Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0Lee Chuntian stood up and walked out of the bedroom after slicing his pulse. Hu Naizhi followed closely behind him.    


In the living room, Hu Naixuan sat on the sofa and stared at Lee Chuntian, who came out of the bedroom.    


"Brother, can my father's illness be cured?" Hu Naizhi asked anxiously.    


"Mr Hu, how long has Uncle been sick?" Lee Chuntian didn't answer Hu Naizhi's question, instead, he asked a question that didn't matter to him.    


Hu Naixuan sneered upon hearing Lee Chuntian's words, because the self-proclaimed expert of hermits had also asked such a question!    


"You know medicine, can't you tell that my father is ill?" Hu Naixuan asked coldly.    


"Naixuan, what are you talking about? Chuntian is an esteemed guest of our Hu Family, do not be rude! " Hu Naizhi scolded Hu Naixuan softly.    


Hu Naixuan snorted coldly and turned her head to look out the window, ignoring Lee Chuntian.    


"Mr Chuntian, I'm sorry, my little sister isn't usually like this. It's all because of that swindler from last time, causing our hopes to go up in smoke. My little sister's temperament also changed greatly because of this, and she has a huge problem with doctors. I hope you don't mind!"    


Hu Naizhi quickly explained.    


Of course Lee Chuntian wouldn't mind. He nodded with a smile and then continued with the topic of Hu Wande's illness.    


"Mr Hu, if I'm not mistaken, Uncle was only in an intermittent coma at the beginning, but he was still conscious before he fainted. But ever since that swindler came, Uncle not only lost consciousness for a long time, but also lost consciousness, right?"    


Lee Chuntian explained the result of his diagnosis.    


"How do you know?" Are you with that charlatan? "    


Hu Naixuan, who was going to ignore Lee Chuntian, turned around and asked immediately after hearing Lee Chuntian's words. However, she felt that her words were unnecessary.    


If Lee Chuntian and that swindler knew each other, he definitely wouldn't walk right into the trap!    


After Hu Naizhi heard Lee Chuntian's words, he quickly went up to Lee Chuntian, "Bro, you're right! When my father started getting sick, he could still manage the family's affairs. However, ever since that swindler came, not only did my father's illness worsen, he could no longer take care of himself! "    


"Brother, can you cure my father's illness?" Hu Naizhi asked hopefully.    


"Mr Hu, this is just a small matter!" Lee Chuntian said with a smile.    


Hearing Lee Chuntian's words, Hu Naizhi directly held Lee Chuntian's hand, almost tearing up.    


"Mr Chuntian, you are the benefactor of our Hu Family! If you are able to cure my father's illness, then in the future, if you need anything, our Hu Family will be bound to you! " Hu Naizhi vowed solemnly.    


Hu Naizhi's words this time were different from before, because this time he did not say that he, Hu Naizhi, was duty-bound.    


This meant that as long as Hu Family survived this crisis, they would stand firmly behind Lee Chuntian and become his strong backing!    


"Big brother, wake up! We couldn't even find out what happened to our father in the hospital. This brat can cut out our veins, look at our eyelids, and you can treat our father? Do you think that we've been cheated enough, or do you think that our family's jokes are too few? "    


Hu Naixuan shouted directly at Hu Naizhi, looking very unfriendly!    


Hu Naizhi did not explain to Hu Naixuan, but looked at Lee Chuntian with a gaze of complete conviction.    


Lee Chuntian understood Hu Naixuan's words. After all, people now believed in science and technology, and the hospital believed in big hospitals. However, the hospital could not see Hu Wande's illness at all!    


Lee Chuntian knew that if he didn't convince Hu Naixuan wholeheartedly, she would definitely stop Lee Chuntian from treating the disease!    


"Miss Hu, your uncle starts off unconscious once a day, but every five days your uncle's coma frequency will increase. During this time, your uncle can still talk normally, communicate, and even take charge of the family's affairs!"    


Lee Chuntian paused for a moment and looked at Hu Naixuan.    


After Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian's words, she carefully calculated it and then looked at Lee Chuntian in disbelief.    


Ever since Hu Wande fell ill, Hu Naixuan had never left his side. She was very clear on Hu Wande's condition, but she didn't expect Lee Chuntian, who came for the first time, to say the same thing!    


Hu Naixuan then looked Lee Chuntian straight in the eye, "Humph!" If you have the ability, then treat it well! "    


Lee Chuntian continued to say with a smile, "When uncle fainted six times a day, that charlatan came and gave uncle acupuncture. Uncle immediately became spirited, his body was comparable to before, and he didn't pass out even once that day. Right, Miss Hu! "    


Hu Naixuan didn't retort this time. That swindler did come when her father was unconscious six times. He did give her father a acupuncture treatment once, and the effect of the acupuncture treatment was exactly the same as Lee Chuntian said!    


Seeing Hu Naixuan's expression, Lee Chuntian knew that she was starting to waver, so he continued: "Uncle's high spirits lasted for one day, and next day Uncle's low spirits was still unconscious six times, but at this time, uncle's consciousness began to get blurry, and it became more and more intense. Until now, Uncle has completely lost his ability to take care of himself like a vegetable!"    


"Mr Lee, I'm sorry, I took back my rude words before, please save my father! As long as you can save my father, I, Hu Naixuan, am willing to follow Mr Lee and take care of his daily life! "    


Hu Naixuan stood up and bowed deeply to Lee Chuntian.    


Lee Chuntian didn't expect Hu Naixuan to change so quickly. She was mocking and ridiculing him just now, but now, she was willing to sacrifice her own happiness in order to save her father!    


Hu Naixuan's attitude shocked Lee Chuntian. This weak girl was exceptionally tall at this moment!    


"Naixuan, how could you …"    


Hu Naixuan's words also caused Hu Naizhi to be quite shocked. Hu Naixuan was the apple of Hu Family, so Hu Family would never agree to be his daughter's maid.    


Therefore, the moment Hu Naixuan's voice fell, Hu Naizhi became anxious. He quickly stopped her and told her to take back what she had said just now. After all, he couldn't bear to part with his little sister to be someone else's servant girl!    


However, his words came to an abrupt stop. He didn't say the words he wanted to stop her because he suddenly felt that it would be a good thing if his sister stayed by Lee Chuntian's side!    


If Lee Chuntian wasn't married, Hu Naizhi would definitely introduce his own sister to him without any hesitation. However, since Lee Chuntian was already married, Hu Naizhi's thoughts were stuck!    


But now, his sister was willing to stay by Lee Chuntian's side in order to save his father!    


Hu Naizhi suddenly felt that he could reconsider his idea. If Lee Chuntian liked his sister, then Hu Naizhi would give his sister to him because Hu Naizhi felt that only Lee Chuntian, his sister, was worthy of being his sister!    




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