Godly System: From Fire to God



0The figure walked to the center of the hall and said to himself while facing the huge ding.    


Lin Mo did not dare to delay any further. He reached out his hand to pinch the Dragon Emperor's powdery face. After confirming that she had really fallen asleep, Lin Mo hurriedly walked towards the figure.    


"All of the pills in here were made by me …"    


The figure stroked the ding, as though he was reminiscing about something.    


"Senior, are these pills really like the legends, capable of cleansing the marrow and changing the physique?" Can mortals really become immortals by eating miraculous pills and medicines? "    


Even though Lin Mo did not really believe it, the miraculous effects of elixirs still lingered in his mind. Even at this point, he still subconsciously wanted to ask.    


"Hehe, I have heard quite a few of your legends. Among them, the deification and exaggeration are too great."    


"Is that impossible?"    


Lin Mo asked softly.    


"If you insist on saying so, it's not impossible. Let me ask you, what do you think is the principle behind the effects of these pills?"    


The silhouette paused for a moment before asking.    


"They're just using heaven and earth treasures to open up a person's meridians and improve their physique?"    


Lin Mo carefully replied as he recalled the various works he had seen in his previous life.    


"Hahaha, then you are underestimating pills. During the most prosperous period of cultivation in China, there were very few people who had the qualifications to refine pills. Do you know what the pill refining competition was like then?"    


"Long... Longevity? "    


"That's right. The most fundamental purpose of pills is to let people live forever. They even have the ability to let people live forever. The effects of marrow cleansing aren't even worth mentioning."    


Lin Mo nodded his head repeatedly. Indeed, if even pills could grant immortality, then the change and enhancement to the human body during this process was extremely significant. In this case, those were indeed not worth mentioning.    


"As for my pills, they were all personally concocted by me. Compared to those foolish alchemists who have only learned a little of the basics, my pills have more uses."    


All of these pills contain my understanding of the world's laws, the most ancient and most refined laws of China have already been assimilated into these pills. After consuming them, the most important thing is not to change your body, but to change your mind and your understanding of the entire world. "    


The silhouette's words were filled with an unconcealable arrogance.    


The more Lin Mo listened, the more obvious the shock in his heart.    


Pills could improve one's physique and strengthen one's talent. This was already considered a very strong ability, but the strength of the pills of the human figure had actually reached such a heaven defying level.    


However, Lin Mo did not have any doubts about the Dragon Emperor's transformation.    


The power of these pills were absolutely powerful. Each pill contained a human figure's understanding of the laws, otherwise the Dragon Emperor wouldn't have so coincidentally drawn in a pill that could awaken the Chinese dragon bloodline. This could only prove that all these pills had this effect.    


He thought about that strange scholar from before. After consuming the pill, his every action and gesture had the demeanor of an ancient Chinese. This proved that there existed laws within these pills.    


"Then... The only problem is, these pills can only be consumed once, so how are you going to choose? "    


The figure turned around and asked calmly.    


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