Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0After a few hours, they finally arrived at the provincial capital.    


After they entered the provincial capital, the car slowed down. Hu Naizhi pointed at some properties on the side of the road and introduced it to Lee Chuntian.    


Lee Chuntian could tell from the ownership that the power of Hu Family was at the bottom of the three families!    


Soon, the car drove into a courtyard and stopped in front of a villa. There were dozens of villas with different architectural styles all around. In the middle of the dozen villas was a small square two-story building. The largest building was the size of a football field.    


"Brother, this is the base of our Hu Family. The villas around it are all ours, and this villa is mine. The small building in the middle is the business hall of our Hu Family. Hu Naizhi told Lee Chuntian about the structure and distribution of Hu Family.    


"As expected, he is one of the three great clans of the provincial capital. He has quite a strong background!" This kind of villa, are all the direct descendants of Hu Family living here? " Lee Chuntian asked.    


"Yes, the people living in these villas are all direct descendants of Hu's. Many of them have long been driven out of the family by my uncle, so the villas here right now are still empty. Once everything is settled, I will give you a villa, and you can bring your entire family here!" Hu Naizhi said to Lee Chuntian.    


"Good!" "Then, I won't stand on ceremony with you. Coincidentally, I've already decided to head to the provincial capital together with you, so I'll be staying here with you!" Lee Chuntian did not stand on ceremony and directly accepted Hu Naizhi's gift.    


As soon as Hu Naizhi led Lee Chuntian into the villa, a person ran in.    


"Huan Nai Xing, what is it? Something has happened? " Hu Naizhi asked.    


Hu Nai Xing panted as he spoke to Hu Naizhi: "Young Master Hu, Lord Hu told me to call you over to discuss the matter of submitting to the Hee Family!"    


"What?" Submission to the Hee Family? What did Hu Wansha want to do? Is he really someone from the Hu Family!? " When Hu Naizhi heard what Hu Naixing said, the atmosphere became extremely tense and his emotions became somewhat out of control.    


"Young Master Hu, quickly go take a look. If you don't go now, I think Lord Hu will send someone to show his kindness to us!" Hu Nai Xing said anxiously.    


"Alright, please entertain this brother here. Let's go take a look!" Hu Naizhi said to the star, then together with Lee Chuntian, they hurried to the middle of the second floor, leaving the wolfdog and the star.    


In the conference hall in the middle of the villa, Hu Wansha looked at the vote on the blackboard, which was basically divided into three situations. One of them agreed to submit to Hee Family, another to forfeit, and the last one to the main fighting faction, namely Hu Naizhi's side.    


In comparison to the three situations, the number of people who submitted to the Hee Family was more, with a slight advantage over the main Battle Faction and the forfeit Faction.    


"Since there's a large number of people in the Sect, a small minority has agreed to a majority. I will send my son Hu Naiyi over to Hee Family to discuss about the matter of submission. From today onwards, we will submit ourselves to Hee Family and respect it with our Hee Family!" Hu Wansha said proudly.    


Although the people in the meeting hall didn't agree, due to Hu Wansha's obscene authority, no one stood up to oppose him. Seeing this, Hu Wansha was proud of himself!    


"Who wants to submit to Hee Family? Come out and let me see, I want to see just what those heroes who have betrayed their families and deceived their masters are like! "    


Right after he finished, Hu Naizhi and Lee Chuntian stepped into the meeting hall!    


When Hu Wansha saw that it was Hu Naizhi, he frowned slightly. However, when he saw Lee Chuntian, who was beside Hu Naizhi, he revealed a sinister smile.    


"Hu Naizhi!" You made a big mistake, you know! " Hu Wansha suddenly scolded Hu Naizhi loudly.    


"Did I make a mistake? I see that you have committed a great crime of treason, and actually want to submit to the Hee Family. Hu Naizhi ignored Hu Wansha and asked directly.    


"Me, a traitor? I did it for the sake of the basics of Hu Family! " Hu Wanshayi said righteously.    


"Humph!" Are you doing this for your own benefit? Once you submit to Hee Family, does that mean our Hu Family's Patriarch becomes you? " Hu Naizhi asked loudly.    


"Hu Naizhi, we will talk about the matter of our Hu Family later. I will ask you now, why did you bring an outsider into our Hu Family's conference hall?" Hu Wansha stared coldly at Hu Naizhi.    


"Right, the family's most important place actually brought an outsider here, this Hu Naizhi is too reckless!"    


"Those who violate the clan rules should be punished!"    


"As a young master, he actually sees the clan rules as child's play, and should be chased out of the Hu Family!"    


"Bringing in an outsider at this critical moment, he should be stripped of his identity as the young master Hu Naizhi!"    




All of a sudden, Hu Wansha's people started a fierce crusade against Lee Chuntian!    


Lee Chuntian looked coldly at the group of people acting tough. He was indifferent!    


However, Hu Naizhi could not listen any longer, and suddenly slammed the table, and said loudly: "This is my esteemed guest, he will help our Hu Family to stand out in this competition, and will be our savior of Hu Family. At the same time, he will also be an opportunity for our Hu Family to grow, so why can't he come to our hall!"    


"He helped us stand out amongst the Three Great Clans? "Hu Naizhi, you must be thinking too much. You can even come up with such a lie?" Hu Wansha said in disdain.    


"Hu Wansha, let me put it this way: if you have someone who can beat my esteemed guest, from today onwards, I will only let your life be at your mercy. No matter what Hu Family you speak of, what will you say?" Hu Naizhi directly said all that.    


"Eldest Young Master …"    


"Brother Zhi, you can't be like this!"    


"Young master …"    




The moment Hu Naizhi finished his words, a lot of people shot him a look, signaling him to take back what he just said.    


However, Hu Naizhi remained indifferent as he stared coldly at Hu Wansha.    


"Hmm? That's what you said! Everyone, listen carefully. Just now, Young Master Hu said that if my men win, then Hu Naizhi will follow my lead! " Hu Wansha said happily to everyone in the meeting room.    


"Elder Hu, we heard it. We will testify for you!"    


"Elder Hu, dealing with this brat in one move is enough!"    


"Elder Hu, kill this brat who doesn't know his limits!"    




Hu Wansha's men were very arrogant, because other than the current Patriarch, the person with the highest power was Hu Wansha! Even Hu Naizhi was no match for Hu Wansha.    


Hearing Hu Wansha's words, Hu Naizhi's direct descendants were all at a loss. If that brat lost, their own faction would be completely finished, and the glory of their Hu Family would also eventually disappear!    


And the group of people who had given up were slightly sorry for Hu Naizhi after they had heard of his match with Hu Wansha, because they were all loyal troops of the current patriarch, and Hu Naizhi was the son of the current patriarch, and there was nothing they could do about Hu Naizhi being trapped!    





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