Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C222 The Trip to the Dream Family

C222 The Trip to the Dream Family

0Two days later, after Chen Junlin finished packing up, he arranged for Black Bear to stay at home and take Bai Shu to the Meng family.    


On the way to the Meng family, Chen Junlin said to Bai Shu, "For this trip to the Meng family, all the royal families will definitely go as well. At that time, he would like to see what East Guarding King looks like."    


Bai Shu nodded in agreement.    


Because the journey to the Meng family was too long, Chen Junlin and Bai Shu travelled day and night. Finally, they arrived at the capital's Meng family as scheduled before the appointed time of the invitation was set.    


The Meng family's venue was as big as five basketball courts. A few Wang families were seated in the audience seats in four directions. The center of the venue was spacious, and it would be the venue for the duel for a while.    


Chen Junlin was led into the venue by the reception staff of the Meng family.    


As soon as Chen Junlin entered the venue, many forces looked at him with respect.    


Chen Junlin also took this opportunity to size up the crowd.    


Most of the people looked at Chen Junlin with a measuring expression. They were curious about Chen Junlin, who had single-handedly killed three big families. Who exactly was he?    


There was only one person who looked at Chen Junlin differently from the others. Compared to sizing him up, it was more angry and hostile.    


Chen Junlin looked at this person and thought that this was probably the person behind the Guo family, East Guarding King.    


When East Guarding King and Jiang Fu saw Chen Junlin, it was as if they had met an old enemy. Jiang Fu's unusual behavior naturally attracted the attention of Wei Wang and Wei Shi, who was narrating the situation.    


Wei Shi curiously asked Jiang Fu, "Why? You are very familiar with him."    


Jiang Fu looked away and said lightly, "A friend."    


Chen Junlin and the others followed the arrangement of the reception staff and entered their seats.    


Chen Junlin stayed in his seat for a long time, but he did not see Meng Lianna.    


Just as Chen Junlin was getting impatient, the butler of Meng family came to the center of the venue and announced, "The competition for the son-in-law will begin immediately."    


"First, tell me the rules of the competition."    


"The competition is divided into two parts. The first is a competition, and the second is a Go. The winner will be Miss Meng Lianna. She will marry him, and the two families will become friends with each other. The two families will advance and retreat together."    


"Lastly, let me explain that the person who can marry Meng Lianna must be a young master of the same age in the family."    


After the steward of the Meng family finished speaking, he returned to the side of the patriarch and asked, "Patriarch, can the competition begin?"    


The patriarch of the Meng family, Meng Haoran, nodded when he heard this.    


The steward straightened his body and announced loudly, "The competition for the son-in-law will begin now."    


All the families began to arrange their troops in order to prepare for the competition.    


The first competition for son-in-law selection was a competition.    


Every family that participated in this competition would go to the reception and draw lots. The two people with the same number would form a group. Then, they went up to the stage to compete.    


Wait! After everyone had formed their groups, the empty space in the center of the venue had already been divided into four levels.    


There were a total of eight people participating, so it was perfect for two groups.    


Chen Junlin did not participate in the first round of the competition. Instead, he let Bai Shu participate in the competition. To Chen Junlin, this so-called competition was like a child's play. He had no interest in it, so Chen Junlin directly threw Bai Shu onto the stage.    


On the stage, Bai Shu looked at the fat man standing opposite him and felt very helpless.    


This fat man looked like a strong fighter. He had heard that this fat man was the Li Clan's Wang Clan's Grand Young Master. His name was Li Yan. If he wins and Meng Lianna marries him, I'll go. That really is a flower stuck in cow dung.    


Bai Shu looked around again. There were all kinds of men around Meng Lianna's age. There were all kinds of men. They looked pleasing to the eye, but there were too few of them.    


Bai Shu looked at his boss again. Bai Shu's eyes were much better. It was all thanks to his boss. Otherwise, Miss Meng would be in trouble.    


At this moment, the butler of Meng family came to the center of the venue.    


The supervisor of Meng family would be the judge for the entire competition.    


The steward blew the whistle in his hand and said loudly, "The competition begins."    


All the participants moved to attack the opponent standing in front of them.    


In the four stages, there were two contestants fighting each other.    


Only Bai Shu's arena remained silent.    


Bai Shu crossed his arms and looked at the fat man opposite him with a smile. He didn't attack and just looked at the fat man with a smile.    


Li Yan, who was opposite Bai Shu, was so fat that his eyes were only left with a slit.    


Li Yan was lazy to go over. He wanted to wait for Bai Shu to come over and then deal with Bai Shu himself.    


However, Bai Shu did not know what he was planning. He just did not want to come over. Li Yan was so angry that he opened his eyes hard. When he saw Bai Shu's position clearly, he walked towards Bai Shu with his elephant legs.    


The scene was like an earthquake.    


Bai Shu looked at Li Yan coming over as if he was looking at a bear. When he thought of the bear, he thought of his own black bear. Bai Shu thought to himself, when he got home, he had to tell the black bear to eat less. If it wasn't fat like this, what would he do?    


Li Yan walked up to Bai Shu. The two of them stood in front of each other. It was as if a young man was standing together with a big monster. It was a very amusing scene.    


Anyone who saw this scene would express their sympathy towards Bai Shu. There was no need to fight at all. The outcome was obvious.    


Li Yan looked at Bai Shu through the gap between his eyes. Suddenly, he grinned and said, "You're dead for sure."    


Li Yan raised his elephant leg, like Bai Shu's head stepping on it.    


Bai Shu did not dodge. He just stood there.    


Chen Junlin did not blink in the stands, as if he was not worried that something would happen to Bai Shu.    



Just as Li Yan's foot was about to reach Bai Shu's head, Bai Shu raised his right hand to block Li Yan's foot.    


Li Yan noticed that this ant-like guy had such great strength. No matter how hard he tried, his foot couldn't move at all.    


Seeing this, Bai Shu curled his lips and said, "What's the use of having so much flesh on your body?"    


After Bai Shu finished speaking, he raised his right hand. Li Yan lost his balance and fell to the ground.    


Because Li Yan's body weight was large, when he hit the ground like this, Bai Shu felt like he was bounced.    


Li Yan's fall knocked him out.    


Bai Shu shook his head when he saw that. Then he said, "Stupid like a pig."    


Bai Shu stopped looking at him and looked at the other fields. The other fields were almost finished.    


Finally, the referee announced that Bai Shu, Grand Young Master, and Yang Zhong from the Yang Consortium had entered the finals. There were also the two men of sacrifice from the Jiang family.    


After the first round ended, the members of the Meng family began to change their props and prepare for the second round of Go.    


The Go competition soon began.    


The Go competition was different from the previous one. It was not a two versus one battle. It was Meng Yuan, the Third Young Master of the Meng family. Whoever played the longest with the Third Young Master of the Meng family would win.    


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