Personal Doctor King

C8 Condition

C8 Condition

0"Are you really too young, Jingzhe!"    


Lee Chen looked at the monitor screen without moving. He clenched his hands tightly and broke out in a cold sweat!    


Yu Jingzhe took a deep breath and took out 72 silver needles, then he took out a thin line. It was extracted from fish bone. Not only was it extremely tough, it could also be used to sew and gradually disappear from the wound.    


Yu Jingzhe closed his eyes and felt the faint sound of the patient's blood flowing through his body. His heart was at peace.    


"Five four three two one!"    


Yu Jingzhe's eyes widened. He immediately took advantage of a heartbeat and the moment when most of the blood was donated to the patient to raise the scalpel. With a gentle wave of the scalpel, he cut off Zhuge Yun's right atrium and ventricle!    


After that, in less than a second, Yu Jingzhe lifted the needle and picked up the new half of the heart that was still beating. At this crucial moment, in a fleeting moment, the dazzling stitching started!    


Zhuge Yun's nerves, the flow of his blood vessels, and every minute and every second change were all predicted by him. At this moment, he was using acupuncture like a road, and not only did the onlookers not feel any blood, they also seemed to be able to see the perfection of the clear and bright picture of the mountains and rivers.    


Three seconds later, the two hearts were completely connected. At this time, the blood from the heart flowed into the heart, and the two atria and ventricles began to beat!    


"Roar, roar!"    


Inside the observation room of Linhai First Hospital, when the surgery ended, all the doctors cheered and clapped. How many years had it been? The silence was depressing. After so many years of being like a rooster, everyone was filled with anger!    


Just as Lu Xun had said, not exploding in silence, but dying in silence!    


And they, because of Yu Jingzhe's breakthrough, received a new life!    


The entire Linhai Medical World was instantly filled with excitement. The Linhai Media, all of the front pages had recorded this great event, as the newspapers were temporarily denounced and the citizens of Linhai were boiling. It was as if many people with congenital heart disease had found a new hope!    


At this moment, Yu Jingzhe, who walked out of the operating table, was hiding in a corner, avoiding the glory, the clamor, and the crazy reporters.    


He frowned with a trace of solemnity.    


Ten years ago, his parents suddenly disappeared after having a condition known as a terminal disorder of the Satomir's nervous system.    


Even Yu Jingzhe didn't know the reason for his disappearance.    


He understood the reason why Lee Chen wanted the live broadcast to be so hard. Only if he received a lot of attention from the public would it be safer for him. Those people wouldn't risk their lives to capture him at this time.    


After ten years, it was not because he was worried about his own life. Rather, he was afraid that he would still be able to see his parents again.    


Tears welled up in Yu Jingzhe's eyes as he muttered to himself:    


"Dad, mom, what is the truth?"    


Yu Jingzhe took a drag of his cigarette, then threw it on the floor and went back to his room.    


The next day, when Yu Jingzhe saw the name of Linhai First Hospital from afar, he was extremely shocked.    


"This, this..."    


The hospital, which had been deserted a dozen days ago, was now full to the brim. From the registration building to the outside of the hospital, there was a long line of huge dragons.    


Various ticket dealers were shuttling through the crowd, peddling their numbers. Not long after, they had made quite a lot.    


"It's been three days since I've seen so many people. Looks like I'll have to find a way to confess..."    


Yu Jingzhe finally managed to squeeze into the office building after losing a lot of energy. The moment he entered, he saw the smile on Principal Lee Chen's face.    


The wrinkles that seemed to have existed for a long time completely relaxed and he was no longer dispirited. It was as if he had aged back to his youth in a single day.    


"This stinking old man who only knows when to open his eyes …"    


Yu Jingzhe cursed silently and walked over. When Lee Chen saw him, he immediately went up and grabbed Yu Jingzhe's hand.    


"Yu Deputy Director, I represent all the personnel of my hospital, thank you!"    


"You are the savior of our hospital!"    


"Look, here's our schedule …" You have seven surgeries every week of the week, and you're in a specialist's office on Sundays... "    


"How is it, Jingzhe? Look, I've given you so much time to rest. I've treated you pretty well, haven't I?"    


Yu Jingzhe's head was covered in black lines. After a moment, he said sadly:    


"Then... I think it's better for me to resign! "    


Lee Chen immediately changed his expression.    


"Resign... Hey, when you first came to the hospital, you signed a contract stating that you would have to pay a penalty of one million yuan for leaving your job within three years! Don't you remember? "    




Yu Jingzhe took the contract and skimmed through it. When he saw the signature at the end, he realized it was indeed his.    


What kind of contract was this? This was simply a life and death contract!    


He suddenly recalled the admission application form that he signed when he came to Lee Chen's office.    


At that time, he had felt that there was a very thick piece of paper under the watch. Now that he thought about it, it was probably a copy paper.    


"Old Man Li, you set me up …"    


"Hehe, Jingzhe, didn't you say that the Yin is too foreign? It is just some necessary means." "Don't make such a fuss!"    


Yu Jingzhe lowered his head and seemed to be deep in thought for a moment. Then, he raised his head and revealed a brilliant smile.    


"Geezer, look at the date I signed it?"    


Lee Chen took the contract and found it was valid from March 8, 1970 to March 8, 1978.    


Lee Chen raised his head and cold sweat poured out from his forehead. Only now did he know that Yu Jingzhe, this evil bastard, had already discovered this point, yet he still pretended to be innocent?    



To be so scheming at such a young age, what in the world did you teach Chengloong?    


Lee Chen's expression changed several times. Finally, he raised his head and squeezed out a flattering smile.    


"Jingzhe, tell me, what is there to discuss between us?" As long as you remain in the hospital, the conditions can be discussed! "    


Yu Jingzhe came in front of the desk and started cleaning up.    


"How about... Six operations a day? "    


"Why don't we take a break of two days a week?"    


"Jingzhe... Just look at me. I'm your grandpa's friend to Chengloong, don't be so heartless … This way... If you have the conditions, go ahead! "    




Yu Jingzhe raised his head in satisfaction and said.    


"Nine to five days a day, two recess, two to three operations a day..."    


"More importantly... Annual salary … "Heh heh …"    


Yu Jingzhe extended five fingers.    


"Five hundred thousand …"    


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