Master of the Sky



0Jiang Ziya gave Guo Nan hope.    


As long as there was hope, Guo Nan would do his best.    


He looked at Jiang Ziya expectantly and quickly asked, "Predecessor, can you show me the way? I will work hard."    


"I am not afraid that you will not work hard. Rather, the difficulty in doing so is not something that can be accomplished through hard work." Jiang Ziya said lightly.    


Guo Nan said, "There is nothing in this world that is hard to deal with. As long as you have a goal and a direction, what is there to care about?"    


Jiang Ziya let out a faint sigh and said: "There is only one way to make your Demonic Pet become a Heavenly Beast, and that is to stimulate its atavism. However, after the first generation of Heavenly Beast, the atavism never appeared again."    


Guo Nan was stunned    


The heck, isn't this nonsense?    


He looked at Jiang Ziya speechlessly and said weakly, "Predecessor, can you just get to the point?"    


"Why, boy, are you getting impatient?" Jiang Ziya glanced at Guo Nan in disdain and asked plainly.    


Guo Nan forced a smile and said, "Predecessor, it's not that I'm impatient, it's just that your time is short and I don't want to delay you."    


"Since we've already delayed it, there's no harm in saying more. Young people need to be able to hold their cool and be impatient, they will never have a bright future. " Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan and said with a smile.    


Guo Nan felt a bit strange. Didn't this old guy despise him for bothering him in the beginning? Was the old man lonely? Why was he blabbering so much?    


What seemed to be a philosophical statement was actually nonsense in Guo Nan's eyes.    


Guo Nan felt helpless in his heart, but he still looked convinced. He nodded and said, "I will listen to Predecessor's teachings."    


"Hehe, playing tricks in front of me is useless. I am clear about what you are thinking. No one will have any secrets in front of me. "    


Jiang Ziya was able to see through everything. His strength was the true strongest realm.    


Sitting and chatting with such an old monster, Guo Nan was under a lot of pressure!    


Guo Nan had nothing to say, so he could only listen quietly.    


He raised his head and looked at the sky that would never have night. After thinking for a long time, he said lightly: "Brat, in order to stimulate that floral qilin and become a Heavenly Beast, the most direct and direct method is to find Lao Qingniu and kill his Cyan Bull. Then, absorb his blood essence and give it to your floral qilin to refine and absorb."    


"That Cyan Bull was born at the same time, and appeared even before me and that old fellow. Its bloodline is pure energy of heaven and earth. Using its blood essence, it is definitely able to stimulate the floral qilin. "    


Hearing Jiang Ziya's solution, Guo Nan turned pale with fright. He immediately refused, "Predecessor, stop joking around. That kind of solution is the same as having no other choice. Even if I were to die, I wouldn't do that kind of thing. How is it possible for me to sacrifice the interests of others, Senior Taurus's, for my own benefit? "    


Guo Nan was speechless. Damn it, Jiang Ziya, to come up with such a rotten idea, why don't you just go up to the sky?    


Let alone Taurus, even if he did not know Guo Nan, he would not kill a Spiritual Beast of that level for his own benefits.    


"Brat, that Lao Qingniu won't live for long. If you ask that old fellow for help, maybe he will help you. "After all, when Lao Qingniu dies of old age, there'll be no more use for him." Jiang Ziya continued to bewitch Guo Nan.    


Guo Nan shook his head. "I'm not going to do that kind of thing, Predecessor, and I'm not going to ask Senior Taurus for that kind of thing."    


Guo Nan looked at Jiang Ziya deeply and said, "If this is your solution, then there is no other way. I choose to give up."    


Hearing Guo Nan's words, a smile appeared on Jiang Ziya's face. He said with a faint smile, "You little brat, you have a kind heart. That old fellow truly picked you out to be strange."    


"Strange?" Could it be that choosing a kind heart is inferior to choosing a bad one? " Guo Nan frowned.    


Jiang Ziya said, "Sometimes, the choice that you make is better than the kindness of a woman. Being too kind is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. "    


"Predecessor, I can't agree with your words. Good and evil will always be rewarded. No matter what, good will always be good. Evil will never be able to defeat justice. " Guo Nan's eyes were extremely serious and serious. He didn't dare agree with Jiang Ziya's words at all. However, due to Jiang Ziya's strength and position, he would directly leave people like Jiang Ziya.    


No one knew what Jiang Ziya was thinking. Perhaps he said the opposite? Just to test Guo Nan?    


"Kid, you have encountered too few things. Let me tell you, in this world, there is no such thing as absolute kindness. There are only absolute benefits.    


"When you experience many things, you will come to understand that there is no obvious boundary between good and evil. What do you think, evil, can save a lot of lives? For example, the mission that you have to accomplish, to get rid of Sky Law, without powerful strength, without powerful assistants, can you do it? In order to become stronger, in order to save countless lives, I have to do some small evil first and then do some great deeds in the end.    


Jiang Ziya's words had merged with his countless years of enlightenment and possessed a certain amount of philosophical thoughts. Guo Nan could understand it, but he was still unable to do so.    


"Predecessor, you should continue with your rest. I'll take my leave."    


Guo Nan cupped his fist towards Jiang Ziya, turned around and left.    


Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan who left and smiled, but did not urge him to stay.    


In fact, even Jiang Ziya couldn't do anything about Xiao Qiang's bloodline wanting to become a Heavenly Beast. His words were completely for the sake of testing Guo Nan. On one hand, he had probed Guo Nan's character, and on the other hand, he had made Guo Nan give up.    


On the whole, Jiang Ziya was quite satisfied with Guo Nan's performance.    


Guo Nan returned to Xiao Qiang's side. Xiao Qiang hurriedly asked, "Brother, how is it? Is there a way?"    




Guo Nan couldn't bear to disappoint Xiao Qiang, but he couldn't bear to disappoint Xiao Qiang even more.    


Guo Nan's answer was within Xiao Qiang's expectation.    


"Big brother, I have already guessed it. There won't be any effect. If I want to become the strongest Heavenly Beast, I can only rely on myself. "    


"Relying on yourself? What do you mean? You have a way? "    


Guo Nan looked at Xiao Qiang in surprise. Listening to what Xiao Qiang said, that's what he meant, right? How could he find a solution on his own?    


Xiao Qiang nodded his head and said with a voice transmission: "Big brother, in my inherited memories, there is a training method to become a Heavenly Beast. It's just that I can't find out what to do."    


"Tell me about it. I'll help you consult it." Guo Nan said excitedly as he saw hope.    


Xiao Qiang sent a sound transmission to Yun Che: "That kind of cultivation method, first you have to possess a human form. After becoming a human body, one would have to cultivate the nine stages known as the soul power realm. Once your cultivation is complete and you condense something called a Spatial Martial Spirit, you can become the floral qilin in its strongest form. "    


What Xiao Qiang said was a completely new system that even Guo Nan had never heard of.    





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