Supreme Son-in-law

C65 Two Levels in a Row

C65 Two Levels in a Row

0Chen Quan was already feeling guilty. After hearing the news, he became even more frightened.    


Liang Jie was very angry when she saw her husband's cowardly look. She kicked him and said, "Let's go to Chen Lei's place."    


"Why should we go to Chen Lei's place?" Chen Quan said with a sullen face.    


Liang Jie pushed his head and said, "If I tell you to go, then go. Don't talk so much nonsense."    


In the end, he really could not convince Liang Jie, so he could only follow helplessly.    


On the surface, Liang Jie was going to visit Chen Lei and his wife, but in fact, she wanted to get some useful information from them.    


"What happened to you last night? Now the news has spread in the family." Chen Quan asked Chen Lei as soon as they entered the hall.    


Liang Jie gave Chen Quan a look, then she went upstairs to pretend to comfort Mu Sisi.    


Chen Lei originally did not want to say it, but when he knew that the matter had been made public, he could not help but sigh. He gritted his teeth and told the truth.    


After listening to Chen Lei's words, Chen Quan cursed bitterly, "He is still our big brother. How could he do such a heartless thing?    


Chen Lei shook his head and said, "He is only suspected. This matter might not have been done by him."    


"The truth is already in front of us. You still believe him at this time." Chen Quan said with resentment.    


Liang Jie heard their conversation. She walked out of the bedroom and said, "Now the evidence is conclusive. Who else could it be other than Chen Yang? He knows the Eight Trigrams Mirror so well. Only he would use the Eight Trigrams Mirror to do such a thing. In my opinion, he must have had evil thoughts when he saw his sister-in-law drinking too much, so he used the Eight Trigrams Mirror... "    


Liang Jie did not continue speaking, because once she said this sentence, It would indirectly hurt Chen Lei and his wife. She said with an indignant face, "I heard that... Chen Yang had been married to Su family for a long time, but he hadn't even touched his wife's hand. Think about it. He was a normal man, and he had been holding it in for so long. When she suddenly saw her sister-in-law drunk on the sofa, she wasn't prepared at all. How could he not be horny? "    


"Alright, stop talking about it." Chen Quan called out to Liang Jie. He said to Chen Lei, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you get justice for this matter."    


Liang Jie also agreed, "That's right. We must not let Chen Yang go."    


Chen Lei's expression was very ugly. His heart had already fallen to the bottom of the valley. He originally had a glimmer of hope for Chen Yang, but after hearing Chen Quan and Liang Jie's words, he wavered.    


Adding the solid evidence, he could not think of any words to defend big brother.    


He did not speak. He just nodded silently.    


When Liang saw Chen Lei's reaction, the corner of her mouth curled up slightly. She revealed a meaningful smile.    


The next day, Huanyu Group, President's office.    


Chen Yang leaned on the sofa, holding the Foundation Establishment Pill in his hand.    


Lee Hu said that as long as he ate this Pill, he would become a real Cultivator.    


Without thinking, he swallowed the Pill.    


Soon, he felt a warm current gathering in his abdomen and slowly spreading to his four limbs. That feeling was even more comfortable than a full-body massage.    


Twenty minutes later, Chen Yang let out a long sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes. A flash of light passed through his eyes.    


He was now a real Cultivator.    


What he didn't expect was that not only had he become a Cultivator, he had also become a Mid Acquired Stage Cultivator. This made him very happy.    


He pinched his chin. Logically speaking, a Pill shouldn't have such a powerful effect. It should have something to do with the Dragon Tiger Pill he had consumed before.    


After he had consumed the Dragon Tiger Pill, his physique had already far exceeded that of ordinary people. Now, he had also consumed the Foundation Establishment Pill, and had even completely absorbed the medical strength. That was why he had jumped two levels in a row, becoming a Mid Acquired Stage.    


After Chen Yang understood all kinds of reasons, his mood became very good.    


He remembered that he did not return home yesterday, and he began to miss Su Miao.    


Chen Yang thought for a while and left the company.    


At the same time, in Manor of Su Family, Old Madame Su held a family meeting again.    


Because of the financial problem of her family, she was forced to ask Ding Jie of Sun Technology to buy 51% of her family's shares.    


Now that the crisis of her family had been resolved, the Su family had 49% of her family's shares. She was no longer able to control the family's property. Furthermore, with such a small amount of shares, it would be even less if the shares were evenly distributed to the Su family.    


In order to solve this problem, Old Madame Su gathered everyone.    


"Now, more than half of the profits of the Su family's business has fallen into the Sun Technology's hands. If this continues, it won't be a solution. Do you have any good suggestions?"    


Old Madame Su sat on the seat of honor. She glanced at the crowd and said.    


Everyone from the Su family had a serious expression on their faces. The atmosphere of the scene was very heavy.    


It was already a fact that the authority of the Su family had fallen into Ding Jie's hands.    


Ding Jie was the President of the Sun Technology.    


It was virtually impossible for Old Madame Su to regain the authority of her family from him.    


While everyone was silent, Su Hai stood up and said to Old Madame Su, "I have an idea. I don't know if I should say it."    


"Do you have a way?" Old Madame Su's face lit up and she quickly said, "Quickly say it and let everyone discuss it."    


Last time, because of Liu Rui's performance, Su Hai was punished. Logically speaking, he should not be able to participate in the family meeting. But now that the family was at a critical juncture of life and death, Old Madame Su did not care about those trivial matters.    


More importantly, she doted too much on Su Hai. If it was not for Liu Rui forcing her back at that time, she would not have punished Su Hai.    


Old Madame Su's attitude made Su Hai ecstatic. He knew that his grandmother had already forgiven him, but on the surface, he said without batting an eyelid, "It's true that Ding Jie has the right to control the Su family's business. This can't be changed. If Su family wants to survive, we have to look at Ding Jie's face."    


He paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, "If we still want to have the right to speak, it will be very difficult. Instead of that, we might as well give up."    


Old Madame Su frowned. The expressions of the Su family's people changed greatly.    


"How can I give up? This is the painstaking effort of several generations of Su family. If I give up so easily, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of Su family?"    



"Listen to me first." Su Hai comforted Old Madame Su and continued, "Don't we still have 49% of the shares? As long as we sell another half of the shares and get the money, we can set up another company. We are now working with Huanyu, and with Sun Technology as a big tree, it will not be difficult for us to expand."    


"This way, not only can Su family regain its glory, but it can also advance further."    


When the people present heard this, their eyes lit up.    


What Su Hai said made sense.    


Instead of holding onto this matter and not letting it go, it was better to set up another stove and make use of the Su family's current resources to set up the Su family's signboard once again.    


Old Madame Su also could not help but nod her head. She smiled and praised Su Hai, "You are still the one who thinks deeply. This idea of yours is very good."    


At this time, someone in the crowd said something. "His idea is not bad, but who would buy the shares in our hands?"    


"Yeah, who would buy our shares?"    


We can't possibly sell ourselves.    


Su Hai smiled faintly and said: "I have already thought of this problem for a long time. I have a friend who has enough capital to buy half of our shares."    


Old Madame Su immediately perked up and quickly asked, "Who is he?"    


Su Hai's confident look made the people of Su family immediately perked up. Their eyes once again focused on Su Hai. Their eyes were filled with anticipation.    


Su Hai enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention. He said proudly, "This friend of mine is a martial arts master. His name is Zhai Tiandong."    


When they heard Zhai Tiandong's name, the scene instantly boiled up.    


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