The Ancient Sovereign



0Facing the incoming blades, Han Yan's reaction was extremely fast, he took a wrong step and retreated a few thousand meters away. The sharp blade was locked firmly on Han Yan's body. With a flash of light, it chased after Han Yan once again. This way, he would lose the best opportunity to kill Han Yan. Han Yan's eyes congealed, he suddenly raised his right hand, and grabbed at the air in the direction of the incoming sharp blade.    


In the next moment, the sharp blade was grasped tightly by the big hand made of spiritual energy.    


Terrifying auras were released from the blades, continuously attacking the huge hand of spiritual power. With each impact, the energy contained within the hand weakened. According to this speed, it would only take a few breaths to destroy the hand. However, such a long period of time, was enough for him to accomplish many things. Han Yan let out a cold snort, and an enormous amount of energy concentrated in his right hand suddenly pressed towards the sharp blade.    


The moment he pressed the button, due to the huge amount of energy being released, the surrounding space began to distort.    


The blade only lasted for half a breath, before it was pushed back by Han Yan's attack. Following that, a ray of light suddenly shot out, straight towards the storage bag in the distance. It was shockingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the storage bag. Just as the ray of light was about to enter the storage bag, there was a flash in the air. Han Yan suddenly appeared and grabbed the ray of light.    


This ray of light was a divine sense. From the aura it gave off, it was clear that the person's cultivation level was not low.    


After his divine sense was caught, he was startled. He didn't think that Wang Lin's speed would be this fast.    


Han Yan stared at the divine intent in his hand with an ice-cold and emotionless gaze. He said in a cold voice, "hunter, I know that you can hear what I say?"    


That soul consciousness was very smart, it did not take the form of a human, but in the form of a stream of light, it said to Han Yan, "Kid, you were able to instantly kill the four of them, I thought you were very powerful, but never expected that I had still underestimated you. There are only a handful of Spirit Transformation Stage Cultivator who could cultivate teleportation to such a level. "    


When he said till here, the other party's words caught hold of him, and his words revealed boundless killing intent, "You sure are courageous, to actually take the initiative to attack hunter. In tens of thousands of years, you are still the first." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Since you've killed our men, don't even think about leaving here alive." His voice was still echoing in the air when suddenly, a streak of light flashed and chose to self-detonate.    


At the same time that he self-destructed, an enormous amount of energy was released, wanting to heavily injure Han Yan.    


Han Yan was already prepared, with a cold snort, he suddenly exerted force in his right hand, and the shockwave was easily resolved. After that, Han Yan grabbed the storage bag and placed it into the cloth bag at his waist, while vigilantly looking at his surroundings. After saying this, the other party chose to self-destruct. There was only one possibility, and that was that his original body had already arrived.    


Sure enough, as Han Yan had guessed, after three breaths of time, the three hundred feet stream of light flashed and a middle-aged man appeared.    


The man wore a long, red robe. His clothes were still fluttering despite the lack of wind. Looking at him from afar, he seemed like a celestial being. However, this feeling was very different and contained a hint of evil. The long robe completely wrapped around his body, only revealing a pair of deep eyes and a pair of hands. From those eyes, one could see endless slaughter.    


Under the moonlight, this robe was especially eye-catching. Even from five kilometers away, it could still be seen clearly. However, the Sirius City was very far away and it was deep into the night, so no one noticed. Even if someone were to pay attention to this situation, as long as there was something wrong with their head, they would definitely not step in.    


Even though the middle-aged man was wearing a long robe, one could still tell from his body that he was somewhat thin, especially his exposed hands. He didn't emit a powerful aura, but his entire person looked like a mortal. However, if one looked carefully, it was as if his body had fused with the world. The sky was him, and he was the sky.    


Such a powerful cultivator, and his body was so thin, could only mean one thing. He cultivated the Devil Dao technique. Although the Devil Dao technique could quickly raise one's cultivation, it was abnormally evil. The more evil the technique, the faster one could cultivate it. It is said that some magic techniques forcefully raise one's cultivation by offering up lifespan and soul. As long as one has slightly better aptitude, they could reach the Deity Stage within a thousand years.    


However, the cost to practice this kind of spell was too high. As long as there were no problems with his brain or if his mind wasn't prejudiced, he wouldn't train in this kind of magic. However, there were too many grudges in this world, and many people were willing to take this step. Some people even felt that as long as they grew stronger, no matter how many sacrifices they made, they would be willing to accept it, even if it was just for a day.    


After the red robed man appeared, he looked at Han Yan coldly. The eyes he looked at Han Yan with, was as though he was looking at a dead man.    


After a long while, he finally opened his mouth and said, "Brat, I admit that your magic is very strong. But don't forget, the gap in cultivation is irreplaceable. " Saying that, he raised his hand and waved it in the air. The imposing aura he gave off grew at an alarming rate, and within the aura, there was a sense of Power of the Heavens and the Earth. At this moment, he gave others the feeling that he could control this world.    


"Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage." Han Yan's pupils shrank as he subconsciously took a step back.    


The middle-aged man's aura grew more and more powerful. When it had reached a certain point, he lowered his arm and said, "That's right, this old man is Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage." He paused for a bit and said, "Kid, if you destroy your memories and let me devour your Nascent Soul, I'll leave you an intact corpse. What do you think?"    


When Han Yan first saw him, he already knew that he was Devil Dao Cultivator. Now that he heard him speak, he could not help but sneer, "Although Devil Dao Cultivator is powerful, his cultivation is at the cost of offering his life and soul. No matter how strong he is, in the same realm he is not a match for orthodox cultivators."    


"Orthodoxy?" When the middle-aged man heard this, he became excited and burst out laughing, "How many people in this world are good people? Although your techniques are powerful, the spiritual energy in your body only has the power of nine days, while the spiritual energy of the Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage contains Power of the Heavens and the Earth, how can you fight against me? "    


"I can't beat you, but it's impossible for you to kill me." Han Yan said coldly, his eyes full of disdain. The reason why he said all these was very simple. Devil Dao Cultivator's way of thinking was extreme, and it was most likely for them to be enraged by his words. As long as it was an intelligent creature, their rage would affect their thinking. At this time, the spells that were being cast did not go through their brains.    


The middle-aged man's face darkened as the killing intent in his eyes became even stronger. "Kid, your cultivation level isn't high, but your tone is quite strong." I would like to see how capable you are. " As he said that, he formed a seal with his hands, and suddenly pressed in Han Yan's direction. Upon pressing down, the surrounding space seemed to tremble, the immense energy rapidly formed a gigantic formless energy field, charging straight towards Han Yan.    


This energy was simply too great, so great that Han Yan was unable to imagine it. Not only did it cause the surrounding space to distort, it also made it difficult to breathe. What surprised Han Yan the most was not these, but the fact that his body had lost the ability to move. Normally, he could use teleportation with just a thought, but at this moment, he was no longer willing to do so.    


Seeing Han Yan standing there in shock, the middle-aged man laughed and said: "Brat, I forgot to tell you, other than being able to use the technique that contains Power of the Heavens and the Earth, Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage can also use the spatial spell. If you are imprisoned by this old man's spatial spell, and you no longer have any plans to escape, then that will only let you die even faster. His eyes flashed and changed again, as if he had already seen the scene of Han Yan's death.    


When ordinary cultivators were faced with this attack, they had no chance of surviving. After all, the difference between them was too great. Even though a Nine Revolving Cultivator was powerful, he was not on the same level as a Deity Stage. The former seemed like an adult, while the latter was a giant. No matter how strong an adult was, he wouldn't be able to fight against a giant.    


Han Yan patted the storage bag at his waist, held it in his hand, and then quickly made a hand seal.    


The disdain in the middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and he snorted: "I just said, do not try to resist. Even if you cultivated the defensive spell to perfection, you still wouldn't be able to fight against me. "I've killed too many cultivators like you, and there are always a few who aren't willing to die. But this world is like this, the strong preys on the weak. Don't blame this old man, if you have to blame something like this, you're too weak …" The last sentence, he seemed to be saying it to Han Yan, yet also seemed to be talking to himself.    


Han Yan made hand seals faster and faster, and when the hand seals reached a certain point, they suddenly turned into a hand seal.    


Looking at this scene, the Xiao Hui could not hold back and said: "Boss, why are you not transforming into a shield and instead using your hand seals?"    


"Although the defensive power of the Jade Seal Transformation is very strong, this magic technique is too abnormal. I'm afraid that even if it turns into a shield, it won't be able to block it." It was not that Han Yan had never thought of turning the shield into a shield, but once he turned the shield into a shield, he would be unable to block his opponent's attack. As a result, Han Yan prepared to use his attack to fight. Even if the attack technique was destroyed, he could still turn it into a shield.    


In the blink of an eye, Han Yan had already finished using the Mountain Splitting Seal, but she did not stop as she continued to use the Broken River Seal.    


With Han Yan's current cultivation level, using the Mountain Splitting Seal would be difficult, but if he were to use the Seal of Broken Rivers, his body would definitely be under a huge burden, and his cultivation might even drop. But at this time, Han Yan could not care about that, he could only give it a try. Half a breath later, the Mountain Splitting Seal and the River Breaking Seal were activated.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed, he pointed to the huge incoming energy and bellowed: Go. Under Han Yan's control, the two handprints quickly flew out like lightning.    


The hand seals collided with the immense energy, and at that moment, the world suddenly quieted down. Following that, a resounding explosion rang out, causing the entire world to shake violently. A destructive energy instantly turned into an invisible shockwave, dispersing in all directions at an alarming speed.    


Anyone who was hit by this energy, regardless of whether they were trees or mountains, would turn into dust and be blown away by the wind.    


Han Yan's reaction was extremely fast, he immediately took out a few drops of spirit liquid from the Imperial Jade Seal and swallowed them, then he raised the Imperial Jade Seal to his waist and turned it into a shield. As the huge shield was placed in front of him, the Shockwave Night followed suit. The enormous energy unceasingly pushed Han Yan's body backwards. At the same time, cracks appeared on the shield, which were quickly expanding. At this rate, it would only take three breaths of time for the shield to crumble.    


As for the middle-aged man, the situation was even worse. He never thought that Han Yan's hand seals would be so powerful, to the extent that it could be compared to his own techniques. As such, he did not make any preparations when the two spells collided. When the huge shock wave appeared, it was already too late for him to cast the spell. He could only rely on his comprehension of the spatial spell to quickly drill into the void. Even so, the energy still caught up to him and heavily injured him.    


After the middle-aged man was seriously injured, he dispersed the remaining shockwave in anger. When he raised his head to look for Han Yan, he found that Han Yan had disappeared. He let out a cold snort, and his mind consciousness quickly spread out. Carefully sensing his surroundings, he soon discovered a heavily injured Han Yan in a mountain range.    


Sensing that Han Yan had already breathed in less and exhaled more, the middle-aged man laughed coldly, "You're courting death." As he said that, he moved in a flash towards Han Yan.    


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