The Strongest Sect Master In Cultivation World

C24 Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill

C24 Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill

0Article 24: Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill"    


"Chen Fellow Daoist came here today for the" Myriad Dragon Saliva "?" Jiang Ling looked at Chen Xuanli and said with a faint smile.    


"That's right. Today, I suddenly paid a visit to the God Sect. Along the way, I found traces of the Myriad Dragon Saliva, but I didn't expect that Jiang Sect Leader had already been taken away."    


As Chen Xuanli spoke, there was a trace of regret on his face. He looked at Jiang Ling and said in a serious tone, "I wonder if the Sect Leader can be cut off? I will definitely reward you handsomely!"    


Jiang Ling looked at Chen Xuanli with a smile on his face, but he didn't say anything. He just sighed in his heart.    


Does this Chen Xuanli still have any face?    


What do you mean he picked the Myriad Dragon Saliva first?    


As the dignified master of the God Sect, every blade of grass and tree in the God Mountain belonged to him. What? If this Myriad Dragon Saliva was still in its original place, would it belong to you?    


Especially when Chen Xuanli said that he could give up his love, all he needed to do was to write it on his face!    


A good thing like "Myriad Dragon Saliva", whether it was used to wash the hair, cut the marrow, or cultivate, it was a top quality item. It was also the main ingredient of many high grade pill. How could this thing be cut off?    


Although Jiang Ling understood it in his heart, his face did not show any emotion.    


"This thing is prepared for my disciple. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to agree to it!" Jiang Ling said with emotion.    


Hearing this, the jealousy in Ye Xinghe's eyes became even stronger.    


He glanced at Mooh Chen without moving his expression. It was hard for him to calm down. Using a Myriad Dragon Saliva like this was simply a waste of god's gift!    


This thing should belong to him, Ye Xinghe!    


Chen Xuanli was rejected by Jiang Ling. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the depths of his eyes.    


This Jiang Ling really did not know what was good for him. He had already put himself in such a low position, and his words were hinting at him, but this kid pretended to not understand.    


"When the God Sect was at its former glory, he naturally did not dare to say that.    


But now, the God Sect had fallen to such a state. There was only a lone peak and a few pieces of trash left. What right did he have to occupy a treasure like the Myriad Dragon Saliva?    


It seemed like this Sect Leader was still not deeply involved in the world, and did not understand the principle of an innocent man's wealth being a crime!    


However, Chen Xuanli did not fall out with Jiang Ling because of this. He controlled his inner emotions very well.    


He looked at Jiang Ling and sighed. "That is a pity. But the Myriad Dragon Saliva is also very important to me. I am not willing to leave just like that..."    


Jiang Ling's eyes slightly focused and said faintly, "What does Chen Fellow Daoist want?"    


This Chen Xuanli was finally unable to endure any longer and was about to make a move?    


However, what Jiang Ling did not expect was that Chen Xuanli suddenly changed the topic. He looked at Jiang Ling's side and said, "I think that Jiang Sect Leader seems to be immersed in the path of pill. Why don't we use alchemy as a bet?"    


Jiang Ling cast a sidelong glance at the pill furnace beside him. He had been indulged in concocting pills recently, and this pill furnace had been placed beside him.    


However, he didn't expect Chen Xuanli to notice this and make such a request.    


Chen Xuanli saw that Jiang Ling didn't agree, so he made up his mind and took out a pill from his bosom.    


This pill had just been taken out, and it was already emitting an endless fragrance. It was enough to show that its grade was not low!    


"This is a secret skill of my 'Holy Pill Land', a rank six and three 'Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill'!"    


Hearing the grade of this pill, even Jiang Ling was stunned for a moment. It sounded a little powerful!    


However, Mooh Chen's expression was even more shocked, because he knew the value of this pill better.    


In the entire Boundless Domain, the highest grade was only a tier 7 alchemist. There were very few tier 6 pill that were passed down in the world!    


The value of this "Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill" could be seen from this. Even Divine Altar Stage experts had to fight for it. This kind of pill was enough to save their lives at a critical moment!    


"If I lose, this" Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill "will be yours. If Jiang Sect Leader loses, I hope you can give it to me."    


Chen Xuanli played with the "Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill" in his hand, and a strange smile appeared on his face.    


With this' Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill 'as bait, he wasn't afraid that Jiang Ling wouldn't fall for it!    


As for what happened after Jiang Ling agreed to it, Chen Xuanli wasn't worried at all!    


He had been immersed in alchemy for a long time. Besides his elder brother Chen Ao, he had never been afraid of anyone in Southern Wasteland!    


Looking at the "Great Luo Heaven Returning Pill" in Chen Xuanli's hand, Jiang Ling's heart was wild with joy.    


This was a good thing that had been delivered to his doorstep, why didn't he accept it!    


Pill concoction?    


He had created countless pill formulas recently, and had gained new insights into pill refinement. Refining a top grade Tier 5 pill was nothing difficult, so why would he be afraid that Chen Xuanli would do something like this with him?    


"Alright, since Chen Fellow Daoist has the courage, I won't reject it anymore. Let's bet!"    


Jiang Ling's bold words immediately caused the corners of Chen Xuanli's mouth to raise into a smile.    


This kid was tricked in the end!    


As for Ye Xinghe who was standing behind Chen Xuanli, he was delighted in his heart. He shot a glance at Jiang Ling and Mooh Chen.    


They were really two bumpkins. He had never heard of his master's name before!    


His master was a great figure in the Dao of alchemy in the Southern Wasteland!    


This' Myriad Dragon Saliva 'could be said to already be theirs!    


"Disciple, you should retreat."    



Chen Xuanli said proudly, gesturing for Ye Xinghe to leave this place. Then, he waved his hand, and a crimson pill furnace suddenly appeared on the battlefield!    


Jiang Ling looked at the pill furnace and almost drooled. Compared to this pill furnace, his pill furnace was simply a piece of scrap metal!    


Although Duan Zexiong's wealth was not small, he definitely could not compare to the wealth of the Sacred Pill Land.    


"Well done, I was just missing a pill furnace!" Jiang Ling said happily.    


Chen Xuanli looked at Jiang Ling's eyes and said with a smile, "You must be joking. This pill furnace is also considered a treasure. In order to obtain it, I spent quite a bit of effort back then."    


Ye Xinghe casually glanced at Jiang Ling's expression. His eyes were filled with disdain.    


"Sure enough, the God Sect had declined. The remaining ones were those who had never seen the world.    


"Since that's the case, let's begin."    


Chen Xuanli let out a loud laugh. He had a confident expression on his face, but he was confident in his own strength.    


Jiang Ling waved his hand and forced Mooh Chen to take two steps back. Then, he patted his pill furnace.    


A rootless flame instantly ignited at the bottom of the pill furnace, roasting the entire pill furnace until it turned red.    


Chen Xuanli looked at the commotion and sneered.    


A layman working together with a trash pill furnace?    


He was sure to win this match!    




Chen Xuanli's gaze turned around, focusing on refining the pill.    


Without even needing him to activate it, the dragon heads around the scarlet red pill furnace automatically erupted with flames, roasting the furnace body!    


Chen Xuanli waved his hand and waved out numerous spirit medicines, suspending them in front of him. Then, he broke them down at an extremely fast speed, and threw them into the pill furnace in sequence.    


This process was completed in one go. Chen Xuanli's movements were as smooth as flowing water, without the slightest pause.    


As he placed the spirit herbs into the pill furnace one by one, the crimson-red pill furnace faintly emitted waves of pill fragrance that refreshed one's heart and mind!    


When Ye Xinghe saw this, the corners of his mouth slanted. He glanced at Jiang Ling's side, but there was still no movement!    


"Compete with my master in pill refinement? He really doesn't know what death is!"    


After that, Ye Xinghe glanced at Mooh Chen again, feeling even more proud in his heart.    


Where did this stupid kid get the right to enjoy the Myriad Dragon Saliva?    


He was only temporarily keeping it for him. Only someone like him who possessed great fortune was worthy of such a treasure!    


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