Unparalleled War God

C47 Brother Mad Dog

C47 Brother Mad Dog

0This slap directly shattered half of Young Master Jin's teeth, half of his face rotten!    


"You hit me, you're dead for sure. Wait for the Black Dragon Gang's pursuit!"    


Young Master Jin stood up unsteadily. That slap just now made his head shake, and now he was still dizzy.    


He was about to raise his hand and point at Chu Tianyang when he saw his opponent's expression turn cold. Young Master Jin immediately pressed his hand down.    


"You want to kill me? What a joke." Chu Tianyang sneered.    


How many people had said that when he was in the overseas battlefield, but what was the result?    


The result was that all those who had said it and carried it out were all dead!    


Young Master Jin's expression became very ugly. The other party did not take him and the Black Dragon Society seriously at all.    


"Just you wait. My father won't forgive you!" Young Master Jin threatened.    


"Even if the president of the Black Dragon Society comes, what can he do to me?"    


Chu Tianyang's words were domineering and arrogant in Young Master Jin and Meng Dier's ears.    


Meng Dier's eyes revealed a strange splendor. She did not expect this man to be so overbearing!    




Young Master Jin was about to explode in anger. He realized that no matter what he said, he would not be able to scare this guy.    


"Hurry up and get out of here. Don't you want the other side of your face?" Chu Tianyang shouted coldly.    


Young Master Jin shivered all over and ran away with his tail between his legs.    


Looking at his back, Chu Tianyang frowned.    


It was really troublesome in Longxia. There were restrictions everywhere. It was more comfortable in the overseas battlefield. Anyone who dared to cause trouble would be slapped to death.    


Seeing Meng Dier looking at him, Chu Tianyang smiled faintly. Boss Meng, are you okay?"    


Meng Dier shook her head and said gratefully, "Luckily you came quickly, otherwise that guy would really succeed."    


"Who is that guy? From his tone, he seems to have a lot of background." Chu Tianyang asked.    


Meng Dier sighed. "Let's go out and talk. You saved me. I will treat you to a drink."    


In the bar, Meng Dier and Chu Tianyang sat at the bar. Each of them had a glass of whiskey.    


Chu Tianyang took a sip of the wine and tasted it. He smiled and said, "Yes, I didn't add any water this time."    


Meng Dier heard him and rolled her eyes at him seductively. This guy was still teasing her about the matter of adding water to the water.    


"By the way, why are you looking for me? It can't be that you're following me, right?"    


Meng Dier's pretty face turned slightly red. She did not understand how this fellow knew the location of her boudoir.    


The last time she was drunk, it was this fellow who sent her back.    


But this fellow was still considered upright and did not do anything dirty.    


But thinking of this, Meng Dier felt a little vexed. This fellow saw that she was drunk and did not do anything. Was it because she was not charming enough?    


If Chu Tianyang knew what Meng Dier was thinking now, he would definitely give her a thumbs up and praise her. This woman's thinking was really strange.    


Chu Tianyang said in surprise, "Why would I follow you? You don't have a place for me to follow."    


"I was joking." Meng Dier glared at him.    


This bastard, what did he say? What did he mean by he did not have a place for him to follow?    


Could it be that I am so beautiful and have such a sexy figure? I am not worthy of you following me!    


Chu Tianyang glanced at Meng Dier's sexy figure and understood what she meant.    


"I came here to ask you some questions."    


Meng Dier heard him and understood that he had something to ask her.    


"Tell me. I will tell you everything I know."    


Meng Dier readily agreed. After all, if Chu Tianyang did not happen to have something to talk to her about, Then she would be sullied by Young Master Jin.    


Chu Tianyang was still not used to Meng Dier being so straightforward.    


However, he still asked, "When you were drunk, you mentioned Qi Dongqiang's brother Qi Xibei. I want to know about him."    


Meng Dier was stunned. Her pretty face was full of seriousness. "Originally, I did not want you to know because it would not benefit you."    


She sighed again and said, "But today you provoked Young Master Jin. I must tell you what I know."    




Chu Tianyang was even more curious. He took a sip of wine and looked at Meng Dier. From her tone, it seemed that this so-called Young Master Jin had something to do with Qi Xibei.    


Meng Dier raised her wine glass and drank it down. The spiciness made her stick out her pink tongue.    


Chu Tianyang smiled. Was she trying to make people brave with wine?    


Very quickly, Meng Dier's pretty face turned red.    


She patted Chu Tianyang's shoulder and said, "Let me tell you, Young Master Jin's original name is Qi Jin. His father is Qi Xibei."    




Chu Tianyang was slightly surprised. It turned out that the other party had such a relationship.    


Meng Dier nodded and continued, "The Black Dragon Gang is one of the biggest evil forces in Dragon Xia."    




Chu Tianyang's eyes slightly trembled. He did not expect the Black Dragon Society to be so huge. It was one of the biggest evil forces in Dragon Xia!    


Meng Dier burped, full of the smell of alcohol. "Qi Xibei's position in the Black Dragon Society is not low. He is one of the four great hall masters. His title is Ba Hu. He is indeed an arrogant and despotic guy."    


"So, you hit his son. He won't let you go easily."    


Chu Tianyang smiled faintly. "So what if he is from the Black Dragon Society? I will wait. If they dare to come, I will not let them return."    


After saying that, a hint of coldness flashed in Chu Tianyang's eyes.    


"Come to think of it, I offended Qi Jin because I wanted to save you."    


Meng Dier waved her hand. "I know. What do you want me to do? Give yourself to me!"    


As she spoke, Meng Dier puffed out her chest. She was wearing a short skirt. This action allowed Chu Tianyang to clearly see the deep groove in the center of her chest.    


Her figure was indeed 'impressive'!    


Chu Tianyang coughed awkwardly and hurriedly got Meng Dier to sit properly.    


He was a married man. If he was seen by someone familiar, how would he explain it to Xiao Qingqing?    


"It's you, kid!"    


Suddenly, a disharmonious voice sounded from not far away.    


Chu Tianyang turned his head and frowned slightly.    


The person who spoke could be considered an acquaintance.    


The other party had dyed yellow hair and was dressed like a hooligan. He was the little hooligan whom he met on the road that evening.    


The other four people followed beside the yellow hair, their faces full of malice.    


"Looks like I didn't get enough beatings that night. Do I still want to get beaten up?" Chu Tianyang said with a smile.    


When the blonde and the others heard that, their bodies trembled uncontrollably.    


That night, Chu Tianyang's fierceness really left a shadow in their hearts.    


However, they were not afraid today because they had something to rely on!    


"Brat, don't be arrogant. We are with Brother Dog. We were worried about not finding you these few days. I didn't expect to meet you here today!"    


As the yellow-haired man spoke, he looked at Meng Dier and his eyes lit up.    


This pretty girl was also here!    


Coincidentally, when he finished teaching Chu Tianyang a lesson, he could present Meng Dier to Brother Dog!    


Who knows, he might be able to gain more recognition from Brother Dog!    


"Brother Dog?"    


Chu Tianyang sneered. "I understand. So this dog brother is the reason why you're not afraid of me today!"    


When they heard Chu Tianyang call the dog brother dog, their faces turned gloomy.    


You dare to disrespect Brother Dog? You are dead meat! Don't leave if you have the guts. I'll call Brother Dog over now!"    


Chu Tianyang crossed his legs and looked at the other party with a mocking expression. "I'm not leaving. I'll wait."    


Yellow Hair was stunned for a moment. This kid had insulted Brother Dog, but he was still so calm.    


It seemed like he didn't know Brother Gouzi's reputation in this area. It just so happened that Brother Gouzi would teach him a lesson!    


The yellow-haired man sneered and dialed the number.    


"Hmm? Huang Zai, why did you call me?"    


No one answered the phone, but a lazy and slightly arrogant voice sounded.    


Huang Zai looked at the figure walking towards the entrance of the bar in astonishment.    


"Brother Dog, why are you here?"    


Then, he looked happy and looked at Chu Tianyang with a cold smile.    


"Boy, Brother Dog is here. Just wait for death!"    


Chu Tianyang curled his lips. This lackey was really seeking death.    


"Brother Dog!"    


Yellow Hair and the others quickly ran over and bowed respectfully.    


In the middle of the group was a tall man. There was a scar on his face that extended from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth. He looked extremely fierce.    


"Mad dog?! Why is he here?!"    


Meng Dier exclaimed. She had woken up quite a bit.    


"Do you know him?" Chu Tianyang asked curiously.    



Meng Dier frowned and said, "More than just know him. He is one of the fighters of the leader of the dark forces in Shallow Pond. He is arrogant and vicious."    


What she did not say was that this mad dog was chasing after her, which made her very annoyed.    


The eyes of the mad dog were narrow and long. Its pupils were very small and emitted a fierce light. It was like the eyes of a mad dog!    


"So it's really just a dog." Chu Tianyang smiled.    


Meng Dier signaled Chu Tianyang to be careful. "This guy is not as strong as Qi Jin and his bodyguards."    


Chu Tianyang nodded, but he did not take it to heart.    


In his eyes, the strength of a mad dog was no different from an ant.    


Was there a need for him to be wary of an ant?    


The mad dog looked at the yellow hair and coldly said, "Do I still need to report to you when I come here?"    


The yellow hair's cold sweat immediately flowed down. He shook his head repeatedly. "Of course not. Brother Dog can go there. He doesn't need to report to anyone!"    


The mad dog saw the yellow-haired man's humble manner and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


"Tell me. Call me. What's the matter?"    


The yellow-haired man immediately pointed at Chu Tianyang and said with hatred, "Brother Dog, it's that kid. He hit me before and disrespected you. He said you are a dog!"    




When the mad dog heard that, it immediately became furious.    


Exactly who was so bold as to dare call him a dog in his territory!?    


The mad dog strode over with large strides. When he saw Meng Dier leaning closely beside Chu Tianyang, his expression became even gloomier and more ferocious.    


"Brat, it's you who beat me up and call me a dog!" The mad dog berated.    


The surrounding people shrunk their necks in fear. The mad dog's aura was too terrifying. It really was like a mad dog that ate people!    


Those who dared to provoke the mad dog all had miserable endings.    


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