My Cold CEO Fiancee

C314 Ye Ling Tian Has a Hidden Disease

C314 Ye Ling Tian Has a Hidden Disease

0Honest Husband? Pui! The slightly thick-skinned person couldn't even say those words. Qin Xueying got angry when she thought about Ye Lingtian's shameless boasting. However, her anger was gone and she no longer felt uneasy.    


When they returned to the residence, Chu Xiaoxiao was still busy working in the study. Qin Xueying placed her bag on the table and pinched Chu Xiaoxiao's shoulder. She asked gently, "Are you tired? Do you need my help?"    


"Your work there is not less than mine, I only have some trivial work on my side, it's not like you don't know, the Andries family and the Rothschild family have actively cooperated with each other …" Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Xueying and felt that her mood was much better than two days ago.    


Before she could finish her sentence, a message sounded. Chu Xiaoxiao took a glance at it from the corner of her eye. Her eyes immediately lit up with green light as she said to Qin Xueying, "Sister, Chu Tianxiong sent a message again. I'll go out and call him."    


"Alright." Qin Xueying didn't think too much about it and sat in Chu Xiaoxiao's seat.    


After all these years, the two of them had already formed a tacit understanding between themselves. Chu Xiaoxiao and Tianhai Chu Family were not on the right path, so whenever Chu Tianxiong called, Qin Xueying would normally not ask about it.    


The text message clearly wasn't from Chu Tianxiong, it was from Ye Lingtian.    


When Ye Lingtian saw Chu Xiaoxiao's text message, he was immediately shocked. He felt that Chu Xiaoxiao was ungrateful. Was there such an unreliable comrade-in-arms? How does the cover work? To think that this daddy would praise you as the Virgin Mary, what the f * * k is there to be proud of!    


After Chu Xiaoxiao dialed Ye Lingtian's number, she was going to reprimand him severely. However, she didn't expect Ye Lingtian to reprimand her the moment the phone was connected.    


"Xiaoxiao, you're so ungrateful!" We've been together so long. Do you need me to tell you something? "Yet you told Boss Qin the truth. Aren't you asking people to scold you for stripping me naked …"    


What kind of plot was this? Chu Xiaoxiao was really stunned by Ye Lingtian's attitude and was confused for a moment. After reacting to it, she opened her bloody mouth without any hesitation. Her cherry lips were like a machine gun that was unceasingly fired.    


"I don't care? How many times have I called you? "You turned off your phone and became addicted. Do you know how important it was to find you at that time?"    


"I know you're busy. You should at least give me a call!" That long with me? You know how long I've been here. How many things have you been hiding from me for so long? Do you think I'm so gullible because I'm a three-year-old? What do you want a cell phone for, kick it into your pocket and show it off? Can't pay the phone bill? If you can't pay the phone bill, you won't get slapped in the face by a communicator. Your skin is so thick, yet it doesn't hurt.    




Ye Lingtian's intestines turned green with regret as he held the phone. What are you looking for when you have nothing better to do? Did you just randomly poke a hornet's nest?    


"Boss Chu, is there anything else? "You can continue." Ye Lingtian waited for a full minute before he put his phone to his ear and said in a good mood.    


"There's nothing else." Chu Xiaoxiao said snappily.    


Seeing that Chu Xiaoxiao's tone was a lot more gentle than before, Ye Lingtian said seriously, "I've been really busy these two days. An old friend came to Huaxia and I've been busy entertaining him. My phone is at home again, otherwise I would have called you back."    


Chu Xiaoxiao felt refreshed after scolding. When she heard Ye Lingtian say that an old friend had come to Huaxia, she immediately felt a chill in her heart.    


When Frankfurt Ye Lingtian slipped away early, what happened that night? Using the words of that old man Stamm, Frankfurt was like an outbreak of war, and after thinking about it for the past few days, what happened to Jinghai after Ye Lingtian shut down? It seems like when I left work, I heard that the CEO had a Spirit Demon to advertise, that three foreigners died from Jinghai within a day, although there were no reports on the news, it was definitely not groundless news.    


Ye Lingtian had always been abroad, so naturally, most of his old friends were foreigners as well …    


Chu Xiaoxiao shuddered and quickly recovered her wits. There were some things she couldn't think about and the more she thought about them, the more unreliable she became. In any case, she couldn't help much. Wasn't this just adding fuel to the fire? Thinking about Qin Xueying and Ye Lingtian's dissatisfaction, she earnestly said, "You must work on time tomorrow. I'll tell you a lie when you get to the company, so this matter should be over."    


"I've already promised Boss Qin that I will start work on time tomorrow." Ye Lingtian casually said.    


"You promised Boss Qin?" Did she call you? " Chu Xiaoxiaoruo was enlightened. No wonder her sister was full of spirit just now and had vented it out.    


"No, she came to find me at home. She gave me some important information. I'll go negotiate with her in a few days." Ye Lingtian flipped through the documents on the table. He immediately felt embarrassed and closed the door quickly. He felt sorry for Little Girl Qin. The work initiative was too bad, making the boss wait at home for days. How important was this?    


Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and asked tentatively, "When did you get home?"    


"At eight-thirty? Uh, why are you asking this?" Ye Lingtian was confused.    


"It's nothing. You can talk about it at work tomorrow." Chu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.    


Qin Xueying had already entered her working state in the study room. Chu Xiaoxiao walked over with a smile and pulled a chair to sit beside Qin Xueying. She asked casually: "Sister, Uncle Qin has been doing quite well these few days, right?"    


Qin Xueying didn't even raise her head as she casually replied, "It's alright."    


"Oh, sister has worked too hard. The company is so busy, yet she still wants to take care of the family. How can she withstand this kind of body?" Chu Xiaoxiao shook her head with a pained expression. "I think you need to find a man to help you share your burden. Even if you can't help with your career, you don't need to worry about your family matters."    


Why did you bring this up? Qin Xueying minimized the amount of documents she had on her computer. She turned around with a stern face and said, "Don't spout nonsense. I don't have that thought right now."    


"Big sister, you're already twenty-four. Our classmate is your age. How old are you? Do you still not have that thought?" Chu Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, feeling wronged, "I'm not that old anymore. If you don't sell it here, I won't be able to give it away."    


This demoness, what kind of words are she spitting out from her mouth! Qin Xueying pointed her forehead at Chu Xiaoxiao and smiled, "Can't wait any longer. Do you want to get married?"    


"It's a bit far if you don't marry people. First, find a test subject to practice your skills." Chu Xiaoxiao was unrelenting in her speech and looked deeply at Qin Xueying, "Sister, how about this, Ye Lingtian is your shield, why don't you try it with him?"    


Qin Xueying blushed and scolded, "What are you talking about? "That shameless guy, I feel disgusted just by saying a few more words to him."    


You think it's disgusting and you're running into the house? Chu Xiaoxiao pouted and said seriously, "Sister, please tell me honestly. Where did you go tonight?"    


"Didn't I already tell you?" Qin Xueying felt a little guilty.    


"Chu Tianxiong just called and said that I saw you walking with a man at the intersection of the east city wall." Chu Xiaoxiao lied immediately. She tilted her head and looked at the ceiling, "Judging from the appearance and characteristics, I guess there's no one else other than Ye Lingtian."    


Qin Xueying looked as if she had been struck by lightning. Her cherry lips opened as if she wanted to say something, but she realized that in the face of the ironclad reality, any kind of explanation would be futile.    


"Sister, you too. Even if Ye Lingtian has some ability, you can't go and find him at night." Chu Xiaoxiao saw that Qin Xueying was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in, so she quickly made a step for her, "You, ah, you are just a talker with a sharp tongue and a rotten heart. Did you think that Ye Lingtian had done a great service in Frankfurt and said too much that day to pacify the military? "Actually, you can leave it to me, but when will it be your turn?    


"Yes, I think we shouldn't have gotten angry that day. Actually, Ye Lingtian didn't say anything." Qin Xueying lowered her head like a child who had made a mistake. She no longer had the elegant demeanor of a great woman.    


Chu Xiaoxiao shivered a little and asked, "Sister, did you go to look for her a few days ago?"    


Qin Xueying was ready to throw caution to the wind now that she had been found out. She blushed so much that blood dripped from her mouth. "Yes, I did. But I didn't see him a few days ago. I do have some things to give him to do."    


Chu Xiaoxiao sighed softly. She knew Qin Xueying's personality, and she should have stopped talking here. Otherwise, who knew how embarrassed Qin Xueying would be.    


Actually, what Qin Xueying did was beneficial to him as well. Previously, she had been thinking hard about how to repair their relationship, but now, it seemed that they were hooked up. Why would she need a third party?    


Chu Xiaoxiao's face turned serious as she said seriously, "Sister, let's be clear today. Are you interested in Ye Lingtian at all?"    


Qin Xueying quickly shook her head and said resolutely, "Absolutely not."    


Chu Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "It's good that you don't have it. Actually, I thought Ye Lingtian was pretty good, but I realized later on that Ye Lingtian had a big problem with his body. If you really fell for him, it would be a disaster."    


Qin Xueying's ears pricked up as she asked anxiously, "What questions does he have?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao was exasperated. My good sister, you have to be professional even if you want to put on an act. You definitely didn't do it just now. Now you're showing concern again. Who would believe you if you say you don't like it?    



Qin Xueying also felt that her previous performance was a bit inappropriate, but she still said: "Ye Lingtian is a meritorious general of our company, especially this Frankfurt trip, he has contributed a lot to the company. As the chairman of the company, it is understandable that he would care a little about the meritorious servant, so you must not think too much about it."    


I definitely didn't think too much about it. Chu Xiaoxiao remained silent and sat obediently on the spot.    


This damned demoness, she only said the first half of the sentence, but the second half! Seeing that Chu Xiaoxiao still didn't say anything, Qin Xueying couldn't help but ask, "Xiaoxiao, if there's anything wrong with Ye Lingtian's body, the company has an obligation to pay the corresponding medical fees. Hmm, what kind of illness did he have?"    


"Hidden disease!" Chu Xiaoxiao spat out the word.    


"Hidden disease?" Qin Xueying frowned in confusion. "Xiao Xiao, speak clearly. What is the underlying ailment?"    


I fainted. How could I tell? I'm already pure enough. Could it be that you're purer than me? You're my sister, so you should have more experience than me.    


"Xiaoxiao, tell me everything. What is the problem? You can't be so suspenseful. " Qin Xueying had an impatient expression on her face.    


Chu Xiaoxiao braced herself and said, "That aspect is no good!"    


"Which way?" "In what way?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao was completely speechless at Qin Xueying, so she could only whisper in her ear.    


Qin Xueying felt a chill run through her body. Her mouth was agape and she was stupefied.    


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