where did his Inner Strength Arts go?    


"Senior Brother Mu, I really didn't take this Inner Strength Arts. I also don't know why it appeared on my bed." Seeing Senior Brother Mu's facial expression change, Li Deyu thought that it was because Fang Zihao found the Inner Strength Arts on his bed. Therefore, he quickly explained.    


"Senior Brother Mu, this matter is none of Li Deyu's business. We have been wandering outside all this time. We didn't even come in, nor did we steal Fang Zihao's Inner Strength Arts. This Inner Strength Arts must have been placed on Brother Li's bed by someone else." Liu Mingjie hastily explained. The person he was talking about was naturally Fang Zihao.    


However, Fang Zihao didn't have the mood to care about what he said. He had already sensed that something was wrong. He had clearly placed the Inner Strength Arts here. Besides, no one had come in during this period of time. Where did the Inner Strength Arts go?    


Fang Zihao kept searching on Li Deyu's bed, not letting go of even a tiny corner.    


"Fang Zihao, that's enough. You have found what you want. Why are you still rummaging on my bed?" Li Deyu saw that Fang Zihao had found the Inner Strength Arts, but he did not stop moving. His things were all over the place. He even threw a lot of things on the ground.    


However, Fang Zihao acted as if he hadn't heard him. He continued to rummage around, and his face was no longer as calm as before. If he really couldn't find the Inner Strength Arts, he would be in big trouble. Not only could he not accuse Li Deyu wrongly, he also had to bear the fury of the Sect Elders.    


"Who told you that this is the Inner Strength Arts?" Senior Brother Mu took two steps forward and picked up the book that Fang Zihao had thrown onto the ground. He casually flipped through the book and said in a flat tone as he read it.    


"Eh, isn't it?" Li Deyu and Liu Mingjie were somewhat speechless as they asked. Previously, when this book was found, both of them subconsciously thought that this was the Inner Strength Arts. Because both of them knew very well that Li Deyu didn't bring any books into the mountain gate. Plus, they had never seen the Inner Strength Arts before, so they subconsciously thought that this was the Inner Strength Arts. However, both of them were certain that Fang Zihao must have set them up on purpose.    


"Do you know the words in this thing?" Senior Brother Mu didn't answer their question directly. Instead, he handed the book in his hand to them and said. Because he had just flipped through it and found that there were many words that he did not recognize. Therefore, he wanted to ask Liu Mingjie and Li Deyu if they knew the contents of the book.    


Liu Mingjie and Li Deyu took the book from Senior Brother Mu's hands with some doubt. Could it be that Senior Brother Mu did not know the words? Impossible. As the eldest senior brother of the group, it was impossible for him to not know the characters. What did Senior Brother Mu mean by that?    


Although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't know what Senior Brother Mu meant. However, Liu Mingjie and Li Deyu were looking at the book by their hands. They were still somewhat excited. This was the Inner Strength Arts! Both of them had been envious of the Inner Strength Arts, wondering when they would be able to obtain it. Without the Inner Strength Arts, it was impossible to cultivate it to an extremely high level. At most, they would be able to cultivate the outer force to the extreme. However... It was still far from enough to face an inner force expert.    


However, the two of them also knew that they had just entered the mountain gate. It was virtually impossible to obtain the Inner Strength Arts in a short period of time, no matter which sect it was. They had to keep a tight watch on their own sect's Inner Strength Arts. After all, if they were to pass the internal examination... Only those with talent and loyalty could cultivate it. Therefore, in this world, there were indeed a lot of people who practiced martial arts. However, not even half of them knew how to use inner energy.    


Now that Senior Brother Mu had given such an important Inner Strength Arts to the two of them, they were naturally excited.    


However, the two of them immediately furrowed their brows. Because they discovered that some of the words were very similar to the ones they knew. There were many other words that were different, but the words that were similar... Although they could guess what the words were, the meaning was... The two of them didn't understand what sports cars, models, and so on... They had never heard of anything like that.    


"How is it? Can you understand it?" Senior Brother Mu asked.    


Li Deyu unwillingly looked at the Inner Strength Arts in his hand again, then handed it to Senior Brother Mu with regret and said, "This Inner Strength Arts is really profound. The two of us can't understand the meaning behind it. It seems like we haven't reached the stage where we can cultivate inner force yet. "    


Li Deyu and Liu Mingjie were indeed very regretful. If the two of them could understand it... Even if Senior Brother Mu kept the Secret Scripture later, they would have to rely on so much time. If they could remember a lot of it, they would be able to cultivate ahead of time. If that was the case, they would definitely be a step faster than the others. Unfortunately, neither of them could understand. Not to mention the fact that he had gone to cultivate, he could only blame himself for being too shallow in his Cultivation Level. It seemed like it was reasonable for Sect Leader not to cultivate inner energy until the time was certain.    


However, what Senior Brother Mu said next stunned the two of them.    


"Don't say that you can't understand it, I can't understand it either." Senior Brother Mu said.    


"Senior Brother Mu can't understand it either?" Liu Mingjie said in surprise. He wasn't pretending to be surprised. Senior Brother Mu was their eldest senior brother, and also the one with the highest Cultivation Level. He had already started cultivating his inner force. Why did he say that he couldn't understand the Inner Strength Arts?    


"It's true that I can't understand what's inside. However... I can confirm that this isn't our clan's Seven Planets Invincible Cultivation Method. " Senior Brother Mu said with certainty. He had already cultivated his inner force. Naturally, he had seen his own sect's Inner Strength Arts before. Therefore... It was easy to tell that this book wasn't the so-called Seven Planets Invincible Cultivation Method."    


Speaking of which, Senior Brother Mu looked at Fang Zihao, who was still unwilling to find the Inner Strength Arts, and felt somewhat displeased.    


Liu Mingjie and Li Deyu also looked at Fang Zihao. Now, both of them were confused. This Fang Zihao obviously wanted to frame them, so why would he use another book to frame them? This didn't make sense.    


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