War God Returns

C8 Who Has Friends in the Heavenly Grace Corporation?

C8 Who Has Friends in the Heavenly Grace Corporation?

0In the past, no matter how late Su Shimann worked, Shen Ze would not go to bed first. Instead, he would stay in the hall and wait for Su Shimann to come back.    


Once Su Shimann returned home, Shen Ze would immediately bring the warm water to Su Shimann. When she was soaking her feet, He would go to the kitchen to make food for Su Shimann. After cooking the food as quickly as possible, he would bring the food to Su Shimann. Then, When Su Shimann was eating, he would give her a full body massage. He would let Su Shimann relieve her fatigue and relax her body.    


Shen Ze had always been very considerate to Su Shimann.    


Thinking of all the things that happened when Shen Ze was around, Su Shimann could not help but feel sad. In addition, the Su's Group was facing a crisis now. She had been working all day and suddenly felt very wronged. Her eyes turned red and tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes.    


Just as Su Shimann was feeling sad, Chung Faang who was originally in the bedroom on the second floor heard Su Shimann's loud roar and walked down to Su Shimann.    


"Shimann, why did you only come back now? What were you yelling about just now?"    


Chung Faang asked as she sat beside Su Shimann. Just as she sat down, she found Su Shimann crying quietly.    


Chung Faang's expression immediately turned serious as she asked with concern. "Shimann, why are you crying? What happened?"    


"Is it because that piece of trash, Shen Ze, acted shamelessly and didn't go through the divorce procedures with you?" Chung Faang subconsciously guessed that Shen Ze made Su Shimann unhappy.    


Su Shimann was a proud and strong-willed woman. She never exposed her weak side to others, even people who were very close to her.    


Chung Faang's appearance forced Su Shimann to stop crying.    


Su Shimann reached out to wipe away the tears on her face and adjusted her emotions as fast as she could. Then she replied to Chung Faang, "It's not because of Shen Ze. He and I have already completed the divorce procedures in the morning."    


"That's good."    


Hearing Su Shimann say that the divorce procedures had been completed, Chung Faang smiled happily. After that, she asked doubtfully, "Then why are you crying?"    


"Maybe I am under too much pressure!"    


Su Shimann frowned and said in a deep voice, "Today, the Tianze Group stopped all cooperation with the Su's and caused the Su's to suffer heavy losses. Their vitality was greatly damaged and they were on the verge of bankruptcy."    


"Ah! How could this be?"    


Chung Faang frowned when she heard that. She was very shocked, but also very worried and uneasy.    


"Haven't the Su's and Tianze Group been cooperating well for the past year? Why did they suddenly stop their cooperation?"    


Su Shimann shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "I don't know why. I wanted to ask them, but they did not even see me, let alone cooperate again. Now this matter does not seem to have any leeway to turn back."    


Hearing Su Shimann say this, Chung Faang realized the seriousness of the matter. Her brows knitted even more tightly and the worry and uneasiness in her heart also increased a little.    


"Shimann, you must think of a way to stabilize the Su's Group! We cannot let the Su's go bankrupt!"    


To Chung Faang, the Su's Group was like a money tree. It was the guarantee of her luxurious and rich life. Naturally, she did not want to and was afraid that the Su's Group would go bankrupt.    


Su Shimann was dejected. She said in a distressed and powerless manner, "I can't think of a way now."    


Chung Faang, who knew nothing about the corporation, could not think of a way, so she could only worry in her heart.    


The mother and daughter were silent for a moment and the atmosphere was very heavy.    


After a while, Su Shimann seemed to have suddenly thought of something. She raised her head and stared intently at Chung Faang. She said, "Mom, I suddenly remembered something. Back then, Shen Ze told me, You asked him to tell me that you have friends in Tianze Group. You can use your name to talk to the Tianze Group about cooperation. After I heard his words, I used your name to talk to the Tianze Group about cooperation. "Then, it was a smooth negotiation."    


"Mom, this friend of yours must be very powerful in the Tianze Group. I think you can go to him personally and ask for his help to get the Tianze Group to withdraw the order to terminate the cooperation."    


She said these words in a hurry as if she had seen a ray of light. She stared at Chung Faang with a trace of hope and expectation in her eyes.    


However, when Chung Faang heard her words, she revealed a puzzled expression. She directly denied, "Shimann, I don't have any friends in the Tianze Group. I also didn't say these words to Shen Ze."    


"You don't have any friends in the Tianze Group? You didn't say those things to Shen Ze either? "    


Chung Faang's words were like a bucket of cold water, instantly extinguishing the flame of hope in Su Shimann's heart.    


Su Shimann's brows were tightly knitted and she said angrily, "Could it be that Shen Ze lied to me back then?"    


Chung Faang said in a deep voice, "If you remember correctly, it should be him lying to you!"    


Su Shimann's face became very gloomy when she heard that. She thought for a moment and said very doubtfully, "If it was really Shen Ze who lied to me, but why was it that in your name back then, I could smoothly cooperate with the Tianze Group?"    


"Is it because Shen Ze has friends in the Tianze Group?" Although Chung Faang herself did not believe it, she still guessed it.    


"It is indeed possible."    


Although Su Shimann did not believe that Shen Ze had such connections, she still had the same guess as Chung Faang.    


Because the group was related to Chung Faang's personal interests, she hesitated for a moment and suggested, "Shimann, for the group, you should call Shen Ze now and ask him clearly!"    


Su Shimann heard this and revealed a hesitant expression.    


During the day when they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to settle the divorce procedures, Shen Ze went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to settle the divorce procedures. He didn't say anything to her, he didn't look at her, he was so cold and distant. If she called Shen Ze now and asked him, would he care about her?    


She had always been high and mighty in front of Shen Ze. She didn't want to be rejected by Shen Ze.    


Chung Faang was very anxious. Seeing Su Shimann hesitate, she urged, "Shimann, the company's interests are important. Don't hesitate and quickly make a call!"    


Su Shimann hesitated for a while and finally gritted her teeth. She took out her phone and dialed Shen Ze's number.    


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