Master of the Sky



0Dugu Mei, Luo Suer, and Zhao Qingling saw a black Xiao Huoji flapping his wings, speaking in human language and flying over rapidly.    


A turkey could actually fly? He can talk?    


The three women felt their horizons expand. What brand of turkey was that?    


Guo Nan looked at the incoming black Fire Phoenix and frowned: "This guy, can he speak now? This rate of progress is way too fast, isn't it? "    


The black Fire Phoenix flew over swiftly. It flapped its wings and was about to land in front of Guo Nan. However, it saw Xiao Qiang, who was staring at it with hostility …    


"Master, help! This Tu Gou wants to kill me!"    


The Fire Phoenix suddenly flew up and did not dare to land on the ground, opening its mouth and roaring.    


"Master, you have to avenge me!" As soon as I entered, that Tu Gou attacked me indiscriminately. Not only did he strip me of my fur, he even tied me to a bonfire to burn Master! If you don't seek justice for me, Oath of Heaven will not count! I'd rather go back and hide in the cave and slowly live my life, than to come here and be bullied! "    


"And that strange old man, he went too far. He made me into such a state, a human is a ghost, I'm really too miserable, Master!"    


The Fire Phoenix's blood tears accusation, Dugu Mei, Luo Suer, and Zhao Qingling stared blankly at the Fire Phoenix "dancing" in the sky, their eyeballs almost falling out of their sockets. Guo Nan's "little pals", were actually these weird fellows?    


"Xiao Qiang, you can solve your own problems, I don't care." Guo Nan accepted the Fire Phoenix's accusation and transmitted to Xiao Qiang.    


Xiao Qiang sneered, "Master, don't worry. I will take care of it."    


"Little Jun, come and help!"    


Xiao Qiang called out. Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes. Her one meter tall body flew up into the air and flew over.    


Dugu Mei and the other two were shocked when they saw Xiaoxiao. What was that? The divine dragon?    


Dugu Mei and the other two instantly recognized the tiny identity of the dragon clan from its unique dragon aura.    


Xiao Qiang whispered to the Fire Phoenix for a while. Then, with a fierce look in his eyes, he pounced towards the Fire Phoenix.    


Bullying his big brother, he's courting death!    


Xiaoxiao did not know that Xiao Qiang was her blood brother, but during this period of interaction, it had treated Xiao Qiang as its brother. How could it endure seeing its brother being bullied?    


Brother can't fly, I can!    


The small arrow shot towards the Fire Phoenix like an arrow, making a whooshing sound as it pierced through the air, and instantly pounced onto the Fire Phoenix's body.    


When the Fire Phoenix saw a divine dragon like thing pouncing towards it, it was shocked and was about to run away, but it was too late.    


The small sharp claws fiercely stabbed into the Fire Phoenix's body, and its sharp fangs unrestrainedly bit onto the tragic guy's neck!    


"Master, save me!"    


In the small attack, the Fire Phoenix could not retaliate at all, its entire body was wrapped up by the small binding, it could not move at all, blood flowed out, and after being sucked into the small hole in its stomach, it could only let out a miserable scream.    


"Xiaoxiao, is that enough? "Stop tormenting it. It won't be fun if you kill it." Guo Nan sent a message helplessly.    


"Master, this guy bullied my brother, I'm going to kill it."    


Xiaoxiao was disobedient and continued to suck the blood of the Fire Phoenix.    




Seeing that the Fire Phoenix was about to die, Guo Nan shouted angrily. Only then did Xiaoxiao unwillingly stop her "hand".    


The Fire Phoenix lay on the ground, dying.    


Guo Nan walked to the Fire Phoenix's side and said with a wry smile: "Don't offend those two guys again, you can't afford to."    


How could the Fire Phoenix dare to say half a word of no?    


floral qilin and divine dragon were existences he could not afford to offend! He originally wanted to humiliate Xiao Qiang when he couldn't fly, but he didn't expect such a fierce helper would almost take his life.    


In the China Secret Realm, one had to be a "person" with the tail between the legs.    


Guo Nan bit his finger and stuffed it into the Fire Phoenix's mouth: "The only time, if you go looking for death by yourself, I won't help you."    


The Fire Phoenix opened its beak and sucked Guo Nan's blood. As it sucked, it sent Guo Nan a sound transmission: "Master, don't worry, I won't dare to do it even if it kills me. Those two guys are really abnormal!"    


"It's good that you know this. They're your big brother and second sister. You're third brother, you should be smarter in the future."    


"Yes, yes, yes, I understand!"    


To be honest, Dugu Mei, Luo Suer, and Zhao Qingling were all a little drunk when they saw such a strange scene when they just arrived at China Secret Realm.    


He really was a mysterious little companion! A talking turkey and a divine dragon?    


The three of them looked at Xiaoxiao in shock. If she wasn't a dragon, then what else could she be?    


At this moment, a dirty Old Man flew over and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I accidentally let it run out."    


It was indeed the greatest.    


Guo Nan said, "Stop torturing him. No matter what, he is Divine Beasts."    


"Brat, you don't understand, I am doing this for its own good! Without me, it would just be an ordinary Fire Phoenix. With my help, how fast will it grow?! Didn't you hear what it said? Under normal circumstances, how could it speak in human language so quickly? " Mo Dayan chuckled.    


"F * ck Laozi!" "Damn old thing, what did you do to Laozi?"    


The dying Fire Phoenix regained its vigor and began to curse loudly!    


"Oh my god, your wings have hardened?" "Come back with me and I'll add some seasonings for you!"    


With a wave of his big hand, he conjured a ball of elemental energy, wrapped the entire Fire Phoenix up, then grabbed it by the neck and flew away.    


From start to finish, he hadn't even glanced at Dugu Mei and the other two girls.    



He had no interest in the woman that Guo Nan brought. He was only interested in the dead people that Guo Nan brought in. At the very least, it should have the value of modification. Guo Nan's woman was obviously not to be touched. He didn't even bother to take a glance at her.    


Dugu Mei, Luo Suer, and Zhao Qingling looked at each other with bitter smiles on their faces.    


Is this the weird old man Guo Nan was talking about?    


With such powerful strength, he captured Divine Beasts's Fire Phoenix and changed it to play?    


The three of them couldn't help but wonder if there was a normal person in this seemingly fairyland.    


Seeing that Guo Nan was nice to the Fire Phoenix, she flew away angrily. It was a bloodthirsty beast, if not for Guo Nan who intimidated it, the Fire Phoenix would have died.    


Seeing this, Xiao Qiang nodded towards Dugu Mei and the other two girls and ran after Xiao Xiao.    


Dugu Mei said with a wry smile, "Guo Nan, is this the little companion you were talking about? Xiao Qiang is not bad, at least he looks normal. The rest are all abnormal! "    


Luo Suer and Zhao Qingling hurriedly nodded in agreement. It could be imagined that living with such a "little friend" did not feel right!    


Guo Nanxiao said, "That's right, you are all my closest friends, so I'll be frank with you." This is the China Secret Realm, a Isolated Space that I carry with me at all times. The size of this place is as big as the Heavenly Empire. That city was the Cyan Bull City, and the ones that lived in it were Old Man and Xiao Rou, but there was no one else. Stay here, all of you stay here peacefully. Once I reach the Ancient Dragon Sect, I will bring you all out. "    


Zhao Qingling blushed at the word 'closest person'.    


"He still has me in his heart." Zhao Qingling thought to herself.    




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